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Ethiopian-Eritrean border row solved: Asmara

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DJIBOUTI, 11/15 - The simmering border row between arch-foes Eritrea and Ethiopia is a "solved problem," Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki said.


A day after the independent Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission announced plans to demarcate the contentious border on paper, Issaias said the 2000 Algiers peace agreement and the 2002 border ruling ended the problem.


"The border problem is a solved problem," Issaias told AFP in an interview on Wednesday, reiterating Asmara`s long-held position that the independent border commission`s ruling is final and binding.


"The Algiers agreement was signed with the international community participating to solve the border dispute," he said.


Addis Ababa and Eritrea have tussled over the frontier even after the end of the internecine 1998-2000 border war that claimed some 80,000 people with Ethiopia calling for review of the panel`s ruling.


Ethiopia argues that the ruling that awarded the flash point town of Badme to Eritrea risks splitting families on either sides of the border.

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