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Sooomaaali Uniteeeeeey

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Lately, unity and such associated buzz words have flowed from the tongues of our illustrious pundits. "Somalis need unity and "they need it know is mantra"!


How to achieve this unity( for the general Somali masses) and what on?


Isn't it too late already ?


When were Somalis united?



please don't give one line answers! icon_razz.gif



This intended to be a serious discussion on the future of the Somali race( at least those that reside inside Somalia)!

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Look at the issue this way. Suppose the camelboy has Somali interest at heart or strike that and replace it Muslim interest at heart. Brace urself for we will drive the equation here a la math style aight.


So you care nothing else other than collective interest of the Muslim Somalis. To get there you have a monumental obstacle. You have warring clans the object of the dispute is the control of the state and by extension the resource the state controls. The interest groups are as divergent as they come.


You got ideologues such as the nationalists. You have traditionalists -- we are clan X and we lay claim this area and its resources type. You got anarchists -- the ones that don't know what they really want for themselves but have plenty of reasons to oppose other interest groups.


There are secessionists. Folks who found unity under the banner of disunity and see their interest in carving their own power base and that way ensure dominance over other interest groups wh go along with them. You have grieving folks in Puntland folks who lost a great deal in the collapse of the state and now want to hold on to their fiefdom as a bargaining tool if things go South.


There are cross section of the Somalis that found unity under the banner of Islam and want to force the rest of Somalis to follow suit. They don't see the necessity of getting masses educated or informed about the merits of their conviction. The assumption is Somalis are Muslims and hence Islam or rather political Islam is second to their nature.


You got Laba Garaadle group. Politcians who have no loyalty to anyone other than their personal interest. They are willing to use any tool and any third party in order to ennsure they stay in the game.


Now we listed all the variables in the eq. The challenge is to get unity. As you now in the math lingo that would be one. Not a trivial exercise huh! Wouldn't you agree?


Nevertheless let's give a go. To get 1 on the other side of the equation you camelboy have to sum up all the variables and assign a value to each so that the total will equal one.


Fractions! Right? The other challenge here is how you coordinate the assignment exercise so each variable is content the fraction it gets assigned.


Take it away buddy. Just gimme watertight equation. Like z + x + y....+n = 1.000



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If a community that wadaago hal af, hal isir, hal dhaqan, hal hiddo, hal diin, hal dhul isku wareegsan -- intaas haddee midnimo, wadajir, iskaashi, isku xirnaan, isbiirsi, isbaheysi keenin, what else gives?


All other options, also, macquul ma'aha as well. It just does not make sense, not logical dad intaas wada wadaago in ay kala go'aan, particularly in this new modern era oo adduunweynihii dadkii deganaa isku soo wada dhawaanooyo.


Maxaa isku haayo Hindiya oo wada wadaagin waxaa wadaagno? Maxaa isku haayo Shiinaha iyagana? Maxaa ku kalifay Reer Yurub inay iskaashadaan, and their ultimate goal being a complete unity? Maxaa awoodaas Mareykanka gaarsiiye, Eebbaa awood lahee? You'd think Mareykanka would be this powerful had their civil war resulted their country's bitter division?


Midnimo waxee kaa celisaa cadowgaaga -- it is a natural law. Hal qof ma sameyn karo ama awoodo in u sameeyo waxee laba qof sameeyaan. Kun quraanjo isku tagtay baranbaro dhimatay inay qaadaan wey awoodaan, and it is a maahmaah shisheeye. Waxaan midnimo lagu keenin, wax kale laguma keenaayo. That is a fact.

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

We will fight and die for our country.


We love our motherland.

The topic is about Somalia not Ethiopia you got mixed up .......... understandable ;)

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

The topic is about Somalia not Ethiopia you got mixed up .......... understandable

We could do without that if there is to be meaningful debate. We are already know Koora camp,your camp and "negotiate" camp stand. No need to insinuate or mock each other for our stance.

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

quote:Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

We will fight and die for our country.


We love our motherland.

The topic is about Somalia not Ethiopia you got mixed up .......... understandable
Even the Mod enjoys this trolling.

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Unity cannot be acheived untill division comes, it needs to be a full cycle for us to want Unity, and these the ones who want Unity are those who are are either in power at the momeent or hope to be in power. Look at the case of Puntland, a region has been created there that is practically seprete from the wider Somalia yet their supporters cry for Unity and we all know had Mr Yusuf not been the head of the TFG they would cry foul.


So basically maybe we do need seperation into smaller states for us to realise we need each other.


I would much rather a peacefull three/four states than the one big mess we have at the momement.

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Somali unity is not attainable, not at the present time. One must be willing to go forward to achieve it, I personally don't see this happening anytime soon. And it is obvious that the recent TFG history did not generate warm and fuzzy feelings, but a wild ride back to 1991.

Teeda kale, the people that control these puppets will do every single thing in their power to break up any such attempt. There is far too much to be lost for them should that be allowed to happen.


I'A, one day, one day, we'll all be holding hands in a circle. From JB to Duke to Geel_Jire to Oodweyne to Nephthys [ooops sorry waan wayso qabaa, skip :D ] to Bashi to Kashafa to Koora Tunshe, chanting, "Somalia ha noolaato!".


I'A bi kheyr.

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Somali unity can be achieved by changing the very basic way that has come to be the standard and accepted method of power sharing.


I am referring to the injustice of the 4.5 formula what gives anyone the right to call other somalis .5 they have just as much to lose and gain as the rest of us from somali unity.


do they have figures to back up that the 0.5's are indeed less in number because I am not aware of a census being held or is it just because the rest of Somali people feel superior to them.If we continue to power sharing based on clan (4.5) and assign a political position to a specific clan what hope is there for us ever to move beyond it.


Representation should be according to residence. This approach is very similar to clan based representation and in fact for smaller more rural areas it is exactly the same.


But it is one step ahead in the right direction for larger cities such as Mugadhisho, Hargeisa, Bosaaso, and Kismayo where all inhabitants vote for their representative with an equal voice for all.This is a step in the right direction because in large cities there is not a single Qabil that is so dominant (numbers not weapoons)that the voice of the others does not matter.


Hopefully with time people will start to vote for politicians who represent their interests i.e the interests of that city,state not clan because now you have more in common with and share the same fate politically as your neighbor as opposed to a cousin living on the other side of the country.


politicians will begin to appeal to the interest of the common man because no longer can he rest on his laurels assured of a seat by virtue of the clan he was born into. but will have to come up with real proposals and show the people that he represents them not just his cousins.


The current way things are setup politicians have absolutely no incentive to do their jobs as we all know it is highly unlikely they will be disowned or even rebuked no matter how how greedy and selfish.


changing the way we think about Qabil is a prerequisite for unity and unless every single person cringes and feels disgusted at hearing another group being labeled as a mere 0.5. The Qabyalad ways of thinking still prevails and unless that is overcome there is no hope for unity.

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Unity of Somalis sounds like a fairy tale nowdays,some argue if there was ever a time when Somalis were united,forgetting history tells us there was of a time.When there were concerned Somalis whom wanted and worked hard to bring about social,economical and political betterment.They promoted a spirit of nationalism,discouraging tribalism and sectarianism.They worked hard to make the Somali language not only a common language but the working language of the Nation.During that time they were considered to be progressive people's of the world by their peers..


Where are the concerned Somalis? not those whom call for more bloodshed in the name of whatever side they support,where are those for unity,stability and peace?[i know xiin your]

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