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The origin and the chronology of GeediYey quarrel!

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Maxaa kala socotaa khilafka u dhexeya C/lahi iyo Geedi?


By Oct 8, 2007 - 6:50:54 PM






Garowe Online Editorial


Khilaafka u dhexeeya Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah Cabdulahi Yusuf iyo Ra'isal wasare Cali Maxamd Geedi ayaa ah mid salka ku haya dhaqaalaha, siyaasada iyo arrimo la xiriira heshiisyada shidaalka.


Qoralkan ayaan waxaan ku soo kobeynaa heerarka uu soo marey bilihii ugu dambeyay dhacdooyinka laga akhrisan karo khilaafka u dhexeya labadan mas'iuul:


Jul 16,2007- Geedi ayaa iska fogeyay heshiis la sheegey in Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yusuf la galey shirkada Chines ah oo shidaalka baarta[CNOOC]


Aug 7,2007- Wakalada wararka Reuters ayaa shacisay in xukumada Ra'isal wasare Geedi qorsheyneyso in sharciga shidaalka Batroolka Somalia leedahay la sameeyo taas oo qoraalkiisa la kaashanyan shirkadaha Indonesia's PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk and Kuwait Energy Company.[Akhri draft sharciga Batroole].


Aug 29,2007- Cabdulahi Yusuf oo wareysi siinayay laanta af-somaliga ee VOA ayaa ganafka ku dhuftey hadal ka soo yeeray Ra'isal wasaare Geedi kaas oo sheegayay in Green Zone laga sameeynayo magaalada Muqdisho.[Ka dhageyso Halkan].


Sep 8,2007- Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland, Cadde Muuse oo waraysi siiyay Idaacadda BBC-da, isagoo ku sugan Dubai, ayaa si qayaxan u caddeeyey haddii Barlamanka DFKMG ansixiyaan sharciga Batroolka ee hadda horyaal in uu xumaan doono xiriirka u dhexeeya Puntland iyo DFKMG.[Dhageyso Wareysigan].


Sep 9,2007- Barlamanka DFKMG ah ayaa maanta kulan ay isugu yimaadeen waxaa ka dhashey buuq yimid kadib markii xildhibanada loo qaybiyay Nuqulka sharciga Batrolka Somalia kaas oo qorshuhu ahaa in laga doodo isla markaana la ansaxiyo. [buqaan ayaa waxaa dhigey xildhibanada tageersan heshiisyada CNOOC iyo midka PL la gashey shirkada R.Resources dabadeedna dib looma soo celin].


Sep 10,2007- Ra'iisul Wasare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo kulan Jabuti kula yeshay xubno uu horkacayey Ganacsade Xaji Abukar Cumar ayaa ka wada hadlay sidii loo gaari laha dib u heshiisiin iyo isu soo dhowaansho dhexmarta dowladda Federaalka iyo xoogaga ka soo horjeeda.[Akhri warkaan oo dhameystiran]


Sept 12,2007- Ra'isal Wasarha DFKMG Geedi ayaa kulan uu kula yeeshay hoyga Cabdiqasim Salaad Xasan oo horey u ahaan jirey Madaxweynhii dowladii Carta lagu soo dhisey. Kulanka Gedi iyo Qaasim oo socdey muddo ku dhow sadex sacadood ayaa shegaya in ay ka wada hadlen rabshadaha ka jira magaalada Muqdisho iyo sidii siyaasad ahaan isugu soo dhowaan lahaayeen.[Akhri kulankaan]


Sep 21,2007- Guddoomiyihii Maxkamadda sare ee DFKMG ah Yusuf Cali Haaruun iyo Garsoore ka tirsan waaxda adeega guud ee wasaradda Cadaalada oo lagu magacabo AV. Maxamed Nuur Sheegow ayaa ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda kala baxeen guryo ay ka deganaayeen Baydhabo.[Akhri warkan oo dhan]


Sep 22,2007- Kulan ay isugu yimadeen golaha wasiirada ee xukumada DFKMG ah ayay go'aamiyeen in si deg-deg ah loo sii daayo Gudomiyaha Maxakamada Sare loona soo celiyo sharaftiisa iyo karamadiisa isla markana xillka laga qaado Xeer-ilaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka Cabdulahi Dahir Barre iyo ku-xigenkiisa Dr.Cali Maxamud Yusuf (Cali Yare).


Sep 23,2007- Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka ayaa ku gacansayrey xil-ka-qaadista ay ku sameyeen Golaha Wasiirada isaga oo sheegey in go'ankiisu ahaa mid sax ah. C/laahi Daahir Barre ayaa sheegey in Gudoomiyaha Maxkamda Sare Yusuf Haruun uu galey dambiyada ah xatooyo xoolo dadweyne, been abuur qoraalo, amar ku taagleyn uu shaqaalaha kula dhaqmey, khayaamo qaran iyo Dastuurka uu jabiyey.[Dhageyso diidmada Xeer ilalailaya]


Sep 23,2007- Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee Golaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Somaliya Maxamed Cumar Dalxa ayaa ugu baaqay xildhibanada in ay ku baxaan oo ay xaliyaan khilaaf soo kala dhexgalay madaxda sare ee DF Federalka Soomaliya, gaar ahaan Madaxweynaha Dowladda KMG Md. C/llaahi Yusuf Axmed iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxmed Geeddi.


Sep 28,2007- Kulankan uu shir gudoominayey Ra'isal wasare Cali Maxamad Gedi ayaa Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yusuf soo hordhigey qodob dood badan dhalliyay kaas ahaa in Golaha Wasiirada laga keeno gudaha Baralamanka iyo dibadiisaba. Qodobkaan ayaa muran dhaliyay waxaana dib loo dhigey ilaa waqti aan la caymin.


Sep 29,2007- Kulan Barlamanka DFKMG ah ku yeeshey Baydhabo ayaa mudo afar malmood ah loo qabtey in xukumada Geedi ku soo gudbiso miisaniyada u qorsheysan, hadii ay ku soo gudbin way-dana loo bandhigi doono guddiga Barlamanka oo arintaan qaabilsan.


Oct 7,2007- Xubno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka FKMG ah ee Soomaliya ayaa guddoonka Baarlamanka u gudbiyay mooshin la doonayo in cod kalsoon ah loo qaado xukumadda Cali Maxamed Geddi taas qoraalkooda ku xuseen in jiritaanka xukumadu ku eg-yahay 13-ka bisha Oct.Dhinaca kale waxaa jira Xildhibaano raadinaya in xukumada cod kalsooni ah hesho kuwas tageeraya Ra'isal wasaaraha.


Oct 8,2007- Wafdi uu hoggaaminayo Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa ka degay garoonka diyaaradaha Baydhabo ee gobolka Bay halkaas kulan albaabadu u xiranyahay kula yeeshay Gudomiyaha Aqalka Wakiilada iyo Xildhibano ka tirsan. Madaxweynaha ayaa u gudbin doona qodob ka soo baxey shirkii belaha ee Muqdisho kaas oo shegaya in wasiirada laga qaadan karo banaanka .[Akhri warkaan oo dhameystiran]


Oct 8,2007- Waxaa maanta markii ugu horeysay kulan yeeshay Ra’iisul Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geddi, qaar ka tirsan Golaha Wasiiradda, Xildhibano ka tirsan beesha ****** iyo Golaha Midnimada iyo Dhaqanka ****** garabka uu hogaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad oo si weyn ugu horjeday Dowladda Federlaalka iyo joogitanka ciidamada Ethiopia. [Akhri]


Dhacdoyinkan ayaa dhamantood qeexaya heerka uu gaarsiisan yahay khilaafka u dhexeya Madaxweyne DFKMG ah iyo Ra'isal Wasarihiisa.Weli lama oga xukuumada Ethiopia oo dowlada tageerta mowqifka ay ka taagan tahay arintaan.


Warar aan rasmi aheyn ayaa sheegeya in wasiirka arrimaha dibada Ethiopia Sayoum Mesfin booqasho uu ku dhexdhexadinayo Cabdulahi iyo Gedi ku tagi lahaa Somalia ay baaqatey sababo aan la shaacin awgood. Halka warar qaar xusayan in uu ka dalbadey labadan mas'uul in khilaafkoda iyagu xaliyaan.


DFKMG ah oo waqtigedu yahay gababsi aya waxaa curyamiyay is-qabqabsi u dhexeya xubnaha u sareya dowlada, musuq-masuq iyo koxaha dowlada ka soo horjeda oo ka dhigey Muqdisho goob xukumadu ku shaqeyn kari waydo.


Dhinaca kale magalada Muqdisho ayaa si joogta ah waxaa loogu kharijiyaa saraakisha dowlada iyada oo qaarkood iska casileen xilalkoodiii kadib markii cabsi kaga timid kooxaha ka soo horjeda xukumada iyada oo la sheegayo in shaqalaha dowlada aysan wax mushahar qaadan muddo sagaal bilood ah.


Haadaba talabooyinka la filayo in ay qadaan Xildhibaanada Barlamanka maalmaha soo socda ayaa dhalin kara in leys weydiiyo su'aalahan hoos ku qoran kuwaas DF khatar galin kara jiritaankeeda:


1- Maxey tahay tallaabada uu qaadan doono Geedi hadii xukumaddiisu weydo kalsonida Barlamanka xilli uu kulamo la galey xubno ka tirsan beelaha ******, kuwaas si ba'an ugu soo horjeeday dowladiisa sadexdii sano ee la soo dhaafey?


2- Maxey noqon kartaa talabada uu qaadan karo Madaxweyne C/lahi Yusuf hadii Geedi ku guuleysto kalsonida Barlamanka isla markana Xildhibanadu diidan qodobka ah in Golaha Wasiirada laga keeni karo Barlamanka dibadiisa?

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Nice chronology alaylee yaa Xiin. Meeday raggii dhahaye dawladu waa dowladii qaranka somaleed so celin lahayd? Waa niman(sidaan horey usheegnay halkaan)dowlad iyo dadka somaleed ujeedin :(


Well,So,Who is the lesser of the two evils yaa Xiin? Seeing as it is,these two men have fallen off mainly because of the oil in Puntland. Who in your opinion is on the right here? Is the oil a national product for all Somalis or just a product of the state of Puntland & its people?


ayaa ganafka ku dhuftey hadal ka soo yeeray

:D:D Jecliyaaa!!

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^^I don’t think Puntland oil is the insurmountable issue here Faarax. Their dispute is more deeper than that.


But this is an interesting development. I don’t think Geedi is bluffing. The ultimate arbiter in these kinds of disputes seems to be sitting it out, if not tacitly supporting one of them, and if I were a betting man, I would bet Geedi is the one. For there has only been one game in the Somali political arena, and that was courting Ethiopia’s support to overcome other adversaries. I think the rules of that old game are well understood by all sides. Those who insisted restoring Somalia by the enemy tanks must’ve realized now that they are not the only ones capable of practicing Ethiopia courtesy!

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^I don’t think Puntland oil is the insurmountable issue here Faarax. Their dispute is more deeper than that.


But this is an interesting development. I don’t think Geedi is bluffing. The ultimate arbiter in these kinds of disputes seems to be sitting it out, if not tacitly supporting one of them, and if I were a betting man, I would bet Geedi is the one. For there has only been one game in the Somali political arena, and that was courting Ethiopia’s support to overcome other adversaries. I think the rules of that old game are well understood by all sides. Those who insisted
Somalia by the enemy tanks must’ve realized now that they are not the only ones capable of practicing Ethiopia courtesy!

It may not be the sole reason for the fight,but it sure did start it[Look at the first three events]. if it aint about Oil,the its about money. The money problem lead to mistrust,which leads to undermining which leads to dismissal(or attempt to) as in the case of Geedi now. Yey wants to remove Geedi & he is using his clan to rally some support. The crux of the matter here is that,we have two men who are both inept fighting for control of huge ammounts of money.


Personally,I see a bigger hand at play here. Remember a while back when we were talking about the just concluded conference? The reaction from the US diplomats in Nairobi was not at ALL good. They actually called it a failure & said that this govt was unable to deliver what was promised. Nimankan jambal aa loo tuuray & it looks like their masters are not happy with the job.


All in all,you have not answered the question yaa Xiin :D Who,in your opinion will be ousted and why? Haa idhihin,labadoodaba,becoz thats a wish as you know someone is to remain. If Geedi is ousted,thru parliament(as it looks will happen),what do you make of his kin? Will they "defend" him?

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^^ :D:D


You did no ask me to choose between the two?


Here is my read on it:


At this point in time Ethiopia can’t afford alienating Yey. With Puntland on his thump, he’s an asset for them. But it also wants to help Geedi get a foothold in his kin and ultimately organize the Benadir base. So it’s holding on to Yey as a matter of practicality while it’s supporting Geedi as a matter of strategy. So when the push comes to shove, and things being as they are, Ethiopia, and America for that matter, will support Yey’s minor maneuverings i.e. replacing a PM. But Geedi has a real bargaining chip on his hands---he has Xamar Caddey. And with this publicized meeting, he seems to have gained a notch with some elders from the other side. He will buy enough votes to evade the looming vote-down in Parliament.


What will happen if Geedi come out from the Parliament vote unscathed? There lie, I think, the demise of tfg as we know it.


ps--the article asserts that OIL is the origin of thier dispute but i think if it's about money only they could've arrived some arrengements unless we are assuming these men are patriots!

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Johnny B   

It is but rationally intriguing to think that Yey is lobbying for more of the same TFG, namely more Gheddi as the contrary would hint a healthy and independant president of an independant nation, which is, but the case.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^I don’t think Puntland oil is the insurmountable issue here Faarax. Their dispute is more deeper than that.

By all accounts the oil issue is known to be one of the biggest sources of rifts between them

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:



You did no ask me to choose between the two?


Here is my read on it:


At this point in time Ethiopia can’t afford alienating Yey. With Puntland on his thump, he’s an asset for them. But it also wants to help Geedi get a foothold in his kin and ultimately organize the Benadir base. So it’s holding on to Yey as a matter of practicality while it’s supporting Geedi as a matter of strategy. So when the push comes to shove, and things being as they are, Ethiopia, and America for that matter, will support Yey’s minor maneuverings i.e. replacing a PM. But Geedi has a real bargaining chip on his hands---he has Xamar Caddey. And with this publicized meeting, he seems to have gained a notch with some elders from the other side. He will buy enough votes to evade the looming vote-down in Parliament.


What will happen if Geedi come out from the Parliament vote unscathed? There lie, I think, the demise of tfg as we know it.


ps--the article asserts that OIL is the origin of thier dispute but i think if it's about money only they could've arrived some arrengements unless we are assuming these men are patriots!

of course Geedi is replaceable & Yey isnt. A vote of no confidence & Voila!


If Ali Mahdy is chosen by Yey as a replacement for Geedi & He(Geedi)gets the approval of his kinsmen(and Mahdy doesnt),then the roles are reveresed? and its all start from scratch ?


If Geedi survives & his kinsmen stay true to the promise(of denouncing terror),Why should Etobia kick Geedi out? Its getting more complex ina adeerow smile.gif


JB,Hello? smile.gif


More than anything,i wanna hear from the resident Yeyist in this forum. Especially from Duke & his kutaab gaablow,Mr Emperor. :D I also would like to hear from Nayruus & that fiery freind of ours,Sakhar. They are awefully quite on this ground shaking story. smile.gif

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walaaqantaye yaa wowga u hayn ,,,, :D



I don't believe it is a serious problem ,,, it is a lil game to win the hearts of those Muqdisho residents to think that gedi is much better than yey ,,,,, it is a distraction of people's attention from the Asmara call and the expected operations.

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Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka:

walaaqantaye yaa wowga u hayn ,,,,



I don't believe it is a serious problem ,,, it is a lil game to win the hearts of those Muqdisho residents to think that gedi is much better than yey ,,,,, it is a distraction of people's attention from the Asmara call and the expected operations.

Shekha,Mataa sigirso aboo. That is definetly not the case. :D


Edit: Dib markaan u aqriye ayeey igu soo dhacdee,Ninyow waa maxay edeb daradaan? Ma waxaad lehdahay,odayasha H,waa nacasiino Geedi ayaa ka caqli badan? :mad:


Waa hadaan hit man kuu soo adeegsanin :D

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I am hearing news, that yey's suggestion of non-MP nominees for ministerial posts, is creating another additional problem between him and the MPs. So this time he might find things a bit tougher. Especially regarding the replacement of Geedi primiership.

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Warar laga helayo ilo ku dhow dhow xafiiska madaxweynaha dowlada federalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya inuu jiro qorshe uu ku doonayo inuu xilka Ra'iisul wasaaraha ugu magacaabo Maxamed Maxamud Guuleed (gacma dheere) kadib markii uu xil ka qaadis ku sameeyo Cali Maxamed Geedi oo iminka xilkaas haya.


Qorshaha koowaad uu doonaayo Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa ah in marka hore uu Barlamaanka u codeya labadaan maalin soo sovcota in uu dibada ka keensan karo wasiirka koowaada taasoo hadii loo ogolaado uu keensan doono shaqsi kale halka haduu wayana uu noqon doono Maxamed Maxamud Guuleed (gacma dheere)


Madaxweyne yuusuf ayaa iminka ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo halkaa oo uu xubnaha baarlamaanka ku boorinaayo inay u codeeyaan xukuumada Geedi, waxaana wararka Baydhabo ay sheegayaan in lacago badan ay soo gaareen xildhibaanada kuwaas oo looga gadanayo codkooda si xilka looga qaado Geeddi.


Dhinaca kale Ra'iisula wasaare Geeddi ayaa beri la filayaa inuu gaaro Baydhabo, iyadoo labada dhinac ee madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisula wasaaraha ay xildhibaanada siiyeen lacago badan oo ay ku kala gadanayaan.


Hotelka Bakiin ee magaalada Baydhaba oo ay xildhibaanadaasi degen yihiin ayaa laga dareemayaa lacagahaasi, iyadoo wararka ku saabsan in xilka ra'iisula wasaaraha loo magacaabayo Gacmo dheere la isla dhex marayo halkaasi.


Gacmo dheere ayaa ah kan ugu dhow xiligan C/laahi yuusuf xubnaha labada gole ee dowlada federaalka ee ka soo jeeda beelaha Hawiyaha, waxaana Madaxweyne Yuusuf uu ku hanweyn yahay in Gacma dheere uu la hirgalin doono qorshaha batroolka looga baarayo puntland kaasi oo uu Geeddi ka madax adeygay



Jabriil Cabdulle (jabra)

Stockholm Sweden



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FB, Akam bultee aboo, fayaa mii ?


waar niyow ta ka dhacda waaba loo wada joogi doonaa ,, meeshan qajaafo ayaa la isu wada dhigayaaye , car yaan la iska dhex toosin dhowaan :D

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The Geedi/Ina Yusuf showdown is so overrated. Who cares where these monkeys end up. Let them rot in Asfala-saafiliin. Regardless of whoever is seen as the top dog, Melez remains the master and the winner of the horn. Remind me that Nigerian spammers song song stealing American/European money. "I go chop your dollar. I'm the winner, You're the loser." Only this time it's not the gullible Americans. It's Somali fools who idol worships their clan. SOL has a fair share of these fools.


What shocks me the most is how easily these clan elders can be manipulated by few dollar signs. Sadly, we're back to square one. Qabiil before Qaran even if such Qaran were to be delivered by the archenemy. I'm hoping the five men pictured with Geedi don't represent the larger clan very well.

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