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Mogadishu: Abdiqasin Warlords bring more confusion..

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Mogadishu the capital of the Somali republic. The past few days has seen a major activity on the part of the minister/warlords and Abdiqasin Salad, with the aim of creating a body which they control for the city. And destroying the embryonic administration of Mr Cade Gabow. The problem, as ever is that they all have their own idea about who should lead it and how this organisation should be run.

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Scientist, are you upset because their efforts undermine A/Y? Why would their efforts be a problem to you?


I hope it works for them. Is Governance good Only when it is spearheaded by a man or groups of people you support? It is always imperative no matter who wants to impose it. We wish them good luck.


PS: I don't understand where your ill-will towards the entities you refer to as "these people" comes from. Can you explain who the people are and what they have done to you personally for you to sound so bitter?

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Xoogsade, the problem is not that people dont want to see a sandard adminstration for the capital and the important Banadir region. The problem is that everytime some one is named, or appointed the warlords and other parties try to derail the efforts of that individual. This has been on going as you know for the past 15 years. Every government since then has appointed a governor or mayor for Banadir and Mogadishu.


Now if the ministers and the factions in Mogadishu wanted to create an admisntration based on clan as they claimed, then by all means let all Somali;s support it if it brings peace to our capital. But as you will see it might get even worse for the capital..


Latest news a new Governor is appointed..


Guddoomiyaha golaha deegaanka gobolka Banaadir ayaa maanta loo doortey Maxamuud Cumar Tootoo.


January 01, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Xaruntii hore ee xisbiga hanti wadaaga kacaanka Soomaaliya oo iminka xarun KMG u ah xubnaha baarlamaanka ee kusugan magaalada Muqdisho xaflad si weyn loo soo aggaasimey oo maanta ka dhacdey ayey xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee dhowaatan la magacaabey waxa ay guddoomiye u doorteen Maxamuud Cumar Tootoo, iyadoo xafladaasina ay goob joog ka ahaayeen mas’uuliyiin katirsan labadda gole ee dowlada federaalka Soomaaliya iyo marti sharaf kale oo ka socotey qeybaha bulshada kudhaqan gobolka Banaadir.


Now you would think that the warlords who where behind this effort would support it?


War deg deg ah Max’ed Qanyare oo gaashaanka ku dhuftay qorshe ay u soo jeediyeen xubno ka tirsan labada gole beesha , kuna hanjabay in uu qaadacayo golaha deegaanka haddii aanan qeybsiga xubnaha lagu saleyn sidii horay loogu heshiiyey




Qaynyare said no, Musa wanted his own man and it is Abdiqasin who got his man through thus spoiling the process for the warlords.


So now they the warlords have another excuse to say NO, because just like Cade Gabow their man is not the head of the new Banadir council..


Maxamed Xiireey Maxamed [qaynyares candidate]: “Qaabka ay wax u socdaan waa wax dhibaato abuuraya, Waxa manta dhacayna raali kama ahi, waayo wixii lagu heshiiyay ayaa la hareer marayâ€


Janaayo 01, 2006 Markacadeey.





“Qaabka ay wax u socdaan waa wax dhibaato abuuraya, Waxa manta dhacayna raali kama ahi, waayo wixii lagu heshiiyay ayaa la hareer maray†sidaasi wxaaa yiri Maxamed Xiireey Maxamuud oo ahaa musharaxii u taagnaa gudoomiyenimada golaha deegaanka maamulka gobolka Banaadir.


Maxamed Xiirey ayaa sheegay in ay qiyaano ahaayeen waxyaabihii manta ka dhacay xaruntii hore ee Xisbiga, isaga oo sheegay in manta uusan kulankaasi ka qeyb gelin, maadaama buu yiri uu khilaaf ka taagnaa habka wax loo qeybsanaayo.

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When peace, security and tranquility arrive in Muqdishu, I am of the view that the entire country will experience that very peace, security and tranquility we all have at one point or another dreamt of.


I applaud any efforts made to achieve that peace regardless of who makes that effort...And a central governing team might just be the start. Wish them well....


May Allah grant us a Somalia without any disputed territories. O Allah make somalis love/hate one another for thy sake and eradicate the arrogance, pride and ignorance of many of us..


Upon u be peace...

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Xamar waa furihii nabada somaliya oo dhan.

in alla intii aay xamar xasilooni ka jirin

there will be no peace at all.


Marka in alle inta xamar intaas oo warlord

base u tahay nin walbana tiisi in la meel

marsho rabo there will be no political settlement

on any issue at all.


Midba midka kale ayuu ku xumeenayaa! shacabkana

xoog iyo jajuub ayeey ku haystaan wax dhaafiya

waay jeclaan lahaayeen.




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