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Yalaxow and Ato make excuses to safe face: Both are sick with Kaduudiye

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Geeddi Oo Weli La Sugayo Qudbadiisa Iyo Suudi Oo Kaduudyo La Xanuunsan...





Ra'iisul wasaaraha dowladda kmg ah ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa maalintii labaad ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho isagoo aan wali la hadlin shacbiga Soomaaliyeed

Ra'iisul wasaaraha dowladda kmg ah ee Soomaaliya markii uu soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho shalay waxa uu ku hor maray xarunta xisbiga ee haatan ay ku shiraan xubnaha golaha wasiirrada iyo baarlamlaanka.


Ra'iisul wasaare Geeddi waxa uu sheegtay daal fara badan isagoo intaana raaciyay in uu u garaabayo dadkii mudada saacadaha ah ku sugayay garoonka No 50 oo iyaguna daallan yihiin


Ra'iisul wasaare Geedi iyo wafdigii uu hoggaaminayay oo aanay xubno dowladeed ku badnayn ayaa waxaa la dajiyay hoteelka Ramadaan, halkaasi oo iminka uu ka billowday dhaqdhaqaaq xooggan iyadoo ammaankiisana si aad ah loo adkeeyay.


Waxaa hoteelka Ramadaan uu hadda noqday goobta ugu zaxmadda badan magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada laga dheehan karayo, kuwaas oo qaarkood ra'iisul wasaaraha kulammo kala duwan la qaadanayaan.


Waxaa la filayay in ra'iisul wasaaruhu uu maanta la hadlo dadka magaalada Muqdisho balse taasi wali maanay dhicin. Siyaasiyiintii horay magaalada Muqdisho u joogay oo wasiirrada ka ahaa dowladda Geeddi sida Muuse Suudi Maxamed Qanyare iyo Cismaan Caato oo shalay aan soo dhawaynta ra'iisul wasaarah ka qayb qaadan ayaan walina ugu tagin hoteelka uu ka daggan yahay magaalada Muqdisho.


Wali waxaan la caddayn waxa ku dhaliyay wasiirradaasi oo ah hoggaamiyayaasha ugu waawayn magaalada Muqdisho ahna wasiirrada kaliya ee magaalada horay u sii joogay in aysan ra'iisul wasaaraha soo dhawayntiisa ka qayb qaadan,laakiin waxaa la sheegayaa in qaarkood ay xanuunsanayaan sida Muuse Suudi oo la tilmaamay in uu hayo cudur aad uga jira magaalada Muqdsiho oo loo bixiyay Kaduudiye halka wasiirrada kalena ay wakiillo uun u direen soo dhawaynta ra'iisul wasaaraha oo xitaa aanay iman xarunta xisbiga oo ra'iisul wasaaruhu hadal gaaban ka jeediyay


Liibaan Cabdi Cali, Goobjoog, Muqdisho

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Xildhibaanno Ka Shiraya Sidii Ay Geeddi Ula Kulmi Lahaayeen!!




Xubnaha xildhibaannada ah ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta xaruntii hore ee xisbiga ku yeeshay kulan ay kaga arrinsanayeen, sida ugu haboon oo ay ula kulmi karayaan ra'iisul wasaaraha dowladda kmg ah ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi oo aanay wali is arag xildhibaannada.

Kulanka ay yeesheen xildhibaannadan oo ahaa mid aan saxaafadda loo oggolayn ayaa looga arrinsanayay arrimo dhowr ah oo xildhibaannada Muqdisho ku sugani damacsan yihiin in ay ra'iisul wasaaraha ka dalbadaan sida uu saxaafadda u sheegay afhayeenka xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdsiho ku sugan Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo kulankaasi ka dib saxaafadda hadal kooban siinayay.


Dhinaca kalena wasiirka amniga qaranka Maxamed Qanyare Afrax ayaa maanta gurigiisa qado sharaf ugu sameeyay safiirrada shisheeyaha ah ee la socday ra'iisul wasaaraha dowladda kmg ah ee Soomaaliya. Warar kale oo la helayaana waxay sheegayaan in Cismaan Caato oo ah wasiirka howlaha guud iyo guriyaynta uu isna xanuunsanayo si la mid ah Muuse suudi yalaxow.


Liibaan Cabdi Cali, Goobjoog, Muqdisho

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in Cismaan Caato oo ah wasiirka howlaha guud iyo guriyaynta uu isna xanuunsanayo si la mid ah Muuse suudi yalaxow.



Upside-Down, Nice one Duke


I wonder when they gonna recover from this unknown desease, surely they need professional doctor to get out of this... looool.. only if you know what I mean.


This rate of change is unbelievable...

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^^Still wondering around, are we? Unexpected times will always be there, suprise suprire be careful old chap, this late visit was not from a Puntlander, it's Geedi the Primier. LOL but I undertand ur dilemma, it is not only you even Indha-cadde took it as a suprise! :D he had not time to think about his previuos remarks but to clap, Will you?


As for the above qouted news, is the source - I fail to comprehend where does that fit "Pukeland Media" in that site or for that matter in this topic.



PS: Help, Dakhtar fiican uraadi nimanka adigaa Europe joogee - Quick recovery is needed

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Am not sure you know who should be suprised here me or you...

Mogadishu is unhabitable, uncotrollable, city of war mongers, city of barbarians and cause of all this the government cannot settle there now and has to look for temporary residence untill the foreign troops come and clean the God for saken place.

But suprise suprise who is there today the PM himself who was spoiled for choice between Jowhar and Bay, he is not dead, he was not robbed nor raped, but he was welcomed by millions he did not see from Jowhar to Bosaso. Plus he went to attend he parliamentary meeting comprised of the MP's and cabinet ministers in Mogadishu toiling heart to make an effort ignored by the PM and Yeey.

The simple fact is my dear friend Qoshel is that the PM is in Mogadishu, so who should be suprised me or you... :D

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^^^Not anymore, Man what are you on about, another lame excuse way out, your previous excuse was about "Pukeland Media" that you brought in which had nothing to do with this topic.


Mogadishu is unhabitable, uncotrollable, city of war mongers, city of barbarians

Good, Saas waa inaad uxifdisanaataa...


and cause of all this the government cannot
there now and has to look for temporary residence untill the foreign troops come and clean the God for saken place.

Well done sxb, you made sense there..


Ooops a 24 hour visit as Im aware off, that is not a settlement, is it? ooh Geedi is ethio's puppet Or he's Yey's right hand, that is not the case now, is it?


Not only suprised, shocked they are!!! but who!


Read my lips, your fake-lords run to Mogadishu as if they can do something that others can't or possess power no one have, they talked a lot, made promisses even tried to relocate the parliament with the help of Shariif Hassan, but delivered nothing at all. Yet the best of all, Geedi went there and proved that they are worthless cowards who get sick when I arrive, OOH YEAH and their wonder boy Indhacade can be a good welcomer and sing "Soo dhawaada Jaalayaalow"to note his privious statements.


The PM went there showed to the world that the people are ready for the government and recieved better reception that anyone before, Showed that your fake-lords had done nothing, nor will they be able to do anything that he can't do it. He's no fool and knows the welcome was fantastic but the security situation is far from being fantastic. Guns everywhere and knows that local militias won't disarm just because Geedi is there, not as simple as that, therefore has to plan for it(Part of the plan temporary relocation) and leaves the place soon.


Am I suprised, No why should I be, After all is only a short visit. Do I think Mogadishu is peaceful, No. Was he welcomed by the people, Yes. Do they want the government, Yes. Can he resume peace, Not that simple.


Now that I made myself clear, do me a favor, next time your message should be as clear as one of your lords, especially the fake-Xaaji Yalaxow - Ooops If you were affected by kabkabuubiye never shy and please do inform us to show some sympathy and bring Get-Well Soon cards to you, the Lord's got it, why not the supporters! Hope you recover from it sooner than later.

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