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The Zack

ONLF: Military Communique

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ONLF: Military Communique

Saturday, 14 November 2009 15:32


Armed forces of the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) launched abroad multiple front military operation against military positions of the Ethiopian occupation army liberating seven towns in ****** on Tuesday,10 November, 2009. The operation involved thousands of O.N.L.F troops and esulted in two days of heavy fighting. A significant number of Ethiopian troops have been killed and their military hardware captured or destroyed during this operation.


ONLF forces entered the towns of Obolka located near Harar, Hamaro located to the East of Fik, Higlaaley near Degah Bur, Yucub located 40km from

Wardheer, Galadiid located 35km from Kabri Dahar, Boodhaano near the city of Godey, Gunogabo located near Degah Bur.



Ethiopian occupation forces had deployed troops and positioned large amounts of military hardware in all of these towns due to their strategic military value. ONLF forces were warmly welcomed by the population in these areas and are administering medical care to those civilians killed y retreating Ethiopian occupation forces.


The ONLF will provide details of enemy casualties and further information on this large scale military operation as soon possible.


Ogden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

Military Command Center (MCC)

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^Eebow-Cadaw operation, was a major success


The ONLF gets stronger by the day, and the Halgan is heading to the right direction

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

quote:Operation Eebo-Cadaw

Magac wanaagsan.
Let's test your Somali maanta, MMA. What does Eebo mean? And keep in mind it aint Eebbo smile.gif

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The Zack   

Military Communiqué

16 November 2009


The Oga-den National Liberation Front's latest multi-ront offensive

which began on 10 November 2009 has resulted in a total of 626 regime

troops killed thus far. Among the killed are twelve field officers.

The ONLF has captured sensitive intelligence gathering material

including communications monitoring equipment. ONLF casualties were

minimal given that our forces had the element of surprise on all

fronts. A significant amount of military hardware has been captured or

destroyed including small arms, ammunition, and communications

equipment. Military grade maps have also been captured. A total of 4

large military transport vehicles have been destroyed.


ONLF field commanders are encouraging scattered regime troops still in

the vicinity to surrender. They will be treated humanely and those

wishing to be transferred to our allies the Oromo Liberation Front

(OLF) will receive safe passage to OLF units. A significant number of

civilians are now receiving medical care from ONLF units. Our forces

have also freed Somali civilians which were detained in several of the

regimes barracks taken by our forces during this operation. Many of

those civilians show signs of torture.


The bodies of the regimes troops are still scattered on the

battlefield in places such as Obolka where they present a health

hazard to the local Somali community. Military operations are still



Ogden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

Military Command Centre (MCC)

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