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Same old Xabashi mentality

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This, in a nutshell, has always been the aggressive Xabashi policies, endlessly in dream-like pursuit and obsession, when it comes to Soomaaliya and Soomaali people. They always have had this hostile, emperialist policies toward to non-Xabashi lands, especially to Soomaalis.


This is what the then Xabashi prime minister, Tsehafe Tizaz Aklilu, said at the opening of Organization of African Unity in 1963:


"The Somali delegation apparently wishes to apply in all conference the well-known adage "If you throw enough mud, some of it will stick," but I had not expected him to apply it as this major conference, attending by great Heads of states from our continent.


Whence comes this accusation? I shall restrict myself to a few facts only, so that every one may know the truth (for) once for all. Ethiopia has always existed in history for centuries as an independent state and as a nation, for more than 3000 years. That is a fact.


Second fact: The historical frontiers of Ethiopia stretched from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean, including all the territory between them.


Third fact: There is no record in history either of a Somali State or a Somali Nation. That is too a fact. I apologize for stating it."


What agitated our Xabashi man, being on the verge of almost hysterical, was an opening remarks by Eebba ha u naxariistee, halyeey, Aabihii Dalka, Marxuum Aaden Cabdille Cismaan, whose partial open remarks at that crucial conference were:


"The present State of agitation and ferment in those areas will continue to fester, unless an equitable solution is found. If the wound is not healed, it will constitute a constant source of trouble in the region, and may affect adversely the friendly relations between the Somali Republic and her neighbors. Let there be no misunderstanding about our intentions. The Somali Government has no ambitions or claims for the territorial aggrandizement. At the same time the people of the Republic cannot be expected to remain indifferent to the appeal of its brethren.


The Somali Government, therefore, must press for self-determination for the inhabitants of the Somali areas adjacent to the Somali Republic. Self-determination is a cornerstone of the United Nation Charter, to which we all subscribe. If the Somalis in those areas are given the opportunity to express their will freely, the Government of the Republic pledges itself to accept the verdict."


He was lucky, for he faced Aaden Cadde, Eebba janadiis haka waraabiyee, a very diplomatic man and well-aware of where he was at -- for OAU being located in Adisababa -- and not one of hard-core Soomaaliweyn nationalists.


The Xabashi man was even on the verge of denying the very existence of Soomaalis, almost trying to wipe out their historically chronicled contribution in the Horn. Bold and bullshuud lies.


Ma Axmed Gurey Xabashi ayuu ahaa? Soomaali nation kulahaa. He and his current Xabashi ilk probably did not know the definition of a 'nation.'


I know, I know, in uu qof walba la socdo, and some worse had been said by Xeyle Salaase himself, laakiin just another reminder to those still Xabashi u adeego, their few qabyaalad-obsessed stooges and puppets who shamed and tainted the Soomaali name for generations to come.

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Rabi janadii ha ka waraabiyo Madaxwayne Adan Cade, True Somali Hero.


cond fact: The historical frontiers of Ethiopia stretched from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean, including all the territory between them.

Thanks MMA, it is a very good one! the wish of That xabash Prime Minister has indeed come true now!

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^^ Well, not really coz the old Ethio monarchs claimed the territories from Khartoum to Lake Nyanza(Victoria) as well.

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