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Press Statement By Asmara Group

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Somalia: Press Statement By the Alliance for Re-Liberation of Somalia Regarding the Deteriorating Situation in the Country



The acts of incendiary that was ignited by the fire power of the Ethiopian occupation forces and their lackeys, the so-called TFG entity, that has been burning in the Bakaarah Grand Market in Mogadishu for more than the last twenty-four hours, and the wanton prevention of popular attempts to extinguish the arson is the only culmination of the ongoing atrocities aimed at destroying the livelihood of the Somali people.


The enemies have never been ashamed of destroying innocent people's homes, looting their properties and belongings, causing the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people and yet barbarously blocking the humanitarian relief efforts of water and other necessities to the victims who have been rendered destitute.


The evident reinforcements of Ethiopian forces into the country and new attempts of transferring the arms of the TFG militias into Ethiopian forces' custody and the crescendo of these forces taking over further sensitive areas in Mogadishu are new dimensions and additional plans of the perpetual aggression and atrocities being meted out to the Somali people. This development totally negates the rationale of stationing in Somalia so-called peacekeeping troops including the Ugandan forces that have already been in place. The presence of the latter has only served the purpose of augmenting the Ethiopian aggression against the Somali people. This further negates the existence of any Somali authorities, the so-called TFG or otherwise.


At the above backdrop, the Alliance warns about the dire consequences of the planned escalation of the ongoing Ethiopian aggression without any accountability of the massacre and war crimes that have already been committed by these occupation forces and their Somali puppets.


The Alliance calls upon all concerned of the international community to discharge their obligations in safeguarding humanitarian and international laws and to take prerequisite steps to avert new dimensions of the foreseeable humanitarian crises resulting from the Ethiopian plans of yet further massacre and atrocities to be meted out against Somali civilian population.


The Alliance further calls upon and thanks all humanitarian organizations but reminds of the anticipated increase of the already existing humanitarian crises in the country.


Lastly and not the least, the Alliance calls on the Somali people, especially the traditional and religious leaders, the business community and all to who it may concern to beware new enemy plans and their stooges to foment and instigate renewed civil war among the Somalis and play their leading role in foiling such enemy designs as they have always being doing. These traditional enemy plans are intended to divert public opinion, both local and international, from the ongoing aggression against the Somali people.

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Lastly and not the least, the Alliance calls on the Somali people, especially the traditional and religious leaders, the business community and all to who it may concern to
beware new enemy plans and their stooges to foment and instigate renewed civil war among the Somalis
and play their leading role in foiling such enemy designs as they have always being doing.
These traditional enemy plans are intended to divert public opinion, both local and international, from the ongoing aggression against the Somali people.

It's either the fasting that's getting to me or whoever translated this didn't do a good job!

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The fasting.... :D:D ...!


What did you expect from a militant press-release sxb, diplomacy?

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