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Somaliland Oo ka Hadashay Gabadh La Sheegay in la Mustaafuriyay

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^^ A small tip. :D

Always talk about A&T, in the general direction of A&T or close to A&T. Never address him directly ninyaho. You get a different reply if you talk to him directly (a defensive one). :D

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Dear Ayoub,


Anigu wixii bulshada meesha ku dhaqan siday u badan tahay xaqiiq ka dhigato unbaa ii xaqiiq ah. Iyo wixii aqliga saliimka ah garanayo. Dolaal hebel baa dilay haday islaan tidhi why do you think I am wrong? Anigu xog badan oodan ogeyn ayaan ogahay when it comes to these issues. But you have the right to disagree with me. I may do lot of theatrics here, laakin inaan ka been sheego marxalad intaa la'eg way igu adag tahay. Ilaa haddana wax war ah oo igu soo noqday ma haysid.


On the music, dee anigu waan af-aqaane bal ninka aan wax uu leeyahay garaneyn ee haddana TV ka soo daynaya muxuu yahay? Still, there you have a valid point.


On the issue of gabadha la xidhay, you don't have to take the words of sworn enemies of Somaliland. Laakin, inaad somaliland warkeedana caddeyn ka dhigto ood nagu xujayso ma aha.


Run hadaad rabtidna somalida war badan iskuma seegane bal dhulkii la hadal cid kale waxba ha waydiine. Haddii ilmaadeeradaa ku odhan waayaan," Waaar ninyahoow anigu xagaa iyo Berberaan ku maqnaaye, Kayse oo Hargeisa joogaa lahaa inanta magaaladaa laga qabtay" wax ba ha i waydiin.


And most of all, dearest Ayoub, let us not politicise what is clearly a humanitarian and Human rights issue. The grieving four children of the lady desrerve sympathy not sarcasm and pitty-politicking. Hooyadaa iyo walaashaa oo dhib loo geystay uun ka soo qaad.

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xog badan oodan ogeyn ayaan ogahay when it comes to these issues. But you have the right to disagree with me. I may do lot of theatrics here, laakin inaan ka been sheego marxalad intaa la'eg way igu adag tahay

looool waa ilo lagu kasoon yahay oo ka gaabsaday inay magacooda sheegaan :D

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Nin baa laga haya “Gedonews waa saxiix”, A&Tnews ma lamid baa? War aad adigu hubsatay 100% mayahay? Yes? Markaas gaf weyn baa dhacay ee waa in xaal la bixiya.

I never doubted your credibility in the first place saxiib, but your sources’. I used Mrs Dolaal as an example to counter Ngonge’s next-of-kin-witness argument as sufficient.


The lady and her family do have sincere sympathy and my prayers. The clannish and anti-SL articles posted by Dajiye are the ones that politicised this incident. Go and re-read them with a cool head and tell me what you think.

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Halgan baa socda, ruux la dhiibay iyo boqol la dilay midna u istaagi maayo. Halganku heydaarto badan buu leeyahay oo waa kii dhoodaan maruu sharxayay lahaa


Oo kii haro biya ah moodiyow, waa harraad kulule

Oo kii hoyasho guri doonayow, waa cidlaw hadafe

Oo kii hadimo diidayow, waa naftaa huride

Kii xoola haabhaabanow, kama hodmaysaane

Kii hadaaf xarrago maagganow, haaruftaad bixine


Marka shacabka reer Ogadeeniyow, Insha'Allah, waa la doogiye, yaan la dacaroon.

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

The lady and her family do have sincere sympathy and my prayers. The clannish and anti-SL articles posted by Dajiye are the ones that politicised this incident. Go and re-read them with a cool head and tell me what you think.

^Hold on there, Ayoubtos! You had enough. You cannot quote me every time you make a post for no apparent reason. The press release and the news( including the VOA one) that have been posted were most balanced and reliable source. You got problem with the O name in the news. But it stands for a country and the whole population.


Personally if you got the news or the press clannish or anti qudhinland it would be more wise if you dismissed right away when it's been posted. Not after throwing away your marduf( or what ever that made you to get high). :D

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^ Some “state of minds” are chemically-induced, others are naturally dopey and slow. So slow they don’t know the contents of the messages they carry around. Kamathal ximaar yaxmil asfaar. smile.gif


Originally posted by Dajiye:

The press release and the news( including the VOA one) that have been posted were most balanced and reliable source. You got problem with the O name in the news.

Didn't VOA report that your Cabdi Ileys - who just happen to be the Ethios' secutiry chief - admit he captured the lady inside Kilil5 not Somaliland. Let me guess, you don't believe it. Something tells me you think it suits your interest to blame "shisheeye" hence the clannish tone in your posts. That why you say nothing about all the other ladies jailed in Jigjiga. That's counter productive but expected of the likes of you.

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Dear Ayoub,


First, horta the lady is taken from Hargeisa. 100% waa saxiix. Islaantu baryahanba xagaas ayey joogtay. Her son-in-law is a close friend.


Tan kale, the likes of Abdi Iley are there in every society. Of all the clan, Ethiopians failed to find some one who will be ready to tolerate the rape and arrest of their daughters wholeheartedly. That is why nearly 8 Presidents were removed. Finally, they got two social rejects - Dau'd with troubled childhood, and Iley (a mother-beater). The Palestinian who was killed by Mosad last month in Dubai must have been betrayed from within. Ismail was the gate-keeper of the North Western provinces when the SNM clan was being murdered. Even good Abdi Waraabe had for a short time led a pro-government militia which ambushed SNM around Rabasso. So, it is not unique to any one group. It is pretty much the case in struggles.


What makes the Somaliland intervention unique is because it is a different entity than the one ONLF fights. Why arrests in Somaliland are more painful than those in-house is because 1) it is expected that refugees are not to be subjected to rendition 2) it is expected shared Somalinimo will deter SL authorities from doing such acts 3) unlike the hench men like Abdi Iley, SL authorities have the choice to not turn in fleeing refugees who are non-combatant.


But, still I think there should be no remonstrations about this matter. It is a given that ONLF is seen as the enemy by Somaliland and hence ONLF should advise its supporters not to go to Somaliland. Unfortuntely, some will still go out of desperation and it is unlikely Bishaaro will be the last one to be rendered to Ethiopians.

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The problems are, time is against those grazing on the leaves. If one chooses to remain a dumbo for all this time, never having doubts or questions,then one loses the ability to think. :D


Didn't VOA report that your Cabdi Ileys - who just happen to be the Ethios' secutiry chief - admit he captured the lady inside Kilil5 not Somaliland.

Look you are reduced to quote an insane pay out who just happen to be on other side of the fence(ofcourse as a receiver of the victim.) What would be your reaction if the Ethiopian highlanders would recognize your Qudhinland? In this case also you would hand your daughters and sons over to them as an ONLF terrorist, after the drug takes its effect. It appears having you guys in Somali society means a lot of downsides and no upside. Check it by reading the enormous number of letters published in this subject( including those jailed in Jigjiga). However I am sure you have done so but being a stubborn you will not admit it.


[ February 19, 2010, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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^ Oh dear. And you accuse me of being high?


For your info, I do not condone the renditions, never did. If I’m not allowed to express my doubts on this incident or criticise your attempt to use this story only to bash SL; that’s fine too. What else? You want an apology; I’m prepared to give that too. Anything else? Don’t be shy now…

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Originally posted by Dajiye:

Look you are reduced to quote an insane pay out who just happen to be on other side of the fence(ofcourse as a receiver of the victim.) What would be your reaction if the Ethiopian highlanders would recognize your Qudhinland? In this case also you would hand your daughters and sons over to them as an ONLF terrorist, after the drug takes its effect. It appears having you guys in Somali society means a lot of downsides and no upside. Check it by reading the enormous number of letters published in this subject( including those jailed in Jigjiga). However I am sure you have done so but being a stubborn idoit you will not admit it.



Xaaji Xunjuf bad iska noqotay, saaxib. :D

Here you are telling Ayoub that this Abdi Ilyas person is a Xabashi stooge (and distancing yourself from him) yet you want in aaad khasab Ayoub iyo Riyaale mid ka dhigtid? You're turning this into a serious clan problem, saaxib.


Do you really think it is?

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