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Update on the Puntland Football Tournament in Garowe!

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The latest update is that the tournament is definitely heating up as it reached the Semi-final stage.


So far from Group A: Sool and Bari progressed through the group stages and onto the semifinals thus relegating Highlan and Nugaal (sadly) my home region.


From Group B: Sanaag and Mudug made it out of the group and into the semifinals relegating Karkaar and Cayn respectively from the group.

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Sport: Gobolka Sanaag oo u Gudbey Semifinalka Cayaaraha Puntland!


December 16, 2009



Xulka gobolka Sanaag ayaa waxaa ay galabta ka badiyeen xulka gobolka Ceyn kuwaas oo ku hardamay garoonka Kubadda Cagta ee Mire Awaare Stadium halkaas ay ka socoto Ciyaaraha gobolada Puntland kaas oo galay wejiga ugu adkaa badan.


Qeybti hore ee Ciyaarta xulka gobolka Sanaag ayaa waxaa u suurtagashay in ay shabaqa xulka gobolka Cayn ay ku ruxaan goosha koowaad,waxaana qeybta hore ee ciyaarta ku dhamaatay 1-0 oo ay ku hogaaminayso xulka gobolka Sanaag.


Qeybta dambe ee ciyaarta marki la isku soo noqday ayaa xulka gobolka Ceyn ay sameyeen dadaalo dheeri ah oo ay ku doonaayeen in ay soo bareejeyaan xulka gobolka Sanaag,balse arintaas waxaa ka hortagay xulka gobolka Sanaag oo mudo ka dib ay dhaliyeen goolka labaad oo niyad jab xoogan ku noqotay xulka gobolka Ceyn.


Gobolka cayn ayaa muujiyey cayaar farsamadeedu aad u sareyso waxayna heleen fursado badan oo ay ku dhalin kareen goolal, waxaa sidoo kale ay heleen fursad ah rikoore kaas oo aysan ka faa’iideysan.Sagaashaanka daqiiqadood ee lagu talagalay ciyaarta ayaa waxaa ay ku soo dhamaatay 2-0,halkaas oo ay guusha ku raacday xulka gobolka Sanaag oo guruubka labaad ee B iyada iyo xulka gobolka Mudug ka soo baxeen, halka cayaaryahanada xulalka Ceyn iyo Karkaar ay isaga boorsooyinkooda qaateen.


Waxaa durbadiiba la sameeyey isku aadin,iyadoo lagu wado wareega Semi-finaalka ay isku arkaan xulalkaan;


Sanaag Vs Bari.

Mudug Vs Sool.


Waxaana intaa ka dib loo gudbin doona wareega kama dambeysta ah ee loo yaqaano Finaalka,waxaana iminka lagu jira marxaaladi ugu xiisaha badnaa maadaama xul weliba ay doonayso in ay qaado koobka.


Horseed Media.

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Thus at the semi-final stage it is:


Sanaag vs Bari I will be cheering for Sanaag in there.




Mudug vs Sool I will be cheering for Mudug (my other home region) but I have a slight feeling that the Champions of Sool will go through all the way to the finals to possibly meet Bari, this two are definitely the two strongest contenders in this tournament.

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^So who did the match fixings, then? Only because Cayn got relegated smile.gif that doesn't mean, that there was any match fixing involved.


You can always cheer for Mudug as sadly Nugaal got relegated.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

I heard there's match fixing going.

You always hear negitive things dont you Che.. :D


Anyhow in Puntland, they play football, in Al Shabaab land they play fake Shariah executions as sport. Which admin do you suppirt? ;)

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Thanks for sharing.


Anigu maadaama ay hartey kooxdeydii "Haylaan", waxaan taageerayaa kooxda libaaxyada Bari. Not only their two strikers are from Dhahar, but also Gudoomiyaha sportska gobolka Bari is from Dhahar. :D


Kooxda labaad aan taageeraayo waa Sool. They have a great team. And yeah, we need Sool involvement in Puntland.

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^Lol, Dhahar is not a region, it is part of Haylaan and Haylaan lost as they mentioned above...


Bari is the strongest team and this will be a confortable win for them. Go Bari, GO GO

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^Yes Sanaag to come through against the mighty Bari Boys.


I don't know regarding Mudug but I think the semi-final is actually to be decided still as Sool beat Nugaal 1:0 in the plenary before progressing to the semi-final stage yesterday.


As for the Boys of Mudug they still in the tournament I guess but come tomorrow I fear the worst as the Champions Sool are in high spirit and good form but in football everything is possible.


Come on Mudug.



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