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Naxar Nugaaleed

wadaad misa af-minshaar

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when i read or listen to members of the UIC, they seem a little delusional to me. Saying things like we were attacked in Buurhakaba and diinsoor when without doubt, they have been the ones attacking all kind of places that the government had set up administration. How can some one who calls himself a shaikh say such blatent lies?

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

How can some one who calls himself a shaikh say such blatent lies?

Thats the most revealing thing about ICU. The Israeli media can take any HizbAllah news as colsest to the truth or truth itself.

The Taliban in Afghnistan win or lose always spoke what happened and you can accept it as closest to the truth.

The Islamic republic of Iran was the most reliable to tell truth or closest to it, during their war against Iraq.

The Syrians were the only ones who told closest to truth in their wars against Israel.


Playing as children, if one of us told a lie about something that is known by others and also the one telling the lie knows it to be otherwise, the threat the rest issued was "you will not be called a shiek if you live to be a hundred years old".


These ICU folks are unique in this.

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