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General Duke

Faisal Cali Warrabe to hold a meeting for Mogadishu clans.. wonders never stop

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It must have been all about religion, thus the famous wadaad Faisal ALi Warrbe, met Sheikh Musa Sudi in Hargaysa and as is reported by the insurgent portal waagacusub, there is a conference planned to bring the people of Mogadishu together against the many threats they face. :D



Somaliland oo sheegtay inay gogol dib u heshiisiineed u fidineeyso ay Aayahoodda uga tashadaan,ugana hortagaan qataraha ku wajahan.


Somaliland ,Axad ,January, 07, 2007 Waaga Cusub



Gudoomiyaha Xisbigga Mucaaradkaa ee UCID inj faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa beelweynta ****** ugu baaqay inay ka shaqeeyaan danahoodda gaarkaa,ayna iska hilmaamaan isnacaybka cadawga maleegay ee dhexdooda ka jira.


“ Walaalaheehana....... waxaanu gogol dib u heshiisiineed u dhigeeynaa Hargeysa ,waxaana ugu baaqeeynaa inay noo yimaadaan oo ay ka tashadaan Aayahoodda ,sidoo kalana ka arrinsadaan sidii ay wadajir uga hortagi lahaayeen qataraha baaxadda leh ee ku wajahan”sidaa waxaa yiri Faysal Cali Waraabe oo wareeysi gaara siiyay ;)



Faysal Cali Waraabe wuxuu ku nuuxnuuxsaday in reer Somaliland aad uga walwalsan yahiin in la gumaado beelaha...... marka hubka laga dhigo,wuxuuse dhinaca kala xusay inay si wayn u soo dhaweeyeen Muusse Suudi Yalaxow una dhiibeen fariimo wax ku ool ah oo ku socdo dhamaan waxgaradka............



“ Waxaanu la soconaa in....... Xamar lagu kala iibinayo oo ay kala jaban yahiin,lana doonayo in beelba mar laga taqaluso,sidaas daraadeed waxaa loo baahan yahay inuu caqligu shaqeeyo,aqoonyahanadda....... istaagaan,dhamaan garabadda cuqdada kala dhextaalna is cafiyaan” ayuu yiri Injineer Cali Waraabe oo hadaladiisa xamaasad wayn laga dareemayay.



Si kastaba ha ahaatee hadalka Faysal ayaa ku beegan xilli kun askari oo reer Puntland ah ku sugan yahiin Muqdisho si ay hubka kaga qaadaan Ciidamadda reer Muqdisho.

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The jest of the story is Faisal Cali Warrabe is worried about his new found brothers in Mogadishu, and because of the new love he has developed for these kinfolk, he would like them to come together in Hargaysa of all places in order to overcome the threats facing them.


He has information, which is presumably only available to extreme wing of the secessionists looney party, that they are in danger.


“ Walaalaheehana....... waxaanu gogol dib u heshiisiineed u dhigeeynaa Hargeysa ,waxaana ugu baaqeeynaa inay noo yimaadaan oo ay ka tashadaan Aayahoodda ,sidoo kalana ka arrinsadaan sidii ay wadajir uga hortagi lahaayeen qataraha baaxadda leh ee ku wajahan The new Faisal Warrabe 2007.

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Haddana ma soomaliland baad u soo noqotay? You will never see someone giving his/her location as "somaliland" and condoning the actions of a puppet regime. In fact, most of the support for somaliweyn on this website is from people who claim to be from somaliland.


On the other hand a shrewed contriver on this website is bound to read that the most vocal supporters (and the so called neutrals) of the TFG have Puntland as location.

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^^^Somaliland you say, I never take my brothers in the North West as a threat, they have aright to rule thier towns and districts, but as we all know the British Somaliland day drea, is over.

As for Warrabe, his ignorance is bliss, and a blessing for us, imaginge Sudi Yalaxow and Faisal Warrabe in the same team, a case of dumb and dumber.

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If you want to create a division in the ranks of those who oppose the puppet government, then you have failed.

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I don't think this is the case. Faisa has been taking some strange actions lately and ppl didn't like them at all.


anyhow, he doesn't rule the government in Somaliland thus he cannot hold any conference in Hargeisa or even in his own tuulo.


I wonder what was the meeting about ??? ,,,,, i don't trust as a source of info but still wondering if the guy is Ok.

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Halgan, no way do I want to divide these groups or oppose them in any way, what I want is for Somaliland admin to take more steps and get sucked into the great game taking place. Hold a meeting in Hargaysa and we will hold one in Mogadishu, Baidoa and Bossaso to bring greater undertsanding between the kin folks of Somalia


Faisal is hitting all the right notes, to build a bridge between the people as a whole. I wonder why it took him so long?

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Jacaylbaro, You have to understand the gist of this topic. Our friend Duke has been cornered. To many his support for the TFG is based on bigotary. He has explored all sources of divisions; searches websites for information that may result in a debate that might the TFG off the hook.


And he has failed miserably.

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^^wow, I like the damage limitation excercise, its great news for Somalia that Somaliland and its leaders like Faisal dumber than a cow warrabe is getting into the game.


As for me, the TFG is the main power of Somalia, thus what the opposition says means nothing, blame your loss on ignorance, or "Tigray" or anyone, it matters not I have no one to blame for success knows no anger..

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Atleast we will have one way or another one administration and/or government in the south which we can talk to and discuss about the somaliland's issue.


It was not good to have 100 warlords, 400 administrations and so many confrontations in the very small place.


Unless the TFG wants to take the same path of the ICU by threatening to invade somaliland the dialogue for talks is open under the supervision of the international community.

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^^^The TFG will never lift a finger on SL, so long as there is no agression from that entity. I have deep respect for SL, but Mr Warrabe is bringing you guys into this even before the TFG or SL admin have even found it necessary to do anything.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^The TFG will never lift a finger on SL, so long as there is no agression from that entity. I have deep respect for SL

Did I hear you say you have "deep" respect for Somaliland? How deep?



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^^^lol. Ah the clanist castro, SL, I would never want anything bad on them, unlike some people I dont hate nor get envious of what some of my Somali kinfolk or their acheivements.

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