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Anarcho-capitalism in Somalia?

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Call me whatever and keep your short-sighted clan bashing tirades since that is all you uncivilised nomads care but for me, I am against the predatory government of your uncles and the likes, of warlords and thugs, of opportunists and clannish inspired neophytes. I am against the imposition of clannish enterprise.


I am also against alien systems. free market is part of our culture and roots. Free market and free trade are indigneous to us and not some thing borrowed from any colonial powers...I am for Somali "Xeer" natural law complimented by the Shariah law. Our indigenous economic system is based on agricultural pastoralism and never there was any direct interference from any authority. the tenets of the Xeer and Shariah laws always maintained the free exchange of goods.


Somalis are now dispersed all over the world, gaining skills and accumulating wealth. They ar venturing to distant lands in pursuit of guessed it, trade..even our aunties are exporting and importing and raising fund pools to reach higher positions in the economic set-up.

Hawala companies, telecommunication and the internet make it easier for these Somalis with skills and money to work togather. They have some well-planned profit sharing schemes. Trade and commerce should always be free and in the control of the private sector.


We know if government comes into this picture, there will be limitations as already we witnessed in the middle of the recent Mogadishu massacre, business people voiced their anger and concern of Yeey's attemp to impose taxation, close ports and so on.


The regime of state monopoly and control in the economy is going to bring its total collapse. A big government wants to control prices, the exchange rates, and other economic variables. These controls with other edicts from a punch of corrupt and greedy clique are intended usually to embezzle, accumulate and transfer large amounts of funds into the hands of few people of the same clan. Clan cheftains and clan enterprises don't think about for the totalitarian good of the nation. Instead of allocating the taxes collected for the development of infrastructure, they will use it to build up the military and buy old- soviet-made weaponry rotting in dilapitated warehouses.


The government these defeatest leechers are envisioning is no different than the failed ones before. These cheerleaders are the offsprings of the vampire opportunists and embezzzlers who took advantage of the state vehicles for self-enrichment.


with free market, commodities are affordable, food crisis which is now rampant could be eliminated in some regions and production could sky-rocket. business-minded Somalis know with free market and small government, they could invest in infrastructure necessary for economic development, build roads, clinics, wells, supply electricity, telecommnication, set up small and sustainable factories powered by solar panels and wind turbines to produce safe and distilled drinking water, milk and so on.


we should never have corrupt and hegomonic state control and interference in the economy. It leads to failure. it is an opportunity for few to have illicit enrichment.


for yeey and his clannish enterprise, inshallah, the Mujaahidiin will take care of its immediate demise. The invading hordes of the Tigre won't be able to sustain the occupation since they don't have the means and the might to curb the insurgency. Meles has been the de-facto Ethiopian dictator for more than 16 years now and his downfall is eminent. For Yeey, he is an lilly-livered, parkinson-incapaciated octogenerian, so i feel sorry for those who rely on such flimsy hullicinations for power.


I have a very practical advice for the cheerleaders: Don't put all your eggs in one basket... before it is too late , diversify and change course....cos yeey's course is a minefield that is about to explode in your face... fuleeyoow guuli ku dhaweeydaa ... all is relative and none is absolute except ALLAH and his will.

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runta waxaa waaye ..mana rabo inaan dad soomaali ah iyo gobol eey ka yimaadeen wax ka sheego sida meeshaan dadka ma xishoodayaasha ah caadeeysteen , laakiin dawlad qabiil ku saleeysan oo qabqable madax u yahay ma shaqeeyneeyso qarankana laguma dhisi karo. Dhaqaalaha horumarkiisa waa in uu ahaadaa mid ka xor ah dawlad iyo faragelinteeda. Dadka u maleeyaanyo in Caasho Yuusuf, xaaska Meles Zenawi, dal iyo dad xor ah u xakameeyn karto...waxaa ka hishiin waxba ha iga siinina ...hadeeysan ka dhicin ....waxaan dhuuso u maleeyay aa xaar igu noqday..qaar badan oo hadda dabadda u kala haayo Tigreegana hadeeysan tuko cambaar leh noqon....

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