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Amaal Sheekh Max’ed oo ku tilmaamtay maamulka Somaliland kuwo aan islaam aheyn.

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Amaal Sheekh Max’ed Ismaciil oo ku tilmaamtay maamulka Somaliland kuwo aan islaam aheyn.


Mogadishu - 04-October Gabar uu dhalay Sheekh max’ed Ismaciil ayaa waxa ku tilmaamtay maamulka Somaliland in aanu aheyn islaam isla markaana iyagoo istus tusinaya maamulka Busha iyo Males Zenawi ay kula dhaqmeen aabaheed Sheekh Max’ed wax ka baxsan bani’aadnimada.


Sheekh max'ed oo lugaha ka xiran

Amaal Sheekh Max’ed Ismaciil oo ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa markii ugu horeysay saxaafadda la hadashay ka dib markii dhowaan website yada Somalida ay soo bandhigeen cajalad vedeo ah oo muujineysa tacadiyo iyo jirdil ciidamada Somaliland ay u geysanayaan Sheekh max’ed Ismaciil, iyadoo sheegtay in taasi ay tahay mid lagula xisaabtami doono Maamulka Somaliland.


Waxa ay sheegtay in wax laga xumaado ay tahay in iyadoo waji looga raadsanayo dad cadow ku ah islaamka in hadana jirdil iyo tacadiyo lagula kaco culuma udiinka.


Amaal Sheekh Max’ed ayaa iyadoo ilimeyneysa waxa ay tiri “ waxaan u maleynayay maamulka Somaliland in ay yihiin islaam, balse waxaan ogaaday in ay yihiin kuwo gaalo ah waa sida ay hadalka u dhigtaye.


Sheekh Max’ed Ismaciil ayaa maamulka Somaliland waxa ay ku eedeeyeen arimo siyaasadeed. Balse sida ku cad cajalada Vedeo ga ah waa nin lagu heeysto caqiidadiisa iyo islaanimadiisa iyo sida uu uga soo horjeedo reer galbeedka iyo waxii xulufo la ah.




Xafiiska wararka Allceeldheer Mogadishu



Amaal Sheekh Max’ed Oo Ku Tilmaamtay Somaliland Kuwo Diinta Islaamka Kabaxay


(Hargeisa }.4-06Gabadh uu dhalay Sheekh max’ed Ismaciil ayaa waxa ku tilmaamtay maamulka Somaliland in aanu aheyn islaam isla markaana iyagoo istus tusinaya maamulka Bush iyo Males Zenawi ay kula dhaqmeen aabaheed Sheekh Max’ed wax ka baxsan bani’aadnimada.....................................


Sheekh max'ed oo lugaha ka xiran Amaal Sheekh Max’ed Ismaciil oo ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa markii ugu horeysay saxaafadda la hadashay ka dib markii dhowaan website yada Somalida ay soo bandhigeen cajalad vedeo ah oo muujineysa tacadiyo iyo jirdil ciidamada Somaliland ay u geysanayaan Sheekh max’ed Ismaciil, iyadoo sheegtay in taasi ay tahay mid lagula xisaabtami doono Maamulka Somaliland.


Waxa ay sheegtay in wax laga xumaado ay tahay in iyadoo waji looga raadsanayo dad cadow ku ah islaamka in hadana jirdil iyo tacadiyo lagula kaco culuma udiinka.


Amaal Sheekh Max’ed ayaa iyadoo ilimeyneysa waxa ay tiri “ waxaan u maleynayay maamulka Somaliland in ay yihiin islaam, balse waxaan ogaaday in ay yihiin kuwo gaalo ah waa sida ay hadalka u dhigtaye.


Sheekh Max’ed Ismaciil ayaa maamulka Somaliland waxa ay ku eedeeyeen arimo siyaa****ed. Balse sida ku cad cajalada Vedeo ga ah waa nin lagu heeysto caqiidadiisa iyo islaanimadiisa iyo sida uu uga soo horjeedo reer galbeedka iyo waxii xulufo la ah


Widhwidh Media Center

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Assalamu Calaykum,


As a Muslim individual, I can seem to justify her frustrations and she should be, however to make such remarks negatively underlining the whole region is UnIslamic itself.


Once again, the sister has every bit to be upset,but there has to be some sort of limitations as to what not to say regarding whether Somaliland is a Muslim region or not.But whether Somaliland is a Muslim region or otherwise is something not to be determine by human being, rather it's up to Allah to examine it.


Assalamu calaykum and Ramadan Kariim.

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Ka daroow dibi dhil...what are you talking man.

What Nabi?


Mr.Redsea.....If I read the article right, I think the girl was only referring to the SLand administration, but not the region and it's people. Still , she should be measured in her critism even though her frustration is understandable.

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^^True, however, the title of the thread indicates "Amal oo ku tilmaamtay Somaliland, kuwa diinta kabaxay". It didn't say maamulka, so either the topic starter is wrong or she has said it, it appears she said maamulka,and that leaves the blame in the hands of the topic starter or the website from which this was hosted of misquoting Ms.Amal.

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Originally posted by Sharif_seylaci:

a verry bad danbii calling the family of the prophet gaalo


but what does she know primitieve somalis

This must be the qoute of the day! :D

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The Seperatist Lackeydom is trolling after cash money and recognition, and in the process, is willing to sell it's dignity(Islam) and it's most valued possesion(their scholars) down the river in a hearbeat. No suprise there, trademark of a secular regime with no scruples.


Well, they'll soon find out whussup when the Courts come calling. Wrong move, SL, wrong move.


Allahuma anqith asral Muslimeen.

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Red Sea

you are right, Ms Amal was talking about the Riyaal and his adminstration not the somali people of Northwest.


Now corrected the title


I blame somali websites for misquoting


Raali haa liga ahaado

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