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General Duke

Secessionists are not recognized and Somalia is not occupied.

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Geel Jire Haaaaaa.


Here is the security council resoloution.

Parts of the resolution 1724 (2006) reads as follows:


“The Security Council,



“Reaffirming the importance of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,


“Stressing the need for the Transitional Federal Institutions to continue working towards establishing effective national governance in Somalia,


“Reiterating the urgent need for all Somali leaders to take tangible steps to continue political dialogue,


“Reiterating its strong support for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General,


“Taking note of the report of the Monitoring Group dated 22 November 2006 (S/2006/913, annex) submitted pursuant to paragraph 3 (i) of resolution 1676 (2006) and the observations and recommendations contained therein,


“Condemning the significant increase in the flow of weapons and ammunition supplies to and through Mogadishu and UIC held areas, which constitutes a violation of the arms embargo and a serious threat to peace and stability in Somalia,


“Determining that the situation in UIC held areas of Somalia constitutes a threat to international peace and security in the region,


“Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,


“1. Stresses the obligation of all Member States to comply fully with the measures imposed by resolution 733 (Dec, 2006);


“2. Expresses its intention, in light of the report of the Monitoring Group dated 22 November 2006 (S/2006/913, annex), to consider specific action to improve implementation of and compliance with measures imposed by the new resolution 733 (Dec 2006);


3. Urges its strongest condemnation to those, who oppose the TFI and its Transitional Federal Charter;


4. Promises it support to the weak Transitional Federal Institutions by ordering the AU and Igad to send a regional force in order to secure the peace and well-being of all the members of the TFI and its related Transitional Federal Charter;


5. Stresses the need for neighbouring countries in particular the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Eritrea to refrain from any actions, that could inflame the situation on the ground in Somalia and region;


Condems all the opponents of the Transitional Federal Instituitions and its Federal Trasitional Charter, which is the only viable way to peace and harmony in Somalia;


Warns against any actions
by the UIC and other opponents of the Transitional Federal Instituitions and Federal Transitional Charter, that could destabilise or worsen the sitution on the ground in Somalia;


8. Elaborates its support to the TFI and its Transitional Federal Charter by adopting this resolution, which could possibly sanction any parties, that could go against it or try to overthrow the only viable and recognised Transitional Federal Instituitions and Transitional Federal Charter of Somalia by the UN and its Security Council of permanent states;

Thus Geel-Jire the Somali Parliment allowed the Ethiopian military to come in an emergency. Thesecurity council warned the Clan Courts and others that they should not take any action against the TFG.


Thus its not an illegal action.

And no way an occupation.

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(SomaliNet) IGAD member states have pledged Somali’s interim government on Sunday to send rapidly reaction troops to base of the government Baidoa town in case of an attack after President Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed had requested last week the IGAD governments to help his administration with the security issues, as government spokesman dismissed any Ethiopian troops in Somalia. Reports say.


Abdirahman Dinari, the spokesman of transitional federal government told the reporters in Baidoa town on Sunday the news on Ethiopian forces in Somalia were untrue and it was propaganda by Islamic courts’ union that justifies for an attack on Baidoa town.


After last week’s attack on presidential residence in Baidoa in which many people killed, President Yusuf made telephone contacts with heads of
Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and Djibouti asking them to offer military support to his needy government and these governments firstly expressed their condolences over the assault against him.


The head of states put in confidence to Mr. Yusuf that they will suddenly and unconditionally send troops that will defend the government of Somalia against any attackers.


The issue came as there have been tips off that Islamic militiamen were more likely to attack Baidoa town after Islamic courtsâ officials had
deeply infuriated the recent decision by the Somali legislators on voting for deploying unclassified foreign peace keeping troops in Somalia.
But Islamists denied they are attacking Baidoa town, 240km southwest of Somalia capital, which is seat of the transitional federal government. Meanwhile, Yemeni president Ali Abdalla Salah contacted the leader of Islamic courts Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on Sunday telling him to comply with the condition of Somali president Abdulahi Yusuf to drop weapons and work with the government. Islamists say. Mr. Abdalla set a deadline of a week to Islamic courts union to abide by the statement of Somali’s interim government and appealed to ICU to avoid attacking Baidoa town.


There has been no immediate comment yet from Islamists leader on the warning by Yemeni president who has closely allied with President Abdulahi Yusuf.


There goes the argument, Ethiopia just invaded and calls the shotts. The TFG played the hand it had and what a hand the ace was under the old man's sleeve :D

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Ethiopia is America’s contact in the Horn. The job of containing Somalia is apparently delegated to Zenawi. Financial support, diplomatic cover, and occasional logistical help are given to his admin to get the job of removing Somalia’s perceived threat done. Citing technical maneuverings in the international stages to pave the way for the aforementioned project as a proof for the legality of this grand military invasion is quite weak adeer. In fact, the naivety of it is quite unpardonable when Somalia’s case is so clearly inline with the unmistakable trends of Bush’s irresponsible military moves. When one closely analyses on the destructive methods used in the process of taming Somalis, it becomes obvious that the goal of this mission could only be to deepen the Somali conflict to the degree where even the most optimist amongst us would accept the need of outside forces, not to help us build our nation, but to save us from one another and thusly accept overtime Ethiopia, or Kenya for that matter, and however we hate the idea, as an indispensable factor for our own stability and survival as a community.


Let’s reason adeer about this one without resorting back to your indhacadde lines. What has Somalia benefited from Ethiopia’s presence in Mogadishu and America’s bombardment other than to earn the reputation of being a terror heaven? If the ultimate goal of this project were to revive Somalia as a nation and get its fallen state back on its feet again, we would have seen greater efforts on a genuine reconciliation track, not the one with a former warlord as its head, and Mogadishu, a city that remains unsecured and under the shades of Ethiopian tanks, as its gathering place. We would have seen greater involvement from the other interested parties, and funds would have been pumped to jump start it. But what do we have instead adeer? America, the country who’s spearheading this mission, while giving millions of dollars to Ethiopia (its client who has done the bulk of this dirty job) has only pledged what amounts to a mere pocket change, and even that, as I heard it, has been split into portions to support Ethiopia’s security sweeps in Xamar. Congressional delegations have repeatedly visited the region and most of them ended up meeting ‘their partners and allies’ in the region, and not tfg members or any other Somalis for that matter. Is it not true then that Ethiopia’s stature as an important ally in the war of terror has been greatly enhanced while Somalia has been depicted to be a no mans land where bad guys roam freely and threaten regional security? Aren’t what you mistake for milestones to erect the third republic, as you would like to call it, security measures, in the view of the powers that be, to contain Somalia and efforts to prevent its ‘dangerous Islamic ideology’ from seeping into other states in the region then? That, in a nutshell, is what you have celebrated yaa Duke. And that’s the chief achievements of Ethiopia’s military invasion. The world, though not interfering America’s mission in Somalia, is clearly not supporting it either---it has adapted a wait-and-see strategy. Ethiopia and Uganda aside, and Kenya to a lesser degree, most African states politely declined to participate in this project---Africa’s most influential states are not active or visible in this effort. The Arabs are muted and tightlipped. European engagement is reduced to a mere humanitarian support. Why do you reckon that is yaa Duke?



Contrary to what you believe the world has abandoned us---Somalis. Somalia is left in the hands of America’s intelligence community, and in pursue of the narrow and elusive goal of combating terror in that region, Ethiopia’s rogue admin has been hired to help them achieve that goal. Clearly Ethiopia has done a great job in that regard. And although one could call Ethiopia’s presence whatever one likes, the undisputable fact remains that the Somali conflict has been exacerbated by it, and that is Somalia’s sad reality today. Whilst all that is clear and evident for all, and even as most Somalis including the silent majority of them are either violently against or quite cheerless about these criminal actions, the real tragedy in this is the fact that others like you think of it as the birth pangs of Somalia’s third republic...

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^^^ Well done indeed, but with a chronic and debilitating form of cognitive dissonance, I'm afraid no matter what Xiin says, some around here will remain hostage to their own delusions.

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Originally posted by Sophist:

Castro; I cant help but think you are speaking about your ilk

Repeat after me:


1) I'm smart, educated and people like me.

2) Atheero is good. He's the hero of our age.

3) Ethiopia did not invade Somalia.

4) Ethiopia does not currently occupy Somalia.

5) The TFG is the only road to salvation.

6) The US calls and gets permission from Atheero before any wanton bombings of Somalia.

7) Secessionist cowards have nothing on my majestic Puntland, uhm.. I mean Somalia.

8) Strange looking "terrorists" are trying to kill atheero and members of my holy clan. Even in remote places like Dhahar and Baargaal.

9) Atheero is good. He's the hero of our age.

10) I'm smart, educated and people like me.


When you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and repeat these lines three times then once after lunch and again before you go to bed. In no time, you too will be freed from mental bondage.

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Castro: Maandhoow you hate Abdulahi and Geedi not because they brought Ethopians to Somalia but indeed they are threat to your little deluded "reality" the triangle.


Angu Ahlu Muqaawama hadaanu nahay; labada group-ba (the Triangle leaders and the TFG) Cadawga dalka.


Marka maandhoow you are too suffering from self-imposed tutelage!.

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Walle meesha waa laysku helay. Nin la yiraahdo Sophist yaa duulaan soo qaday har cad laysku wada jeedo. icon_razz.gif

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Horn and Che,


maxaa idin helay? ana waan is cel celinayay in aan patrol ku shubo dabka. Idina waad igaga horayseen.


Run ahaantii,labaduba wey khaldanyihin......kuligeen waan khaldanahay, waana wada saxanahay. Marka waa in lays wada dhagaysto, aflagaado iyo been laysku sheeg meelna laguma gaadhayo.


Uurka waxa ku wada jira mar un banaanka ha la soo dhigo.


Lets find a middle way. lets find some points we can agree on.

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^^^^ I'll go first. Somalia's past is tragic and its future, scary. But its present is both tragic and scary. The level of distrust and tuhun we have for each other has reached unprecedented levels. The fact remains, however, we are all under occupation and the TFG is the wrong path to our salvation.


There. We can all agree on that.

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