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Kenya bans all flights to Somalia

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Ms DD   

^^ Here is the article:


Kenya bans all flights to Somalia


Some 20 tons of khat are flown to Somalia each day Kenya has banned all flights to Somalia, citing security fears.

The ban comes two weeks after the US issued a warning about suicide attacks from Islamist militants in Somalia.


Kenya is the main entry point for international travel to Somalia and is also the source of much of the popular stimulant khat, consumed in Somalia.


There were protests earlier this year when the Islamists who control much of southern Somalia banned the sale of khat during the holy month of Ramadan.


Khat is chewed by many Somali men, especially the gunmen who have fought for control of the country for the last 15 years.


There were six flights a week from Nairobi to the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and services to three other towns and many more khat flights each day.


Kenyan khat, or miraa, growers have condemned the flight ban.


Drug ban


Maoka Maore, MP for the central Ntonyiri constituency, said that 20 tons of khat, worth $800,000 was sent to Somalia each day.


"Even if you close it for a week, the effects are going to be devastating," he told the BBC's Network Africa programme.


KHAT : Stimulant, making the user more alert and talkative Appetite suppressor. After a few hours, it produces a state of calm (Really????)

Health fears over khat use:

A chemical found in khat could boost the power of men's sperm. Long-term use can bring on insomnia, heart problems and sexual problems

Can bring on anxiety and aggression.


"All of our productive land is in miraa farms."


The Islamists have tried to clamp down on the trade since their rise over the past five months.


They banned its sale during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, sparking street protests in Kismayo.



Wont this damage more the Kenyas than Somalis?

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Drug ban


Maoka Maore, MP for the central Ntonyiri constituency, said that 20 tons of khat, worth $800,000 was sent to Somalia each day.




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Walaal Cambaro,


I don’t think eating or reconstruction is part of Somali vocabulary among men any more. If they spend that much on drugs…can you imagine how much they spend on military equipment? Most of that money comes from people abroad…that is the saddest part of it.


Somali are the largest khat consumers in the region why not grow the damn thing locally?


I feel sorry for Somali women in general.

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Ms DD   

Do you think we have the addictive personality?


Somali women are strong though..they'd have to be to put with men like that.


I dont think they spend half of that money on military.


Maybe this would be a good thing for our people.

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Originally posted by Cambarro:

Do you think we have the addictive personality?


Somali women are strong though..they'd have to be to put with men like that.


I dont think they spend half of that money on military.


Maybe this would be a good thing for our people.

Military isn't the correct word in the current situation of that country but they do spend a lot of cash for the wrong reasons.

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Wey ku fiicantahay....beerahooda wax kale haku beertaan, sida caleenta ee awal u soo saari jireen.


Dadkeenaba jaad ayaa rafaadiye. Almost a million a day going to coffers of Keenyaatiga, plus another couple hundred thousand doolar ka imaanaayo Galbeedka and other places.


War diyaaradihiina yaryaraa iyo jaadkiinaba heysta. Hala arko qofkii ku dhib qabo. Jaad kaliya ma'ahee, cheap wares ayee Soomaalida idiin keeni jirtay, oo Hindidii ridiculous price wax idinka gadi jiray arka mar labaad.

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