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Somalia: Government to negotiate with opposition on appointment of new premier

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The acting prime minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia [TFG], Salim Aliyow Ibrow, has said that his government would engage in negotiations with opposition factions in Somalia and welcomed the suggestion by the US government to give the prime minister's post to the opposition groups in order to achieve peace and security in the war-torn country.


Addressing the press in Baydhabo, the prime minister pointed out that there was an opportunity now to terminate the long-standing chaos and the lack of a functioning central government in Somalia.


"We are hoping to hold a political dialogue with the opposition groups regarding the prime minister's post and we are optimistic that we will bring to an end the 17 years of violence in the country," Salim Aliyow Ibrow stated in Baydhabo.


The speech by the interim prime minister of Somalia comes after the US government suggested to the TFG to open a dialogue with the opposition groups regarding the prime ministe's post.


Meanwhile, it should be recalled that the chairman of the Asmara-based opposition group, Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad, had earlier stated that they would not hold any talks with the government as long as Ethiopian troops were still in the country.


However, President Abdullahi Yusuf is holding crucial consultations regarding the appointment of a new prime minister following the unexpected resignation of Ali Muhammad Gedi a few days ago.


Credit: Radio Mudug via BBC's monitoring Group.

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Supposing the entire conflict is based on Ethiopian troop presence on our soil, and all sides of the opposition expressed their wish to see them leave our country, How does this move help? The Xabashis are still here and somalis who matter don't like them.


Also, the TFG is not known to make concessions, so I am not sure if this is what A/Y wants as a head of that Organization. I recall Europeans and Americans insisting on the same thing before but the TFG heads rejecting and accusing these countries as meddling and undermining. What Ddoes Zenawi want? A/Y's boss?





The TFG hasn't achieved anything with brute force using their Xabashi army. They should have realized long ago that you rule somalis with their consent and not with a foreign occupying army they don't like to see in their neighbourhoods.

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clearly no was able to their consent for better part of two decades, brute force on the other hand was untried method, maybe, just maybe that is the only way to govern Somalis, as for ethio army, we should all know that opposition to it is a red herring for people who want no government. at least, thats how i take.

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