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Press over Iran remarks

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Press over Iran remarks

The call by the Iranian president for Israel to be "wiped off the map" provokes outrage in the Israeli press, which says this invites comparisons with the Holocaust.


Elsewhere in the region dailies have been slow to comment, although one pan-Arab paper published in the UK worries that Iran has given Israel "the perfect excuse" to attack Iran. Commentary By Uri Urbach In Israeli Yediot Aharonot


Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that 'Israel must be wiped off the map'... What is worrying, other than the minor issue that one day we might all turn into dust because of a nervous Iranian missile, is that 60 years after the Holocaust a leader of a state again openly threatens to destroy the Jews.



Editorial in Israeli Haaretz


In an extremist speech, the likes of which few have been heard before from an elected head of state, the Iranian president called for 'wiping Israel off the map' and even urged the Palestinians to continue terrorist activity against Israel... The open call to destroy the state of Israel highlights the comparison with another leader who was elected by his people in 1933 [Adolf Hitler], whose agenda included an open call to destroy the Jewish people.






Commentary by David Horovitz in Jerusalem Post


The man was standing at a podium bearing a large poster blaring the title of the gathering, in English: 'The world without Zionism'. He was stating, calmly and confidently, that such a world was indeed entirely within reach... This week, in the boldest language imaginable, Ahmadinejad made plain that, where Israel is concerned, a nuclear Iran under his watch would be anything but benign.



Headlines in Palestinian al-Quds


In the wake of Ahmedinejad's statement: European-Israeli campaign against Iran. Tehran objects to indifference towards what is happening in Palestine.



Commentary by Mahir Uthman in UK-based al-Hayyat


Iran did not need new problems before the sweeping statement by President Ahmadinejad, who said Israel should be wiped off the map... By making this statement, Ahmadinejad has given a perfect excuse for Israel to strike Iran's nuclear programme and attack the country.

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