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General Duke

The largest number of Somali police to operate in the capital

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The largest number of Somali police to operate in the capital


Mogadishu 24, May.07 ( M.Network) Mogadishu mayor, Mohammed Omar Habeb (Mohammed Dheere) has revealed Thursday that more than one thousand Somali police officers would be operational in Mogadishu’s junctions and main roads starting form Friday, May 25.


In a speech he delivered to around 200 young men from the Mogadishu’s 16 districts in Lafweyn hotel, north of the capital, Dheere said the police have had their training ended in early this month and have been fully prepared to secure the gun-infested city.


“The various Somali armed forces that are currently evident everywhere in the capital will be pulled out and positioned on the outskirts of Mogadishu and they will be replaced by the police,” he said.

The Somalia police will be seen in the neighborhoods, intersections and main roads of Mogadishu, Dheere said, indicating that they were trained to deal with local population.


Since the Somali transitional government took control of the Islamic insurgents’ strongholds in north Mogadishu late last month, series of bomb attacks have been carried out on Somali military and police force based in Mogadishu.


The mayor himself and the Prime Minister, Ali Mohamed Gedi, survived from roadside bombs in the past week.


Dheere blamed the leaders of Mogadishu based ****** clan for instigating the violence and the bomb blasts in the capital. He said ****** leaders were responsible for the bomb attacks on Somali government officials and soldiers.


“If they do not halt the criminal acts, the government will punish them,” he said.


Ahmed Derrie, the clan peacemaker, rebuffed the criticism and pointed it ridiculous. “We do not encourage violence nor do we have links with perpetrators,” he said.


The mayor called on the residents of Mogadishu to clean up their environment, threatening to fine them if they do not mow the clumps of bushes around their homes.


3:25 AM 5/25/2007

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Ciidamo Bolis Ah Oo La Wareegay Xamar

Muqdisho( 25-May-2007


Taliye xigeenka gobolka Banadir, ahna madaxa howl-galinta ciidamada booliska G/sare C/qaadir Beebe ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in ciidamada boliska ey la wareegeen gacan ku haynta caasimadda Somaliya ee Muqdisho.


Ciidamadan boliska ayuu Beebe sheegay in ey si buuxda ula wareegeen lix iyo tobanka degmo ee gobolka Banaadir eyna ku sugan yihiin saldhig kasta oo bolisku ku lahaa degmooyinkan.


Beebe ayaa ka codsaday shacabka gobolka Banaadir in ey la shaqeeyaan ciidamadan boliska uguna baaqay in wixii hadeer laga bilaabo ey tagi karaan ruuxii qaba dacwad shidhigyada ku dhowdhow si wax looga qabto cabashadooda.


Arinkan ayaa kusoo beegmay xilli maalintii shalay eheyd ka dhawaajiyay gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb in ciidamada maleretiga banaanka looga saarayo Muqdisho lana geyn doono goobo loo cayimay. - Isha wararka xaqiiqda

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Duke, yesterday the TFG "troops" in Kismaayo broke along clan lines, what makes you so optimistic about this?

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^^^Adeer, the Kismayu issue was about a group trying to seize the moment, they failed. That simple fact gives me much hope.


Anyhow I see you guys have given up the big talk. Even Hiiraale sounds like a new cat compared to the big warlord of the old days.

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Duke, malaha waad wareertay othe. I remember responding with war jiraaba caakarahuu iman after every boast of yours about an army of magnificent size coming from Mogadishu or that Afgaduud is in Kismaayo's entrance and will blaze through to the city. Where have your boasts gone adeer? :D

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^^^I never said anything other than you will not keep Kismayu as you did in the JVA days, the fact that the local admin is in Bulu Gaduud and your clan is begging for a deal, the fact your hero is stuck in Bardheere highlghts your weakness adeer and not mine.


Afgaduud is a soldier of the TFG and not the admin of lower juba and Kismayu. They are still around saxib and they are your real problem and they will not change.

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Duke, why should we ask you to describe what you have said when such thing as archives exist? :D


It is very true. The rule of law will be upheld. don't be blaming the Ethiopians since you know they won't be involved. The TFG will bring peace and order back to Kismayo.


I will bring this thread back later.


PS: Afgaduud & Koojaar are at Kismayu;s gates and they have come inside the city and you could do nothing.




Duke, clearly you are a confused man. Is that why you have not posted anything about Kismaayo for a while now? icon_razz.gif

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^^^Those are facts adeer, Afgaduud and Koojaar were at the gates and you could do nothing.


The local admin is still in Bulu Gaduud and refuse to deal with those traped inside.


Again it is very true, the rule of law will be upheld. The days of the JVA are over.

A man who can not see whats coming.


PS: Nothing to report when the old man gives the go ahead Kismayu will return to the TFG admin in Bulu Gaduud.

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If it comes to force sxb, there will be a fight and one side will see victory. No problem, that is expected.


However, I see no need to boast nor write statements I cannot back up. The confidence needs improving Duke. :D

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^^^Adeer it is simple logic that the locals will prevail. Your are facing an organised governemnt now saxib and not General Morgan on his own. The odds are not against the locals of Kismayu and Jubba but against your group now.


What do you control? Tell me who is the mayor and governor of Kismayu and Lowr Juba today?

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that logic has a major flaw... u cant get peace by the caaro of the gun!!


in reality though, tfg aint interested in peace but genocide! however, genocide does have a back firing side where the culprit pay a heavy price in the end. what goes around comes around.


somalis dont want tfg and their xabaashi masters! its something that will never work.

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According to the Sheikhs of the ICU movement, one group warranted all those titles because of their size and make-up in that area. Their judgment is mines.


You keep mentioning the current administration as if some honest broker gave you legitimacy. Are you forgetting it is Abdullahi Yusuf who named it? The same man who exhausted Boosaaso's port and general Puntland tax money in capturing that city with the help of SRRC foot soldiers just couple years ago? icon_razz.gif


In any case, if the locals are majority the group you say and Afgaduud and heavily armed force exported from Puntland were there and all the weaponry captured from the ICU in Jubbas given to Afgaduud to give his clan soldiers, why were they ousted? :confused:


That bit is befuddling and I am sorry but JVA is not an excuse.


Supposedly, in your opinion, that group is the majority and they were reinforced not only by brand new weaponry in the name of fighting terrorism but as well as a standing exported army led by one of two national military names that group has.


How was it possible the group was expelled after a heavy firefight resulting in 38 deaths and what does this say about the true unbiased make-up of the area as even the ICU saw it? smile.gif

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Horn, I dont much care for this make belief world you live in or the fact that you are quoting some fake group I have no care or sympathy for.


I tell you simply that the locals of Kismayu, Lower Juba and Middle Juba have no love for the JVA, care not for the JVA and will not tolerate their admin to be run by those individuals.


As for the fight, the TFG forces were not preperaed and the other groups was It was well staged but the shame was that the Mogadishu clashes finished the day this incident happened.

Afgaduud and Koojar should take some of the blame for not being aware of the plot.


However now we know where you stand the local clans, the admin and Mogadishu knows where you stand.


The TFG will not give Kismayu to the juniour members of the JVA as they have not given a single position to the senior members of the JVA in the new admin of lower Shabbele. ;)

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The deputy-governor of the region, the airport, seaport, police chief, and various members are the clan you allude to as juniour members of the JVA. Clearly you are a confused man. :D


So the group you allude to as the majority was not "aware" of a "plot", is it? Well if that is the case, since they are the majority, have everything going for them as you described and are backed by a standing army fresh from Puntland, why are they continuing to sit in a village for two months now where everyday they announce a new timetable to invade Kismaayo?


Clearly something is wrong with your information do you not think? :D


Also, if Afgaduud was an innocent victim of a heinous plot, why did Abdullahi Yusuf add insult to injury by firing the poor man? :mad: :D

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^^^Adeer, the admin in Bula Gaduud, Governor of the region, Mayor of the city his two deputies are the real power. and the commander of the armed forces .


The clan men you mentioned are subodinates to them, and are clearly in violation of their posts. Or you do not know the structure of power?


Thatsw hy I love about you, you seem to make these men that important while their bosses are not, all because they are from your clan


As for Afgaduud, he was an officer and he follows orders. No humiliation he is still close to the old man and will play a role.


As for Kismayu, there are many Afgaduuds in Bulu Gaduud and Morgans in Mogadishu :D

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