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When keeping it real goes wrong...[fortunes of Yusuf Yey opponents]

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This thread is dedicated to the various opposition groups both at home and abroad who saw themselves as the enemies of the state and who at every turn opposed it at every turn. They used both violence and mindless propaganda to destroy any chance or hope for success. Now this thread will categories them and bare with me, it wont be fun. Along the way we shall see their fortunes and that of the people they claimed to have represented.


It was multifaceted war, fought by many actors.


The clan was sued to defend special interest.

The faith was used to send children to their deaths.

Nationalism was mixed with toxic false religious fervor, Jihad declared on Ethiopia and then an brutal urban war in order to uproot the people who were peacefully at home when the troops entered Mogadishu.


You had Ahmed Diiriye crying out loud over the media outlets, at the same time you had Fatwas by established clerics and not so main stream, with sermons every Friday, you would think the trumpet has sounded for the Apocalypse. It was an amazing, dreadful and historic moment and one we must all learn about.


Simply it was this is the case of when Keeping it real goes wrong in Somali politics



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Ahmed_Diiriye.jpgAhmed Diiriye the face that nurtured Al Shabaab[/i]


The Mogadishu Groupings


The ICU and their allies were defeated outside of the city of Baidoa, government forces and their allies entered Mogadishu without shooting a single bullet. The city was still awash with weapons, Sharif Ahmed, Xasan Dahir and others leaders who for their safety were running all the way to Kismayu, made sure that arms stores were opened up and that they would start an urban warfare to destabilize the government. At this time no one was fleeing their homes and the city was quite.


Then the Urban war was triggered by various interest groups, led by the exiled ICE leaders in the comfort of Asmara, and supported by the business groups and media outlets. This included the Radio Stations, Horn Afrik, Shabelle, Capital Voice, the Yusuf Garad Radio [bBC] and various websites including The group also had a new clan Majlis led by Ahmed Diiriye.

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The method:


Against Yusuf every weapon was deployed both traditional and new. The clan, the funds from looted properties, the gullible Diaspora all were utilized to fight this man and his government. However the new weapons were deadly and never tested in Somali soil. They were weapons of mass deceptition masked as faith and a promise to heaven. Yusuf was the first Somali that this weapon was deployed against . The Somali’s were introduced to the suicide bomber. The ticking human time bomb, and it was used to a devastating effect in Baidoa 2006.

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madaxladilay1.jpgAll these lost souls used their media to support AL Shabaab [iCU] against the TFG & all were Killed by Al Shabaab[/i]


Dhamaan Raggan waxay isugu jiraan Suxufiyiin iyo Mas'uuliyiin,waxaana dilay Shabaab


Wariye Nuuradiin Macalin Mukhtaar ayaa dib u eeg qorshaha dumiska ee Shabaab ku burburinayaan Saxaafadda xorta ah ee Soomaaliya,Maqaalkan wuxuu ka hadlayaa dhinacyo badan


Istiraatiijiyadda Shabaab ee ku wajahan burburinta warbaahinta xorta ah ee soomaaliya ka hana qaaday 1991 dii markii ay burburtay Xukuumaddii Militariga ahayd ee dalka maamulaysay 21 sano waa mid muddo soo jiitamaysay, ayadoo loo marayo waddo kasta oo lagu gaari karo oo ay ku jirto in la khaarijiyo shaqsiyaadka loo arko in ay caqabad ku noqon karaan Ajandaha degsan ee Shabaab ee ku abuurista dalka soomaaliya kooxaha Argigixisada Caalamiga ah iyo kordhinta falal dambiyeedyo laga galayo shacabka soomaaliyed


4 tii sano ugu dambeysay ayaa maleeshiyada Al Shabaab waxat weeraro aan lala dhuuman ku qaadeen Suxufiyiin, shaqsiyaad madax ka ah Warbaahinta dalka iyo hay’ado Warfaafineed.


August 11 2007 waxay ahayd maalin Magaalada Muqdisho lagu dilay Labo ruux oo mid ahaa Wariye si aad ah looga dhageysan jiray Barnaamijyadiisa Magaalada muqdisho midna ahaa Agaasimihii Idaacadda Hornafrik, Waa Mahad Axmed Cilmi iyo Cali Iimaan Sharma-arke wixii maalintaas ka dambeeyay maleeshiyada Shabaab waxay bartimaameedkooda koowaad ka dhigteen Suxufiyiinta kale ee ka howlgali jirta Magaalada iyo Gobolada dalka.


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The Suicide bomb that was perfected in Baidoa in 2006, has since been used against the people who were onced tricked into supporting the ICU or Al Shabaab in 2006


Hotel Shamo




Hotel Muna

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Somalia's ICU Declares Holy War on Ethiopia


Publication: Terrorism Focus Volume: 3 Issue: 40October 17, 2006 04:04 PM Age: 4 yrsCategory: Terrorism Focus, Brief, Africa By: Sunguta West

After training its veteran fighters and newly-recruited students on jihadi tactics, the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) in Mogadishu has declared a holy war on Ethiopia. On October 9, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmad, the ICU leader who is seen as a moderate, emerged in the international press clutching an AK-47 rifle and donning a military jacket in a characteristic appearance often associated with al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The declaration of a holy war came after the ICU accused Ethiopian troops of attacking the town of Bur Haqaba on the Mogadishu-Baidoa road.


The purpose of declaring a jihad against Ethiopia—a country that has a 45-50% Muslim population—is to provide religiously-indoctrinated Somalis the motivation to fight Ethiopian troops. The ICU announced on September 19 that they were recruiting and training students for holy war in order to defend Somalia against Ethiopian incursions. It is believed that a sizeable number of jihadis that may be used to fight Ethiopian troops could come from student recruits. If students become the foot soldiers of jihad, it will again raise similarities between the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the ICU in Somalia. There have already been accusations that Arab and Pakistani veterans from the Afghan jihad against the Soviets are in Somalia and are helping to train and indoctrinate segments of the Somali

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Hotel Shamo, the price of appeasement

The peace Nur Cade, Walid Abdalla, Ahmed Abdi Salaan brought to Somalia


Yusuf was opposed from within as well as without. His chief mistake which has haunted veterans of his administration and which is a lesson to all future leaders and students of history. Was that he promoted people he seldom knew at the advice of his inner circle. By the time he made Nur Cade PM, Yusuf’s health was in a decline and his days numbered.

However Nur Cade with the help of Walid Abdalla embarked in setting fire to the very house they lived in.

Yusuf was forced to leave, but Nur Cade was demoted to an Ambassador and Walid Abdallah became a laughing stock with his next big project for the Somali’s.

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Originally posted by Sakhar*:

Duke don't forget the clan poet turned Mujaahid
Abshir Bacaadle



How can we forget the old man, who along with Ahmed Diiriye are now hiding...

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The end result

After all the fighting, what has bee the fortune of those who opposed Yusuf, and what about the people how have they fared?


Amriki++best.jpgForeign zealots run their neighbourhoods



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Now how Ironic that Al Shabaab & Xasan Dahir have taken over the same clan media websites that use to breast feed them back in 2006[/i]


Somali insurgents seized Media Stations in Mogadishu

20 Sep 20, 2010 - 4:48:36 AM




Somali insurgents groups have seized control of two radio stations, Horn Afrik and GBC (Global Broadcasting Corporation) in the capital Mogadishu, Radio Garowe reports.


One of witnesses told Garowe online that al-Shabaab forcibly entered the Horn Afrik media house last night took technical materials from the Horn Afrik broadcaster and destroyed audio tapes and cassettes.


“Al-Shabaab forcibly takes over controls of the two radio stations and one TV station,” said witness.


The insurgent group has officially taken over the Horn Afrik which located in Main Bakara market and chased away journalists.


Horn Afrik used to broadcast both the BBC and America's VOA programs before the takeover.


On April 9, Al-shabaab banned the British Broadcasting Corp. from all areas under the group's control and carried off equipment from the service's offices.


There is a report says that the rebels doubt if the Horn Afrik planning to shift to the where Somali government controls.


Less than a month ago, Al-Qaeda linked group of Al-Shabaab seized another privately-owned Mogadishu station, Radio Holy Quran (IQK). The stations have been used to broadcast their propaganda.


Meanwhile, another insurgent group, Hizbul-islam also has taken over the control of Voice of Peace Radio (GBC) at the area of Ex-control Bal’ad in Heliwa district in Mogadishu.


A journalist at the station said the raid was preceded by a letter of notification demanding that the station be handed over to the group.


Somali government claimed that looting of equipment is part of efforts to silence the private independence media.


Since last year the groups take over at least 6 media houses which are Radio Warsan and Radio Jubba in Baydhabo region, Horn afrik in Kismaayo, Radio IQK and Radio Hornafrik include Radio GBC Mogadishu.


Last year over 10 journalists were killed in Somalia - the highest total in any one year since 1991, when armed conflict broke out following the collapse of the government of the former President Siad Barre.

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whatever happened Yey is a history now .... let the old man rest his hut in Yemen and focus on the future.


Whatever they did, whatever they used they made him resign, go and leave the country at the same time.

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