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Eritrea suspends its membership in IGAD

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Eritrea exits African bloc over Somalia dispute


ASMARA, April 22 (Reuters) - Eritrea said on Sunday it had suspended its membership in an east African regional body after a rift with arch-foe Ethiopia at a meeting on Somalia this month threatened to divide the region.


The withdrawal from the seven-member Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is the latest sign of deteriorating relations between Asmara and regional countries over Somalia where hundreds died in fighting this week.


"The Government of Eritrea was compelled to take the move due to the fact that a number of repeated and irresponsible resolutions that undermine regional peace and security have been adopted in the guise of IGAD," said a statement on the government Web site,


A meeting of IGAD foreign ministers two weeks ago in Kenya became a forum for the festering feud between Ethiopia and Eritrea, still bitter over their 1998-2000 border war and locked in what many see as a proxy war in Somalia.


Somalia and ally Ethiopia accuse Eritrea of undermining the interim government by giving aid to insurgents involved in some of the worst fighting in Mogadishu in 15 years.


Eritrea blames the United States and Ethiopia for "irresponsible" interference in Somali affairs after Addis Ababa and Somali government troops ousted Islamists in a war over the New year.


Kenya, Uganda, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea are the countries who make up the east African bloc.


The announcement came from the Eritrean foreign ministry, which was given a new chief last week after its former head died of a heart attack in 2005, according to the Web site.

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That was so quick ,,,,,,,,, was listening to the news right now and BOOOOOOOM you posted it ! ! !



Yeah ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they no longer be IGAD member ,,,,,,, but i think they need to think twice coz they are giving the floor to Ethiopia and Kenya ,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Mogadishu 22, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowladda Eritrea ayaa waxa ay shaacisay in ay isaga baxcday urur goboleedka IGAD ka dib markii khilaaf xoogan oo ku saabsan arimaha Somalia uu soo kala dhex galay iyada iyo dowladda ay sida aadka ah isaga soo horjeedaan ee Ethiopia, xilli ay dagaalo culus ay ka soconayaan maalintii 4aad caasimadda Somalia.


Ka bixidda ay ku dhawaaqday Eritrea in ay isaga baxday ururka IGAD ayaa waxa ay tilmaam cusub u tahay xumaanshaha uu sii xumaaday xiriirka ka dhaxeeya Asmara iyo dowladaha ku jira IGAD, kaasoo ay sabab u tahay arimaha dalka Somalia.


Xukuumadda Eritrea ayaa waxa ay ku qasabanaatay in tlaabadaan ay qaadato, iyadoo ay sabab u tahay xaqiiqada jirta in go'aamo tiro gaaraya oo soo noqnoqda oo Kheyru mas'uulnimo ah oo wiiqaya nabadda iyo amaanka gobolka ayaa ururka IGAD uu qabatimay sida lagu sheegay bayaan dowladda Eritrea ay ku soo daabacday Website keeda.


Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia iyo dowladda ay xulufada ay yihiin ee Ethiopia ayaa ku eedeeya Eritrea in ay wiiqeyso dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, iyadoo kaalmooyin u fidineysa kooxaha wax iska caabinta ee ku lugta leh dagaalkii ugu xumaa ee ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho muddo 15 sano ah.


Eritrea ayaa waxa ay ku eedeysay dowladaha Mareykanka iyo Ethiopia si aan mas'uuliyad ku saleysneyn in ay faraha la soo galeen arimaha Somalia, ka dib markii ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowladda ay meesha ka saareen Maxkamadihii islaamka.


Urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa ka kooban dowladaha kala ah Kenya, Uganda, Jabuuti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia iyo Eritrea.

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I have nothing but a huge respect for Eritrea for coming to our rescue at the time of great need. Horn of Africa is about to blow up once the envenomed frontier dispute resumes to its heightened level and Darfur crisis keep on lacking a viable resolution.

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Leaving IGAD doesn't heal the problem ,,, it is just giving more chances to Ethiopia as i said earlier. Yes they show their sympathy to somalis but leaving IGAD doesn't mean they are rescuing them.

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I believe that Eritrea is more honest about the somali conflict. We share many things with eritreans than we share with amharo. The biggest of them all is our hatred towards Ethiopian. I myself feel like the eritreans are more closer than amharos in every way you look at. We have lots of similarities.


Back to the topic, it is time to scrap this corrupt & incompetent organization. I Hope Djabuti & Sudan would follow the Aritrea footstep and leave this going-no-where dodgy club of three hungry wolves (Kenya, Uganda & Itobia) with their little fat sheep (Somalia) stay behind for the moment.

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Allamagan, there are rumours that Eritrea is in the thick of conspiracy of aiding the Northwestern seperatist entity against North eastern regions Sool and Sanaag in an apperent adventure to weaken the TFG and "Spread the Mogadishu Insurgency to the Hitherto Peaceful North".

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I believe this shows how Eriteria don't have any influence in the organization ,,,, it looks like a desperate decision to me coz they would looby for more if they can do so.


Another option is that Eriteria wants to do something and it is suspending its IGAD's membership so that it can paypass the IGAD laws.



I don't believe we have more ties with them more than Ethiopis ,,,, onething for sure is the hatred towards Ethiopia and that is a transitional political period.

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Jacalybaro, IGad issued its organizational directive to the government of Ethiopia not to invade Somalia and be excluded from the AU troops. IGAd has never addressed the violations of its resolve by Ethiopia.

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Wikipedia (probably updated today, lol) on IGAD:


Cooperation is practically stopped in the current time, because of various reasons:


* Kenya and Uganda have concentrated on the East African Community project.

* Somalia has had no functioning central government in the last 15 years. IGAD led talks that produced Somalia's interim government in 2004. It urged the African Union in first week of September 2006 to accelerate approval of the proposed peacekeeping mission, release funds and help raise more money to support the deployment of troops.Somali Islamists to ask AU to end peace force plan

* Sudan has internal problems between the central government of the North and the regions in the South and the West of the country.

* Ethiopia and Eritrea are at odds over multiple sections of their common border.

* some sections of the borders of Ethiopia with Sudan and Somalia are also not demarcated or disputed.

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