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General Duke

Caravan brings destruction to most peaceful areas of Mogadishu: 200,000 flee

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Suuqyadii Ganacsiga Waqooyiga Muqdisho Oo Xirmay.

06 July, 2009 01:02:00 Toronto t.

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Kadib dagaal ba'an oo bishii hore oo dhan ka socday degaanada Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa waxa lasoo sheegayaa in laga qaxay xaafadaha waqooyiga Muqdisho oo dhan, halkaasoo ahayd degaanka ugu xasiloon Muqdisho tan iyo intii dagaalada sokeeya ay ka bilowdeen Soomaliya 1991. Waa markii ugu horaysay ee laga qaxo xaafadaha Kaaraan iyo C/casiis.


Waxa kaloo xirmay saddexda suuq ee ugu waaweyn Waqooyiga Muqdisho kuwaasoo kala ah Suuq-Bacaad, Suuqa Kaaraan iyo Suuqa Maana-Boolyo. Dadweynaha degaanka Muqdisho ayaa u qaxay duleedka Waqooyi ee Muqdisho halka lagu magacaabo Gubadley iyo xaafadaha Madiina iyo Ceelasha Biyaha. Dagaalka ayaa laga cabsi qabaa inuu isku badalo mid qabiil, maadaama ay isa soo tarayaan dareenka dadweynaha Muqdisho oo muujiyay inaysan ka raali ahayn qaabka xoogaga Mucaaradku ay u maaraynayaan dagaalka.

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Waa markii ugu horaysay ee laga qaxo xaafadaha Kaaraan iyo C/casiis.


Waxa kaloo xirmay saddexda suuq ee ugu waaweyn Waqooyiga Muqdisho kuwaasoo kala ah Suuq-Bacaad, Suuqa Kaaraan iyo Suuqa Maana-Boolyo.

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Your forgetting the gov was attacked. Before the fighting they were in control of C/casiis AND Kaaraan. They did NOT bring war to these previously peaceful areas. The khawaarij did.

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^^^This government lack of coherent strategy and basic tactics, as well as the whole idiotic Caravan brought this mayhem. These districts were overun even though they were the most loyal of Sharif areas.

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UN: Over 200,000 Somalis flee fighting since May

By SALAD DUHUL – 6 hours ago


MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Much of Somalia's capital has become a ghost town as more than 200,000 residents have fled intensified clashes between Islamist insurgents and government troops, the U.N. and a medical charity said Tuesday.


Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) announced it had been forced to close a pediatric hospital and three health clinics in the north of Mogadishu — the first time it has done so for 17 years.


The organization is one of the few charities remaining in the country.


"MSF staff working in north Mogadishu have had to flee for their lives," it said.


The charity has struggled to deliver health care to hundreds of thousands of desperate Somalis, continuing to operate even after staff have been kidnapped or killed.


No one knows how many remain trapped between Mogadishu's shifting front-lines since clashes intensified in May and no precise casualty figures for the latest fighting are available. The U.N. refugee agency says 204,000 Somalis have fled Mogadishu since May.


The northern suburbs are virtually deserted apart from fighters who have taken over buildings that include medical facilities, the charity said. Mogadishu was believed to have 2 million residents in 2007, but up to half that number have since fled.


Residents usually leave at dawn, seeking a lull between the fighting. Those who can't afford overloaded minibuses set off down the streets on foot, possessions on their heads and babies in blankets slung over their fronts and backs.


Some Somalis have moved several times. Families face an agonizing choice: stay in streets where men fire mortars and machine-guns that have killed children asleep in their beds, or head out of town, where camps for the displaced are severely overstretched.


MSF said half a million people are already camping along the main road that links Mogadishu to the nearby town of Afgoye. Most are sleeping outside under plastic strung over twigs. It is freezing at night and sweltering by day. There is very little food or water. Attacks are common.


Insurgents have been battling the government since an Islamist administration was overthrown in 2006. The latest round of fighting began when an exiled Islamist leader returned to the country to challenge the new president, a former ally elected by Parliament in January. It had been hoped the election of Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed would help undercut support for the Islamists, but instead the often-competing insurgent factions have temporarily coalesced and have seized much of the capital.


The Horn of Africa nation has not had a functioning government for 18 years since clan warlords overthrew a brutal socialist dictator then unleashed their militias on each other.


Associated Writer Katharine Houreld in Nairobi, Kenya contributed to this report.

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Several neighborhoods have been affected and these areas have hitherto been islands of peace in the chaotic city. They did previously escape much of the conflict and destruction but many residents are now fleeing their homes for the first time since the start of the Somali war in 1991.”

The United Nations refugee agency says there are now more than 1.2 million displaced people in Somalia. Diane Bailey, United Nations.

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General-Duke, sxboow Thread-kan cidina ma camiri wayday :D . Aniga igu duub, I will contribute my part on the basis of "Qabiilo u dirir" smile.gif

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