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Dhoobley: Al Shabab Defeated

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WAR DEG DEG AH: Dhabar jebin ku dhacday Maleeshiyo taageersan Al-shabaab Caawa Fiidkii

Posted to the Web Oct 06, 17:41


Dhoobley: (pp)- Dhabar jebin Xoogan ayaa Caawa 7-dii Fiidnimo la gaarsiiyey Maleeshiyo taageersan Al-shabaab kuwaas oo iyaga Naftooda doonayey inay dhabar jebin ku sameeyaan Ciidamo xoogan oo fadhiyey Janay Cabdalla.


Maleeshiyada Al-shabaab ayey tani ku noqotay Dhaawac culus, iyagoo markii ay ka warheleen in Ciidankoodii la jebiyey joojiyey Xabadii ay ka ridayeen Aagaga hore.


Maleeshoyooyinka Al-shabaab ayaa dhowr dagaal oo ay qaadeen lagu jebiyey ilaa 5 -tii beri ee la soo dhaafay, taas oo ugu wacan tahay iyaga oo aan aqoon fiican u lahayn deegaanka ay kula dagaalamayaan xoogaga ka soo horjeeda oo isgu jira Kaanbooniyiinta iyo Caanoole (Alfurqaan) oo labada ka wada tirsan Xisbul Islaam.


Warkaan oo Faaf-faahsan Beri subaxii kala soco



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Alshabaab waa in cashar lama ilaa waan ah loo dhigaa maadaamoo oo ay ku caasiyoobeeeen aabayaashii soo barbaarshey.

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Originally posted by Jafe101:

Alshabaab waa in cashar lama ilaa waan ah loo dhigaa maadaamoo oo ay ku caasiyoobeeeen aabayaashii soo barbaarshey.

in my assesment, alshabaabs will be willing to withdraw from other parts of the country including Mogadishu to hold onto Jubbooyinka. they have not been defeated yet ...the war has just begun awoowe

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

quote:Originally posted by Jafe101:

Alshabaab waa in cashar lama ilaa waan ah loo dhigaa maadaamoo oo ay ku caasiyoobeeeen aabayaashii soo barbaarshey.

in my assesment, alshabaabs will be willing to withdraw from other parts of the country including Mogadishu to hold onto Jubbooyinka. they have not been defeated yet ...the war has just begun awoowe
The war has begun eight days back, not now awoowe. And I don't think Alshabaab can stand a long battle in Jubooyinka. Their aim was to hit fast and diminish the power of HI in Jubooyinka. But it has costed more time & energy not to mention they have suffered heavy losses.


In Afgoye, Moqadisho & other parts of the country Alshabaabs are forced and they have started to fill the gabs that have been left by the Kaamboonis & other factions of HI. Alshabab are in hard place to win this war, even if it is politically.


Unless Alshabaab are willing to accept the heavy losses that they will meet from their former teachers I don't see the reason that they should keep fighting in jubooyinka anymore. Nimanku waa naf la caari adeer, iyaga dhexdooda ayaa hadda kala jabay. Abu mansuur niman uu ku jiro ayaa diiday qorshaha guruxan ee shaqsiyaad iyaga ka mid ahi wataan.


The news has it that Alshabaabs have left the Kismaayo city now since they couldn't deliver the success that they were expecting to bring within a week.


Incase if they are willing to continoue the battle in Jubooyinka then the whole thing has to take another dimention. You can guess what another dimention could mean....

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