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Future on Fire

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Dear Boy they say:


Die for me little boy

I want to be in politics

You got to die for me

You belong to my tribe

Islam is my power ladder

clan militia are its steps

Blood is what I invest

Please shed it for me

A pint is quite enough

But a gallon is better

If you blow up yourself

So much the better

In life you live in dignity

In death you go to heaven

50 virgins are waiting for you


And to the TFG I would say:


You can kill and loot today

You can be a living terror

You can let Somalia melt


You can let it sink in despai


Even if time goes against you

You can cross the line over

You can change your political shirt

You can join civil society movements


You can preach peace and tolerance

You can be safe there for sometime

But not every time can you be in safe hands

One day you will be brought to justice

No matter how big or large it may be

The blanket of injustice can´t cover you well

There will always be a space where the

A breath of justice would touch you


And to the somali people I would say:


You are the people

You are the power

Make a change

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