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SOMALIA: Poverty pushes Bosasso Children On To Streets

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A long civil war, frequent droughts, unemployment and high food prices have led to an increase in the number of street children in Bosasso, the commercial capital of Somalia’s self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, with NGOs and government officials calling for urgent steps to resolve the problem.


“In the past, most of the children on the streets of Bosasso were from south-central Somalia,” said Muse Ghele, governor of Bari region. “Now we are noticing more and more locals both from urban and rural areas.”


Between 4,500 and 5,500 children are on Bosasso’s streets, according to the governor.


Abdulaziz Mohamed Hamud, child protection consultant with OxfamNovib, told IRIN: “You have to understand that numbers of street children are estimates and could be even higher… There are no exact figures but the numbers seem to be increasing daily.”



Young providers


The children, according to Abdihakim Farah Arush, chairman of the Bari Child Protection Network (BCPN), fall into two categories: those who work to help their families, mostly local and internally displaced (IDPs) who go home at night; as well as those who sleep on the street, mostly substance abusers.


The reasons for the children being on the street vary, he said. Many of those from south-central Somalia were separated from their families on their way north while others end up on the streets to help their families, or fend for themselves.


Shoe-shining and car-washing, serving as porters or washing sacks in the market are the jobs of most of the street boys in Bosasso.


Arush said while most street children were boys, more and more girls were joining them, cleaning business premises or people’s homes. Some children as young as two or three were put on the streets to beg by desperate families.


Hamud of OxfamNovib said most of the children suffered abuse and physical violence. “Many of them have the scars as proof. On the street at night they are easy prey with no one to protect them.”





Many have been infected with “all sort of diseases, such as TB, skin diseases; while many others suffer from malnutrition. Most don’t know what they suffer from,” Hamud added.


Abdullahi Said, 12, is on the street because he has to help his mother with his three younger siblings. He collects garabo (leftover khat) and sells it to those who cannot afford the good khat or he shines shoes. On average, he takes home 30,000 Somali shillings (about US$1) a day.


“What I make from garabo and shining shoes is what I take home to help my mother feed us,” he told IRIN. Said’s father died in 2009 so the responsibility of helping his mother care for the family fell on him.


“My mother used to go to the market and do any job she could find but now she cannot even do that. She just had the baby,” he said.


There are no agencies that help the street children directly, said Hamud.


Arush’s agency is part of a child protection network in Puntland. “Unfortunately we cannot provide material support but we advocate for them and when we get information that they are in trouble we try to intervene,” Arush said.


Hamud said a lot more was needed to help the children. “First, serious assessments need to be carried out to determine the extent of the problem,” he said. Many of the older children were turning to crime. “They not only pose a security, but also a social, risk. We need to address their needs as a matter of great urgency.”



Legal intervention needed

He said Puntland should have a separate juvenile justice system to deal with child offenders. “Now, children arrested by the police end up in the same cells as adults, where they are vulnerable to abuse.”


He said those involved in child protection were trying to lobby the legislature for a Juvenile Justice Law, aimed at guaranteeing children’s rights, so that children would no longer be kept in jail with adults or tried in adult courts.


“Agencies and local authorities should do everything possible to provide them with an alternative to the streets.”


Governor Ghele said the authorities had identified a site to build a home for the children but did not have the financial resources to build and operate it. “We need a lot of support if we are going to put them in safe homes,” he said.



Source: IRIN

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The Zack   

“What I make from garabo and shining shoes is what I take home to help my mother feed us,” he told IRIN. Said’s father died in 2009 so the responsibility of helping his mother care for the family fell on him.

Miskiin! May allah ease this hardship for these kids...

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Waxgaradka iyo Culimada Boosaaso oo Bilaabay Xareynta Carruurta Derbiyada Ku Nool (Sawiro & Warbixin)


Boosaaso, (RBC Radio) Qaar ka mid ah waxgaradka iyo culimada masjidka Al Huda ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa bilaabay in la xareeyo isla markaana la dhaqanceliyo carruurta yar yar ee ku nool derbiyada magaalada Boosaaso.


Guddi culimo ah oo kaashanaya gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Bari Xaaji Muuse Geelle Yuusuf ayaa hirgaliyey xarun cusub oo loogu talagalay xareynta carruurta yar yar, halkaasi oo ay ku jiraan 48 carruur ah oo laga soo ururiyey waddooyinka magaalada Boosaaso.


Xaruntan oo aan maanta booqasho ku tagnay ayaan kula kulanay culimada iyo waxgaradka isu xilqaamay hirgalinta xaruntan, waxaana laga dareemayay carruurta ku nool xaruntan nolol isbedel leh oo ay galeen wixii ka dambeeyey markii laga soo qabtay waddooyinka magaalada Boosaaso oo ay ku rafaadsanaayeen, iyadoo labo bilood oo kaliya laga joogo markii xaruntan cusub loo sameeyey carruurta ku dhibaateysan jidadka.


Maxamed Jaamac oo ka mid ah culimada masjidka Al Huda ee magaalada Boosaaso oo gacanta ku haya xaruntan ayaa suxufiyiintii booqatay xaruntan u sheegay inay ku dhiiradeen furitaanka xarun noocan ah oo daryeel iyo waxbarasho lagu siiyo carruurta derbi jiifka loo yaqaano ee magaalada wadooyinkeeda lagu arki jiray. Wuxuuna intaa uu ku daray inaysan jirin hay’ad ama cid si gaar ah u taageerta xarunta marka laga reebo shakhsiyaad muxsiniin ah oo kharashaad iska ururiyey dhexdooda.


Sida uu sheegay Maxamed Jaamac carruutan ku jirta xaruntan waxaa dhamaantood ay ahaayeen kuwii daroogada sida xashiishka iyo alkolada ku dhuuqi jiray wadooyinka magaalada Boosaaso, iyadoo dhibaatooyin isu geysan jiray dhexdooda mararka qaarna dembiyo geli jiray.


Waxaana haatan badi carruurtaasi lagu xareeyey xaruntan cusub oo ah guri ay kireeyeen culimada, si carruurtan Soomaaliyeed looga ilaaliyo dhaqamada xun ay sameyn jireen iyo dhibaatooyinka iyaga laftooda soo gaari jiray.


Carruurtan ma leh waalid masuul ka ah, waxayna si iskood ah ugu noolaayeen ugana xoogsan jireen wadooyinka iyagoo qaban jiray shaqooyin sida ururinta qaadka, tirtirada kabaha iyo arimo kale oo mararka qaar ay dhibaatooyin ka soo gaari jireen. Waxayna da’ ahaan isugu jiraan 3 jir illaa 16 jir, dhamaantoodna waa wiilal.


Qaar ka mid ah carruurta laftooda oo aanu wareysanay ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin noloshan cusub, iyagoo uga mahadceliyey culimada iyo waxgaradka isu taagay inay kafaalad qaadaan noloshooda. Waxayna noo sheegeen in jiif, cunto iyo waxbarashaba ay ku heystaan xaruntan la keenay.


Makhtuub oo ah wiil 15 jir ah oo noo waramay ayaa sheegay inuu hadda salaada tukada isla markaana Quraanka si wanaagsan u bartay, wuxuu Makhtuub ugu baaqay carruuta kale ee weli ku harsan waddooyinka inay ku soo daydaan oo ay xarunta yimaadaan, kana baxaan nolosha ciyaal suuqnimada ee ay ku jiraan.


Markii aan tagnay xaruntan carruurta lagu daryeelo, carruura qaarkeed waxay ku jireen qaadashada dersiga Quraanka oo markaasi uu macalinkooda la joogay, qaarkoodna waxay dhex ciyaarayeen barxada guriga ay degan yihiin. Macalinkooda oo aanu wareysanay ayaa noo sheegay in carruurta ay ka muuqato jacayl ay u qabaan Quraanka oo qaar ka mid ah ay hadda si wanaagsan u xafideen Quraanka.


Nabadoon C/casiis Afguduud oo ka mid ah nabadoonada gobolka, isla markaana maanta booqday xaruntan ayaa baaq u soo jeediyey ganacsatada reer Boosaaso inay wixii karaankooda ah ku taageeraan carruurtan oo hadda ay heysato jiif xumo, maadaama aysan heysan gogol wanaagsan oo ay ku seexdaan. Daryeel caafimaad ayaa ka mid ah baahiyaha kale ee ay qabaan carruurtan.


Baaq midkaasi la mid ah waxaa soo jeediyey gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Bari Xaaji Muuse Geelle Yuusuf oo kaalin ka qaatay aas aasida xaruntan carruurta lagu xareeyey. Wuxuuna Xaaji Muuse ka codsaday maamulka, culimada iyo ganacsatada inay wax ka geystaan taakuleynta carruuurtan oo uu sheegay inay iyaguna dhibaato qabeen bulshadana dhibaato ku hayeen.


Mid ka mid ah carruurta oo RBC Radio u waramay


Ma jirto tiro koob rasmi ah oo laga hayo carruurta ku nool waddooyinka magaalada Boosaaso, waxaase la qiyaasayaa inay boqollaal ka badan yihiin. Illaa haddana magaalada kama jirto hay’ad si gaar ah wax ugu qabata carruurta ku nool waddooyinka, waxayna noqoneysaa markii ugu horeysay oo culimada iyo waxgaradka Boosaaso ay wax u qabtaan carruurta dhibaateysan.




Sawirqaade: Maxamed Xasan


RBC Radio

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Bossaso Is trying to cope with the influx of people to the best of their ability but it doesn't help you fake news media just spreading lies about our region constantly.


Secondly it doesn't help when you have tfg government members who are opposed to any development in puntland but puntland is doing it's best with minimal assistance.


Lastly Charities are always done in puntland it's just that i don't necessarily post all of it.


PS: Puntland doesn't rape kids like some places we know and we as sure don't use them as child soldiers. I can't say the same case for other somalis though!!!

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Do not politicize this waaryeee ,,,,,, it is the IRIN that is reported this and it happens everywhere in the world ......



You're just bored ,, eh ?? :D

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who-me because i was responding to the IRIN article which tries to make us appear as if we don't do nothing for the people who have fled the war.


It is totally wrong. Puntland is doing it's best, it's limited but is trying. You know how many workshops, new settlements with tents, orphanage homes have been set up for them.


I am only posting it now because we are being accussed of being non-courteous to the ppl who fled the war.


You can see also the qardho appeal that was run recently to get help from puntland diaspora in sending money and helping these kids and what has already been done for them such as orphanage homes and education facilities just for themselves.


You can watch that here


Ps: I only am responding to charges made by the IRIN news, sure it has truth in it but they fail to mention what puntland has done and wants to do for these people!!!

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Cowke, relax...


This is a problem that afflicts all Somali municipalities due to crushing poverty. It's not regional or clan-based, it's everywhere.


Looking at the pictures, one is left with a feeling of deep sadness, whether it's pictures of kids from Bosasso, Xamar, Baydhowa, Hargeisa, etc.


Even in that miserable state of poverty, there's nothing more beautiful and as full of hope as the Somali child. Illaahey ha inoo sahlo!

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

My Allah I ask Thee quick recovery or else endurance on Thy trial

from this world towards Thy Mercy. God Bless Somalia.

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