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Somaliland Exchange Pirates with Kidnapped Trucks Drivers

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Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta si rasmi ah isku dhaafsaday maxaabiis ay in muddo ah kala haysteen


Maxaabiista ay labada dhinac isweydaarsadeen waxa ay dhamaayeen dhinaca Somaliland Shan Dirawal iyo Gaadiidkii ay wateen iyo dhinaca Puntland oo ahaa 7 maxbuus


Maxaabiistan ayaa ay labad dhinac siyaabo kala duwan u qabteen gaar ahaan kuwa Somaliland dhinmaceeda ay haysay waxa ay ahaayeen kooxo loo haystay falal Budhcad badeednimo oo ay ka fulinayeen Badaha Somaliland, hase yeeshee maxaabiista ay Puntland dhinaceeda kaga haysatay Somaliland waxa ay ahaayeen dad shicib ah oo gaadiidkoodu rar u qaadeen dhinaca Puntland kuwaasoo loo qafaashay madax furasho ah in lagu bedesho nimanka Budhcad badeeda ah


Badhasaabka Gobolka Sool oo faahfaahin ka bixiyay sababta ay Maxaabiistaasi ugu bedesheen kuwo reer Somaliland ah ayaa sheegay inay Xukuumad ahaan u arkeen Maslaxada Dadkooda inay ku furtaan sidaasi daraadeed markii dhinaca Puntland shuruud ka dhigtay soo deyntooda ay ka fursan weyday in lagu bedesho

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Badhasaabka Gobolka Sool oo faahfaahin ka bixiyay sababta ay Maxaabiistaasi ugu bedesheen kuwo reer Somaliland ah ayaa sheegay inay Xukuumad ahaan u arkeen Maslaxada Dadkooda inay ku furtaan sidaasi daraadeed markii dhinaca Puntland shuruud ka dhigtay soo deyntooda ay ka fursan weyday in lagu bedesho

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

What if they start piracy activities again will we arrest them again

Lol, so the moral of the story is that the kidnappers won. Your secessionist enclave gave into their demands and gave them what they wanted. Any real government would never have negotiated with them if they were truly criminals.


Only NW Somalia can convict pirates within days without speaking to witnesses or giving them a chance to defend themselves.


You guys negotiate with people you claim are criminals and you are proud of that??

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Didn't even read the article, when I saw the title I couldn't even believe that this guy is actually admitting that his enclave negotiates with people they accused of being criminals.


Whether the article is true or not - I am shocked he would make his enclave look so bad. Those guys that supposedly kidnapped these truck drivers did it so they can get guys released right?? Which is exactly what the got!


And he posts it??? Wow

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JB don't think this article is good news, it is only saying that you negotiate with kidnappers.


Most countries have a policy of no negotiations with kidnappers, because now it will just encourage others to kidnap people because your regional government can give into their demands.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

Thankful instead of being happy you got your pirates back you are saying we should of kept your pirates at mandheera this is illogical even from you

Xaji, please....if they were really criminals you should have never released them, ESPECIALLY if you are being threatened by kidnappers!!!!


All I am saying is that for the kidnappers their mission was a success, your government gave in!

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Waa arin foolxun in SL ay u ogalaato dalabka afduubayasha waxay ahayd in qabiilka wax afduubay ragiisa SL jooga la afduubo sidaana la isagu badasho laba qof oo aan waxba galabsan. Imika se kuwii danbigalahaa ayaa badbaaday.

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