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MeleS on TV:My country had been FORCED TO ENTER WAR

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Ethiopia says war has begun with Somalia's powerful Islamic movement

MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Ethiopia sent fighter jets into Somalia and bombed several towns Sunday in a dramatic attack on Somalia's powerful Islamic movement, and Ethiopia's prime minister said his country had been "forced to enter a war."


It was the first time Ethiopia acknowledged its troops were fighting in support of Somalia's U.N.-backed interim government even though witnesses had been reporting their presence for weeks in an escalating battle that threatens to engulf the Horn of Africa region.


Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi went on television to announce that his country was at war with the Islamic movement that wants to rule neighboring Somalia by the Quran. "Our defense force has been forced to enter a war to defend (against) the attacks from extremists and anti-Ethiopian forces and to protect the sovereignty of the land," Meles said a few hours after his military attacked the Islamic militia with fighter jets and artillery.


No reliable casualty reports were immediately available.


Ethiopia, a largely Christian nation, supports Somalia's interim government, which has been losing ground to the Council of Islamic Courts for months.


"They are cowards," said Sheik Mohamoud Ibrahim Suley, an official with the Islamic movement, which controls most of southern Somalia. "They are afraid of the face-to-face war and resorted to airstrikes. I hope God will help us shoot down their planes."


Eritrea, a bitter rival of Ethiopia, is backing the Islamic militia, and experts fear the conflict could draw in the volatile Horn of Africa region, which lies close to the Saudi Arabian peninsula and has seen a rise in Islamic extremism. A recent U.N. report said 10 nations have been illegally supplying arms and equipment to both sides in Somalia.


People living along Somalia's coast have reported seeing hundreds of foreign Muslims entering the country in answer to calls from the Islamic militia to fight a holy war against Ethiopia.


The Islamic group's often severe interpretation of Islam raises memories of Afghanistan's Taliban regime, which was ousted by a U.S.-led campaign for harboring Osama bin Laden. The U.S. says four al-Qaida leaders blamed for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania have become leaders in Somalia's Islamic militia.


The Islamic movement drove secular Somali warlords supported by the U.S. out of the capital, Mogadishu, last summer and have seized most of the southern half of the country, which has not had an effective government since a longtime dictatorship was toppled in 1991.


The interim Somali administration, formed two years ago with U.N. help, been unable to exert any wide control and its influence is now confined to the area around the western city of Baidoa.


Several rounds of peace talks failed to yield any lasting results.


Major fighting broke out Tuesday night, but had tapered off before Sunday's battles began before dawn and continued for about 10 hours.


Ethiopian Information Minister Berhan Hailu said before Meles' announcement that Ethiopian soldiers were fighting alongside Somali government soldiers in Dinsoor, Belet Weyne, Bandiradley and Bur Haqaba.


Witnesses said a major road and an Islamic recruiting center were bombed in Belet Weyne, and 12 Ethiopian soldiers were reportedly captured nearby.


"We saw 12 blindfolded men and were told they were Ethiopian prisoners captured in the battle," said Abdi Fodere, a businessman in Belet Weyne.


Less serious fighting also was reported in Baidoa.


"I think they have met a resistance they have never dreamt of before," interim Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf said in brief remarks as the fighting began to die down at Baidoa.


Suley, the official with the Islamic movement, said his forces had destroyed four Ethiopian tanks outside the city.


As Sunday's fighting wore on, the Islamic militia began broadcasting patriotic songs in Mogadishu about Somalia's 1977 war with Ethiopia. The two countries have fought two wars over their disputed border in the past 45 years.


Meles has said his government has a legal and moral obligation to support Somalia's internationally recognized government. He also accuses the Islamic movement of backing ethnic Somali rebels fighting for independence from Ethiopia and has called such support an act of war.


Leaders of the Islamic militia have repeatedly said they want to incorporate ethnic Somalis living in eastern Ethiopia, northeastern Kenya and Djibouti into a Greater Somalia.


The fighting is hitting a country already devastated by conflict. One in five children dies before age 5 from a preventable disease, and the impoverished nation is struggling to recover from eastern Africa's worst flood season in 50 years.


Government officials and Islamic militiamen have said hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting since Tuesday, but the claims could not be independently confirmed. Aid groups put the death toll in the dozens.


(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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NOW, Mr. Duke can tell us what does MELES mean when he says "his country was at war with the Islamic movement that wants to rule neighboring Somalia by the Quran". Is he really fighting for Abdulahi-Ahmaar to become a president of strong and united S O M A L I A :D ? or is he really thinking about the welfare of your CLAN?? ;) You are smart man, you should atleast think beyond the clan box for once and tell us why we should be supporting this new crusade in the HORN?

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Originally posted by SomaliResistance:

Less serious fighting also was reported in Baidoa.


"I think they have met a resistance they have never dreamt of before," interim Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf said in brief remarks as the fighting began to die down at Baidoa.


Suley, the official with the Islamic movement, said his forces had destroyed four Ethiopian tanks outside the city.


As Sunday's fighting wore on, the Islamic militia began broadcasting patriotic songs in Mogadishu about Somalia's 1977 war with Ethiopia. The two countries have fought two wars over their disputed border in the past 45 years.

Wasn't the 1977 war waged by a Socialist Government? Why declare and call Jihad on us? Is 1977 higher than Jihad or the Jihad is taken as a test balloon if it works it works, if it doesn't work then ICU becomes nationalist.


Our Clerics have done the proper validation and proven the call to Jihad by ICU was Imposter and anti-Islamic.


1977 war was the most destructive for the somali ethiopian and because it was waged by Mugadishu timing and politics instead of the somali ethiopian long fight for his rights, it set back the struggle a decade or more.


We in ethiopia also know something else ICU cannot accept. The Northerners in Somalia were the most enthusiastic about greater Somalia, paid a heavy price for it, but now have changed the way it should be done.


Greater Somalia can only be realized when each of the areas speaks for itself, governs itself and asserts its rights and existance by itself.


The Northerners also know fully well that its WSLF thats in Addis Ababa and Jijiga.


"Colonel" Aweye,

We have a saying in ethiopia, which goes like, with a spoon when hot and with hands when cold. Sir, You cannot make religion a cheap propaganda and use it to cheat people and decieve them to get power. You have been exposed as an Imposter and ethiopian moslems are actually more angry at the deception attempted, than their christian brethern.

Since you are the one who declared Jihad on us, be prepared for the real self defence. Where, when and how is left for the military experts. One thing you can rest assured is we will defend ourselves.

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^Somali-Enemy, call us Socialist or Islamists if you want but one fact will always remain, your christian minority rule of Ethiopia will come to an end sooner than you think!!!It was the Communist states that saved your... from complete destruction and now USA is attempting to rescue you, Can't you stand alone for once


Here is the sad story of Ethiopian Muslims under minority christian rule:


A new history book appeared carrying cartoon “Picture” of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Ethiopia has unveiled a new history book for students of grade 11. The Book which is in English carries a cartoon on page 52 what it claims is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as it entered Medina and was welcome by the people of the city. The book came known first amidst Muslims, in Jijjiga, and later found in the capital and other cities across the country.


On Thursday, Dec. 07, 2006, a history teacher in Jijjiga began his lecture on the rise of Islam by re-drawing the cartoon published by the Denmark Newsletter and told his students ”this man who was died of Malaria established Islam”. He then showed the drawing in the text book. This angered the students and they beat him and began protesting against such attack being launched on Islam and Ethiopian Muslims in the country. Minor damage was inflicted on the infrastructure of the school. Later on the demonstration swollen up and its coverage went beyond the school compound as the Muslims in the city joined the students in condemning what is in the text book. Following the demonstration at least two students, a boy and a girl, were reported killed by the government force (notorious Federal Police) stationed there while many were arrested and taken to Harar. Learn more on Negashi Weblog



Resenting Ethiopian Muslims



One of the disturbing tendencies of some Ethiopian Christians when they write about Islam in Ethiopia is how they attack Ethiopian Muslims by making pretentious arguments against “Wahabism”. Read a typical discourse against Wahabism and it becomes abundantly clear that the author is really not so much concerned about Wahabism but the fact that many Ethiopian Muslims have become more visibly devout, are building mosques, are adhering to personal Islamic laws and are showing more pride in their Islamic heritage. This is something that many Ethiopian Christians can ‘t seem to accept.


Recently, Ato. Nemera Waqeyo wrote a paper titled “What was the government's role in the attack of churches by fanatic Muslims” which examines the possible causes for the recent communal violence in Jimma. Ato. Nemera's main point is that there is a growing fanatic Islamic sect in Ethiopia-Wahabism-that is a threat to Ethiopia's Christians and might have also been behind the violence in Jimma.


His paper is very revealing in that it shows the extent of how many Ethiopian Christians are very opposed to the fundamental rights of Ethiopian Muslims. Ato. Nemera essay is nothing more an expression of hostility towards prominent Ethiopian Muslims, mosques and any visible presence of Islam in Ethiopia. He barely conceals his resentments by pretending to be concerned about Wahabism. In fact many of the points he makes in his paper have nothing to do with Wahabism at all. full article >>>



Beating the drum on the soul and blood of innocent Ethiopians 11.11.06

The Jimma incident is one of the many instances where selfish people and organisation have tried to use it to formulate a sound case in promoting their own narrow agenda, despite they pretend to be concerned about the people and the country.


There is no doubt that, irrespective of one's belief or political affiliation, every man of good sense feels deep sorrow and grief by the wave of attacks on religious sanctuaries and civilians in Oromia region. As already reported in due time, the incident began on 26/09/06 , eve of Mesqel, an annual religious celebration for Orthodox Christians, when simultaneous attacks were launched on Mosques in three different towns. The atrocities were then spread to other places in the region resulting great loss of life and material. They are to be condemned in all their forms with the strongest of terms. Such barbaric acts are in no means to be justifies by whatever standard. More on Negashi weblog >>


Muslims prevented from performing Eid prayers! 24.10.06

NEME has learnt that Muslims in Axum were prevented by Christians yesterday from performing their Eid prayers.


Muslims in Axum, northern Ethiopia, were prevented by Christians of the town from preforming their Eid Prayer. Eid al-fitr is a culmination of Ramadhan and consists of among others congregational prayers. Eid was celebrated in Ethiopia as most in the Muslim world on the 23rd of October, 2006.


After receiving the above alert message, NEME contacted the office of the regional Supreme Council in Mekele hoping to get detailed information on the cause and extent of the incident. The representative at the office was however unwilling to shed any information beyond affirming the incident and suggesting to us to contact the administrationn in Axum. The network's effort to reach its correspondents in the country was unsuccessful merely because of problem with tel. connection.


The information we already received from various sources indicate however that the problem started on the eve of Eid when fanatic Christians entered a Mosque and began attacking Muslims who were performing Isha prayer. As a result two Muslims were wounded, one found in critical state. NEME will try to catch on the detail and provide its visitors with all that had happened and what happened since then.


Muslims in Axum are the most oppressed and most descriminated community in the country. They are harrased non-stop. Their rights not only to practice their belief but also their right of existence is seriously violated. They are denied of place to bury their dead or build worshinping place. Their calls to the governmet have never received any attention and repeatedly reglected.


It is to be recalled that in Sept. 2001, a more than 100 years old Mosque in Dura, a village just 20 km outside of Axum, was burnt by fanatic Christians. The government authorities failed to date to enforce the court's decision to rebuild it.

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The worst enemy for Islam is an imposter. An imposter who uses Islam for own material benefits at expense of other moslems. An imposter who claims he is more moslem than other moslems.


An imposter wether as fake cleric or fake mahdi has always been worst enemy than christians or Jewish, for Islam.


Thats exactly what ICU is doing. You will see it when moslems from somalia, ethiopia and kenya stand to protect their religion from fly by night "Mahdis" or merchants of death and destruction.

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