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Siilaanyo oo Si weyn Loogu Soo Dhaweeyey Borama +Sawiro

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Borama(Bnn) Maanta ayay ahayd maalintii ololaha ee xisbiga KULMIYE u lahaa, waxaana la filayay maanta inuu kala qayb qaato ololoha doorashada taageerayaashiisa ku nool degmadan Borama,waxaana soo dhawayntiisa ka qayb galaym kumaan kun oo taageerayaashisa iyo mas'uuliyiinta xisbiga Kulmiye ee heer gobol iyo heer degmo.


isku soo baxan loogu muujinayay taageerada Musharaxa madaxwaynaha ee xisbiga kulmiye ayaa waxaa sidoo kale ka qayb qaadanayay ciidanka qaranka iyo kan booliskaba waxaana aad ku arkaysay meel walba iyaga oo taagan iyaga oo u ilaalinayay sidii madaxwayne oo kale,hadaba markii uu magaalada soo dhexmaray ka dib ayaa waxa uu soo gaadhay goor danbe khayriyada wayn ee magaalada Borama halkaas oo ay ugu diyaar ahaayeen kumaan kun oo taageerayaasha xisbiga kulmiye oo iskugu jiray rag iyo dumar, caruur iyo ciroolaba.


hadaba khudbado dhaadheer ka dib waxaa halkaa ka hadlay musharaxa madaxwaynaha xisbiga kulmiye siilaanyo waxa uuna u mahad naqay taageerayaashiisa reer borama sida wanaagsan ee ay usoo dhaweeyeen waxa uuna sheegay in isku soo baxanoo kale loogu soo baxo maalinta codbixinta ee 26 june loona baahan yahay in la siiyo xisbiga isbadel doonka ee kulmiye Codka.


ugu danbayn waxaa halkaa lagu soo gabagabeeyay ololihii iyo soo dhawayntii waxa uuna siilaanyo loo kaxeeyay guri loogu talagalay waftiga uu hogaaminayay siilaanyo.














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Boorama folks waa reer magaal. The rest of Somaliland need watch and learn (especially the ones scared of "sanaaduug!"). smile.gif

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^ Give Laaska folks credit. They only enjoyed comprehensive peace in their city for the last few years but still they are coming out, albet small numbers now, to show their support and express their political views peacefully and orderly.


Give them a few more years and they will be on bar with the rest of the Somaliland communities.

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Give Laaska folks credit. They only enjoyed comprehensive peace in their city for the last few years but still they are coming out, albet small numbers now, to show their support and express their political views peacefully and orderly.

Few numbers? ill interpret as what? 100 peoples a day/month/year?

The region has a population of 250,000, theyve been silent on the occupation because like you said they are experiencing peace and also because Mogadishu is in Flames.

But once the Republic (god knows when) is restored the occupation power will be made to flee.

The concept of a Somaliland whose populace collectively support does not exist. This is why your borders are bullcrap and your nation is fake.

The Somaliland project will always face ressistance, the borders will never be completed so long as people dont want to be part of it.

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