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Somalia: Puntland president meet with elders over security in Bari region

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Somalia: Puntland president meet with elders over security in Bari region

4 Nov 4, 2009 - 3:04:20 AM


The president of Somalia's Puntland State government met with clan elders who were involved in peace talks to end inter-clan clashes in the region.


The lunch meeting which was held in Garowe’s Presidential Palace was attended by senior government officials headed by Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole", Interior minister Abdullahi Ahmed Jama Ilka jiir, and assistant minister for Internal Affairs Ali Yussuf Ali Hosh and other officials.


President Farole outlined the need to engage elders to end the hostility between the two clans. On Tuesday, the clan elders also met in the Interior Ministry office to discuss the resolutions and way forward.


On the other hand, Puntland President has announced that the last meeting between the state and the elders would be held in Bari region especially where the two clans fought over recently.


The two clans fought over land in the Bari region, causing the deaths of several people and injuries of dozens others.

Puntland government recently issued a strong peace pact between the two rival clans who fought over land while deploying some 400 soldiers to the clashes-prone areas.



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Madaxweynaha PL oo la kulmay Issimo

3 Nov 3, 2009 - 11:32:58 AM


Qado sharaf ka dhacady xarunta Madaxtooyada Puntland ee Garowe maalintii shaley ayaa Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland casumaad u fidiyey guddi Issimo ah oo loo xilsaarey dhameystirka colaadii dhexmartey beelo walaalo ah ee wada daga gobolka Barri [ Puntland].


Xafladaan oo ay kasoo qayb galeen Xubno ka tirsan golaha Wasiirada ayaa waxaa Madaxweynaha Puntland sharaxaad ka bixiyey sababta keentey in Issimadaan loo igmado dhameytirka colaadii dhowaan dowaldda Puntland go'aanka kama dambeysta ah kasoo saartey ee Igdheys.

Kulankaan ayaa waxaa sidoo kale kasoo qayb galey Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Puntland Cabdulahi Ilkajiir, Wasiirka degaanka Abdiqani, Wasiir ku-xigeenka arrimaha gudaha Cali Yusuf Cali Xoosh iyo xubno kale.


Issimo ka socda gobolada Puntland oo qayb qaadanaya kulankaan ayaa maanta 3 Nov,2009 ku kulmay xarunta Wasaarada Arrimaha gudaha Puntland iyaga oo isla jeex-jeexey tirada xubnaha laga casumayo beelaha muranka ka dhexeeyey.


Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegey in kulankaan gabagabaiisa lagu qaban doono gobolka Barri gaar ahaan gobihii beelahaan isku khilaafeen.


Beelahaan heshiiska kama dambeysta ah la dhexdhigayo ayaa horey ugu dirirey degaano ku yaala gobolka Barri dagaalkaan oo keeney dhimasho iyo dhaawac.


Dowladda Puntland ayaa mowqif adag ka istaagtey joojinta colaadaan iyada oo goáamo ay kasoo saartey fulisay isalamarkaana gaysay goobahaas ciidamo gaaraya 400 oo askari kuwaasoo ka tirsan ciidamada Daraawiishta.

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