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Baydhabo: Qanyare oo hubkiisa dawladda ku wareejiyay.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

One of many good outcomes from Mogadishu Courts’ dramatic success is that our fellow landers have been remarkably reduced to mere onlookers
on these far-reaching political events .



Not on lookers of but spectators of warlord slap-stick. I hear CNN are sending Gerry Springer to cover the freak show in Baidoa. ;)


Originally posted by samuraiW:

Xiinooow – “ha ku digane, ka daa†our brothers from the Western Somaliland are not liking one bit as to how things are panning out in that far, far away godforsaken place called “Italian Somalilandâ€!

Sam I didn't expect that from you of all people because this is what we were discussing three years ago. It is long time ago I admit, back then you were "hard core pro-Yey" smile.gif and the Islamists were nobodies in the southern political map. What on earth makes you think - at this moment of all moments - I might be "not liking one bit as to how things are panning out"? Yey has showed his true colours, and, along the way tearing all arguments his supporters used to put forward when he was accused of sabotaging the 77 war. Whereas , in Sh. Sharif, the south has a new political star who is from a different generation and background from the brain-dead warlords gathered in Baidoa. And, if you only knew how amusing it is to see money-grabbing traitors like clueless Buubaa and Kaluun run around like headless chicken..

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sam, duufaan, xiin


my friend i think you guys wether it be c/y cohorts or muqdisho lot shoulnt be talking today of all day, when amxaaro are your bosses in your own cities.



somaliland my friend is now a distant dream for you, because no one is in more worse possition than the ina yey and his hohorts, i mean you cant even defend adeeros position any more and even what we landers enjoyed most was the few somaliland traiters running around like headless chicken jumping ship like theres no tommorow.



indeed we are glad we are by-standers in all this mayhem and destruction, as you know our machinary ticks along smoothly withought constantly attention seeking :D:D

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^^^^^Waxba ha ririyaaqin, if Amxaaro succeed in taking over Mogadishu with thehelp of their American masters(God forbid), it will be like skinning a cat with bare hands, yacnii farha ayey kaga guban, Iraq style, but when Mele Zenawi decides to complete the process of integrating Hargeis’s municipal council to his Tigray –dominated parliament, it will be just a pushover (ISKA LAGDO). Where will you go? Throw yourself into the red sea or take your begging bowl to Jabouti? No wonder that Siilaanyo could hardly swallow his saliva over the BBC Somali section today when he was pleading Zenawi not to occupy southern Somalia.


By the way, restrain yourself and stop soiling the good names of Cusman Kalluun, Buubaa, Barbaraawi Cabdalle Xaaji, Sifir and all other believers of Somali unity

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my friend the reason you are now an occupeid territory lies sqaurely on your shoulders your people greed and your lack of reason is the reason you are now the stooges of eriterea and amxaaro., indeed for all the slander you throw at somaliland its only somalia who has shamed us all, its your visionless leaders and warped dogs of war that has placed you under the thumbs of foreign powers.


indeed you can praise the somaliweyn believers but in all honesty its these same individuals who have left you in the gutter that your country lies today.



am sure you still support ina yey and his ethopian army ruling over you... sweat dreams






p.s am i correct to say that somaliland is now the only one of the five somalis that that has its freedom and liberty fully intact. ;)

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no horn


its time you guys excepted responsibility of todays reality and stop makinf excuses about the fact you have bought shame to every somali.


the only reason i even said somethinmg is because these people once more jump to somaliland instead of concentrating reall shame of today.

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Originally posted by Nayruus:

By the way, restrain yourself and stop soiling the good names of Cusman Kalluun, Buubaa, Barbaraawi Cabdalle Xaaji, Sifir and all other believers of Somali unity

Yes, and their favourites units are $$$$ smile.gif

Never mind them, where are you going to lay your begging hat ( cimaamad even) tonight? :D BTW, no one but your "President Yey" wants Ethio take over of Xamar.



Insecure - for the lack of a better term - is a man who boasts his adeero sent troops to Baidoa in one thread, and against Ethio in another. icon_razz.gif

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Insecure - for the lack of a better term -
is a man who boasts his adeero sent troops to Baidoa
in one thread, and against Ethio in another.



Listen Ayoubka. During my use of this forum, more accusations than I can count have been hurled at me. None, however, have I taken offense at as much as that one.


Where adeer? When?




In any case you are probably correct. WE ARE A SHAME TO OUR NAME.

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Ayuubow – laguu waran...there are those amongst the congregation who know not of what a government entails, and there are those who are privy to the goings of a nation state body structure who could decipher the difference ‘ween “a†government, and by that I mean institutions, agencies and branches, and its officers, personnel theodolite. Being unique creatures as we Somalis have proved to be unlike other societies, a great deal of importance is attached to the latter whereas the former becomes merely ceremonial. The contrary is found to be the case in societies with developed nation state body politik and discourse. Now, that being the case, is it any wonder to see you dipping your lips in “xamuurad†squirting soiled particles towards any who dares speak in favour of the TFG as you lambaste them as being lackeys to the inaYusuf camp?


Pitiful it is, would you not agree, to keep hearing Col. Hebel, Prof. Hebel, Sheekh Hebel, Dr. Hebel, majority of which, mind you, possess not literal stock of the arrogated profession, being regurgitated as if out of fashion. And most peculiar of it all is that the younger débutantes of both genders in the Diaspora (one would have thought they would be wiser) are the worst...O’ Dear and a big one at that!


Or you'd rather I joined the “Ethiopia is here†hysteria and drum rolling camp lead by none other than our dear Horn who, I understand can’t get a wink of sleep these days, lest “Ethiopia†pulverises whilst sleep whatever hope he had of installing Hiiraale & Goobaale as the last standing leaders of Jubbaland . No?


As for the Mogadishu Islamic Courts (I qualify it for Banadir is their stronghold, albeit lay claim to the rest of the country), true I amongst many who observe the political goings in Somalia envisaged not the sudden emergence of the courts as a political force (economic force, yes throughout Somalia) which they appear to have become overnight, hence wish to suspend any judgment, for at this moment I do not have material information to form an informed opinion upon them.


Now, tell me old boy, when could one expect Riyaale and Co to arrive Baidoa Janaay? Or would they rather be received at Vila Somalia? Not sure, Riyaale, a junior personnel then, ever set foot inside the then Presidential Palace? Or has he?



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While there is disagreement between the TFG and the courts, and while there is doubt to who will win and take control of Somalia.


There is no doubt that the secesionist are and have been secondary players.

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^^^Oodweyn Somalinimo is older than President Yusuf, TFG, courts and the daydreams of the secesionist. There is a struggle for power and for what Somalia will be, but the power brokers are not fighting to destroy unity.


The remarkable thing about the Somali's is that apart from the secesionist who are afew even in Somaliland we all agree on the ideal of Somaliweyn...We are weak but not for long..

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

But, which ever the case may be, lets hope that we finally have buried in here - once and for all - their conceit of crying a crocodile tears for the notion of
; least of all from this day onward, given that we have the genuine article of
sort of concrete reality in front of us, in the form of
Col. Yey
and his treasonable conduct of recent days;

If Col Yey failed to deliver our neighbours from the deserts to the promised land, then am certain they will try shove another "Moses" down our throats, and if they have to use "Somalinimo", believe you me they will try. After all, they didn't stop singing his praises even after leaking of the speeches he made when his predecessor (Salad Boy) was niminated "president" , did they? Matter of when not if..



Never meant to hurt your feelings, and apologies in advance. smile.gifThis is what lead me to believe that, care to explain what you meant?



I guess Riyaale's plans to contest another Presidential elections when his term runs out. You're the man who used to claim he was on his way to Mbagathi (remember that place?), so i'll take everything you say with a pinch of salt. ;)

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Ayoub, who lives in the Desert? Amzing indeed, saxib Somaliland does not have more resources that Puntland.. Both are blessed but do not push your delusions down our throats we are quite familiar with each other capish..


Ooodweyn makes a good point every 3000 words he composes. The secesionist are wishing that the old enemy from Puntland can be defeated by the new courts as they hoped before from the warlords.


But the game is not up yet...

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^^ Just a figure of speech mate, i love semi-deserts anyway so keep your hair on, will you? :D At least you did'nt dispute the "promised land" bit, huh?

*Why is everyone so sensitive these days?*


nite nite buddy, don't have nightmares ;)

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