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Confused already? Ethiopians heavily shell TFG base lol

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Ciidamada itoobiyaanka oo khasaare xoogan gaarsiiyay ciidanka dawladda kadib markii meel ku dhaw fariisinkooda laga duqeeyay Isbartiibada.


Iyadoo u muuqata taaktiik Cusub oo wax iska caabinta ay bilaabeen ayaa saaka waxaa ay weerar ku qaadeen fariisinka ciidanka dawladda ay ku leeyihiin Isgoyska Talafashinka ee Towfiiq,iyadoona inti weerarka ay ku hayeen ay agtooda ku rakibeen hoobiye oo ay ku duqeeyeen Xarunta Isbartiibada Muqdisho.


Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ayaa markiiba kaga soo jawaabay hoobiyeyaashaasi kuwa kale,xilli xoogaga wax iska caabinya ay dib kaga durgeen fariisimahaasi,ciidamada dawladdana ay kusoo siqeen.


Waxaa ay si ba'an hoobiyeyaasha ula dhaceen ciidamada dawladda Federaalka sida ay xaqiijiyeen dad goob joogayaal ah oo sheegay in khasaare kala duwan uu halkaasi kasoo gaaray ciidamada dawladda.


Mid kamid ah dadka deegaanka ayaa tilmaamay in ay ka yaabeen markii ay arkeen wax iska caabinta oo isaga soo tagtay halkaasi iyo xaruntii ciidamada dawladda oo si ba'an ay u duqeynayaan ciidamada Itoobiyaanka.


Inta badan madaafiic jawaab ah ayay ku rideen Milatariga Itoobiyaanka goobaha laga soo duqeeyo laakin saaka waxaa muuqatay in ay dhabar jabiyeen saaxiibadooda markii meelo ku dhaw dhaw hoobiyeyaasha laga soo tuuray.

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Waxaa ay si ba'an hoobiyeyaasha ula dhaceen ciidamada dawladda Federaalka sida ay xaqiijiyeen dad goob joogayaal ah oo sheegay in khasaare kala duwan uu halkaasi kasoo gaaray ciidamada dawladda.

^ Waa wax lagu qoslo oo lagu farxo runtii .... inay is dhameeyaan weliba duco ayaan ugu sii daraynaa !


imagine prostituting yourself to your enemies and getting literally F'ed in the process .... poetic justice isnt it :D

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Whatever clicks your imagination, whatever makes you happy!


If you failed to inflict any damage upon the TFG, you must call or perhaps hope the other side would do it for you, a sign of weakness, the symbol of defeat...

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^ what other side ? this is about tigray killing tfg


are you trying to draw a distinction between a slave and his master one and the same to me

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^The Ethiopian troops...


Its no coincedance, whenever you lose you come up with funny allegations, you cry massacre, human rights violations and what have you in whic mosty of your beloved web portals run to report as a consolidation goal, all the other cards have dried up, now you have or hope Ethiopian troops shell the TFG or in some exteremely funny cases some Ethipian man slapped the Somali President...


Yeah thats so much victory for you to claim :D

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^Exactly that kind of story is what they present here, it reminds me of when Riyaale and some of his ministers were stripped of all their clothes when entering Ethiopa :D

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^In that scene, I heard unreported rumour that Odaga offered the other Cheek but instead got a kick in the behind loooooooool :D:D

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