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Heavy storms and floods unseen before in Hargeisa destroyed one bridge and caused damages to another while cutting main roads that linked the capital to other cities.


Parts of the city remains without power, telephone and water as damages are still being assessed. The police is asking people to keep away near the river as fresh floods are expected in the next couple of days.


Outside the city, about 500 nearby villagers were rescued by the police after their homes and farms were swept away by the floods.




Masiibaddii Ugu weynayd Abidkeed ee ka Dhacda Somaliland Oo Galaafatay Caasimada Hargeysa Ma Jiraan Gurmad Caalami ah ,Mana Jiraan Qalab Badbaadinaya Dad-ka uu Daadku Sii sito ee la Daawanayey,


Madaxweynaha Somaliland Dahir reyaale Kahin ,Golahiisa Wasiiradda,Golaha Baaralamanka, Golaha Guurtida,iyo Xisbiyada Mucaarid-ka iyo Haaydaha Qaramada Midoobay Ayaa Maanta oo Dhan Booqasho ku Mareyay Meelaha Ay ka Dhacday Masiibadu waxa ay Ku Tilmaameen Masiibadii qaran oo Dalka Ka Dhacaday ka dib Markii Daad Aan abid-keed Taariikhda Hargeysa Aan lagu Arag uu Galaaftay Naf iyo Maalba Habeenkii Xalay Kumanaan Qof waxa Lagu Baaqay Gurmad Dagdaga oo lagu Badbaadinayo Umada Somaliland,


Biriij-ka pepsi-ga Ayaa Go'ay waxa uu la Tagay Hudheelada MinSing, Xaraf, Hargeysa Club Badh-kii iyo Hudheelka Hadhwanaag oo uu burburiyay qaybta Cuntada Lagu cuno ee Xaga Galbeed Xigta waxa uu Daadku Soo Galay Gudaha Hadhuul-kaasi qaybta Hurdada Waxa uu Dadku Gooyay Dhuumaha Biyaha Qaada ee Geedeeble Booliska Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Ayaa Badbaadiyay ilaa 500 oo qoys oo uu Daadkii la Tagay Guryahoodii kuwaas oo xalay u hoyday Taliska Booliska


Biriij-ka Hargeysa Ayaa laga Joojiyay Gadiid-kii waxa qodmay Kaabadihii Hayey waxanu Biriij-ku u Eegayaha Mid iska Dul yaala Tiirara-ka Haya Dadweynaha Ku Nool Hargeysa Maanta Ilaa Shalay May Shaqo Tagin waxa Ay dadku ku Urursan Yahiin Dooxa Iyo Biriij-ka Oo ay Daawanayaan Waa Masiibadii Ugu weynayd Tani ee Abid Soo Marta Tarriikhda Dalkani Magaalada Ayaa ka Go'doona Magaalooyinka Kale Sida Berbera oo Boorame Iyo Magaalooyinka Kale ,


Ma Jiraa Gurmad Sidaasi ahi Booliska Ayaan Haysan Qalab-ka Dadka Lagu Bad Baadiyo Haayada Handcap UNDP Xafiisaydoodii Ayuu Daadku La Tagay tobaneeyo Ajaanib Cadaana oo daganaa Xafiisaydaa ayuu Daadku qaaday Alaabtoodii Miss Jane ayaa ii Sheegaty Iyadoo wada Dhooba ah in Gaadhigeegii uu aasay Daadku Kaas oo aan Arkayey Isagoo geedo Garan waa ahi Dusha ka Saaran Yahiin iyo Dhoobo Waxa ay Sheegatay In ay Hudheel-da Kale ee Magaalada Ay imika Ugu Guurayaan Si Ku meel-gaadha


warshada Laydh-ka Biraheegii ayaa Burburay Ma Jiraan Ilaa Hada Wax Caawima Ah oo laga Helay Qaramada Midoobay iyo Dawlada Maraykanka... Gawaadhi Sameecado Lagu Xidhay Ayaa Dadweynaha Lagag Codsanayey in ay Bixiyaan Mucaawino si loo Dhiso meelaha Ay Masiibadu Asiibtay......Idaacada Radio Hargeysa Ayaa Ugu Baaqaysa Dadweynaha Dagan Hareeraha Meelaha Gabiyada Ah in ay isaga Baxaan guryahooga Si aanay Daadadka Kale Ee la filayo ilaa bari in ay Soo Rog madaan Si aanu U asiibin, Soco wixii warar ah by Abdiaziz A. Musa Hargeysa

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Floods also have killed many people in Somali region of Ethiopia........


ETHIOPIA: Over 60 dead in Somali region floods



ADDIS ABABA, 26 Apr 2005 (IRIN) - Floods have killed 66 people and the death toll could rise further after a river burst its banks in eastern Ethiopia because of heavy rains, rescuers said on Tuesday.


Many of the victims were sleeping when crashing floodwaters hit 40 villages in the remote Somali region, some 700 km southeast of the capital of Addis Ababa. Houses were destroyed and families were swept away, emergency officials said.


Rescuers are scrambling to reach the survivors in the area, many parts of which still remain cut off from rescue efforts.


The Wabe Shebelle is the largest river in Ethiopia, stretching 1,340 km and with a water catchment area of 200,000 km. It burst its banks on Saturday after two days of heavy rains. Flood waters stretched 10 km and forced survivors to flee their homes for the safety of higher ground.


Aid organisations and government officials at an emergency meeting in the Somali region capital Jijiga reported on Tuesday that 900 houses had been washed away.


Local officials have also reported that some deaths have been caused by attacks from crocodiles that infest the river. Survivors also were clinging to trees to escape the rising floodwaters, officials in the region stated.


And, according to humanitarian officials in the area, in some areas the floodwater is still rising. The rains also hit several thousand displaced people living in two former refugee camps, washing away their homes and leaving many of them in the mud.


Rescuers are currently preparing an assessment of the scale of damage, which they expect to finalise by the end of Tuesday.


"We need food, shelter and fuel to help the people," Ahmed Abdi, from the UN's World Food Programme in Gode, Somali region, said by telephone.


He said 38 people had died in West Imi in Afder Zone while 28 had drowned in East Imi in Gode Zone. The affected population in the two zones is around 110,000.


Rescuers also say they fear that malaria could spread.


Ahmed said two helicopters are expected to arrive on Tuesday to help reach areas that are still cut off. He added that in some areas the water level was decreasing, but weather forecasters say that heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected in the coming days and over the weekend.


The Ethiopian federal government has also sent in two Antonovs aircraft into Gode with food and fuel aboard to help survivors.


Flooding regularly occurs at this time of the year in Somali region, where the waters are used to regenerate soil for pasture. In the last major floods in 2003, 119 people were killed.



Source: IRIN

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( This news website has recently become one of my favourites with its continous coverage about Somaliland news). I've realised the energetic reer Marko Cadeey correspondent in Hargeisa covers news that the mainstream Somaliland websites mostly overlook, which is really great. Kudos to the network, it surely becoming one of my breakfast time websites. :D







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April 25, 2005

Hargeisa Losses

When lights suddenly went out last night at around 10.00 pm, I thought it was a blessing in disguise since I would be forced to go to bed early and sleep off the fatigue accumulated during my latest travels. It was raining and I took that as a bonus since as you know, slumber is twice as sweet in a warm bed when the drops are pounding the tin roof.


I really felt inconvenienced when I woke up to find that electricity had not been restored despite the fact that the rain had not been heavy enough to cause any substantial damage in electricity infrastructure. Whatever the case, the only kind of accident expected would be a tree falling on the power lines - usually dealt with within hours. Apart from missing the early morning conveniences that are easily facilitated by electricity, I could not use my computer. It is especially frustrating when you have a story to publish online.


I was a bit surprised when Gabriel from CARE International called to inform me that there are some serious damages on the roads in Hargeisa. Certainly, last night's rains could not warrant damage of the magnitude he was talking about! For that reason, I decided to join him and find out just how bad it was.


When we arrived at a bridge where the greatest damage was evident, we found a large crowd gaping at the spectacle in awe. What we found was beyond both our expectations, or anyone else's for that matter.




Onlookers are puzzled by the unexpected damage


Apparently, the rain that fell here last night did not occasion the floods that raged through a dry river bed that divides the city of Hargeisa into two. The floods came from rain that fell in the highlands west of Somaliland, and from as far away as Ethiopia.


The floods left in their wake collapsed bridges, damaged roads, ruined walls, uprooted trees, dangling electricity and telephone wires, destroyed homes, lost property and a stunned city. They came in the night, stole, cause havoc, maimed and killed and left before morning - just like armed thieves.





The road that vehicles use to cross the river was washed away




This collapsed footbridge used to run across the river from the spot where we are standing.




A collapsed wall protecting Xaraf Hotel from this kind of emergency


The rest of the piece >>>>>>> Cock And Bull Stories by Ken Njuguna



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Latest reports say the rains caused huge damages throughout Somaliland killing a number of people and destroying properties in Awdal, Saxil and Togdheer. In Burco, returnee surburb of Koodbuur was flattened by the rains injuring a number of people and making thousands homeless. In Lughaya in Awdal, more than 1000 livestock mostly shoats and cows were killed by the floods.



Roobab Dabaylo Wata Oo Khasaare U Geystey Burco




For donations has a donations page for the flood-affected communities.

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