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Faisal Cali Warrabe to hold a meeting for Mogadishu clans.. wonders never stop

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^Waraabe is the Mohamed Dheere of Somaliland......wasn't he who said "The boy who was born in Ethiopia is more dear to him than the one born in Southern Somalia(Something in that line)"?


So now all over sudden he is the knight in shining amour. Cajiib.

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Originally posted by Halgan:

[QB] Haddana ma soomaliland baad u soo noqotay? You will never see someone giving his/her location as "somaliland" and condoning the actions of a puppet regime. In fact, most of the support for somaliweyn on this website is from people who claim to be
from somaliland.


Sxb i am also aware the SNM supported the USC against the Barre regime not for nationalist, or brotherhood reasons, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Marka not many are fooled by the sudden seccisionist support against the TFG....ppl werent born yesterday sxb. That said i dont question the sincerity of all (c the wadaads) but forgive us for not falling for the "nationalism" "brotherhood" of seccicionists and Warrabe.....they are only looking out for their political interests-a stable somali state is not in their interest.

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We should be all respectful to each other ,,,, no more bloodshed and more human loss ,,,, let's talk and debate

Thats the future, I welcome Mr Jacaylbaro statement above.

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^loool.Desperate ********.


*********** Duke,come closer for second,I have something to tell you.What if he did? what so bad about that,huh,can you tell me what so bad about it to even unite any somali tribes even if it is to take arms against others.However,that is in no way in heaven even close to what the puppet regime which you cheer for did.


Once again,keep spining around,you are as confused as always and far off from reality.


Khalaf,the kid,how is that comparable of what the budhcad TFG is all about? not only are they not working for their interests,but rather the interests of foreign countries.Remember,the USC were somalis,the SNM were,the Xabashis and now the U.S are not,AND ARE YOUR WORST ENEMY WHICH ARE USING THE TFG AS A TOOL .Get it.


[ January 10, 2007, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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