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Gedo Airport. Does This Look Realistic?

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I know that gedo airport is in the making and also a university, but this airport design looks a bit unreal or highly qowdhanized. Take you vote guys!!! Does this look like it will be the gedo airport or is it just nostalgic faan from gedo?



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Originally posted by Cowke:

but this airport design looks a bit unreal or highly qowdhanized.


:D:D lol@highly qowdhanaized

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

maxa ka galay whether its realistic or not? you seem be against everyone from maakhiris, rer buhoodle and now Gedo but celebrate every sound made in qardho...

Which might explain why Duke always screams "Cowke, stop pretending. You are not a Puntlander". :D

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^^^Thats his whole agenda, to create division. He is a mole, and not a Puntlander.As for the airport it looks like a project that can be completed by the Gedo community insha Allah, good on them..

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Waa Yaab! Weliba mid ka qurux badan baa laga dhisi karaa haddii loo guntado ee adiga maxaad sidaan u leedahay.

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Tell us Mr.Abwaan; what have the remnants of the former USC (which you've been an ardent supporter of and former gunner for, as well), ever built in Somalia, except destroy and ruin what was already built and developed?


Now, as for the topic at hand...I believe that our Gedo brothers have finally seen the light... After many decades of being easily spoon fed by Mr. Siyaad Barre outright favoritism and patronage; after taking many years to finally comprehend that the General is INDEED gone for good and their days of being spoiled little parasites were finally over; and also, after realizing that being pitifully split into ideologically different supporters of Ahlu Shirki, Al Shabab, and other non-important warlords; they now agnize that it's about time they got their acts together and started to build something positive, for once in their lives, for themselves-- like Puntland and other have been doing, thus far, in Somalia.


This Airport is but one of these dreams/plans they hope to bring to fruition, insha-Allah. I believe there is also a University in the works, as well. In any case, we must ALL encourage these endeavors and wish our brothers all the success in the world.


As for Mr Abwaan and the destructive hordes of the anarchist south-- I urge your lot to heed my advise: "Ku dayo Puntland!", just like our brothers from Gedo are doing. :D :cool:

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Originally posted by Cowke:

I know that gedo airport is in the making and also a university, but this airport design looks a bit unreal or highly qowdhanized. Take you vote guys!!! Does this look like it will be the gedo airport or is it just nostalgic faan from gedo?



Gedo has no scarcity of engineers and city planners. Cowke go with your hantaatac in somewhere else.

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totally against :


1-urbanization of somalia's most valuable resource land ! no high ways,just donkey-trails ...make it a flight-free zone even ..

no fitishari and cheap sunglass wearing .. wannabees either ..


2-patronization of the patriarchs .. but that's a seperate issue ..

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Yaab badanaa Mr Somalia ku lahaa...Magaca Soomaaliya ayaa iska ba'ay saa islaan walbaa oo uurka ka neceb baa afka ka sheegatee. Oo haddii aan tuulada ayeeydaa ka soo jeeddo meel aan ahayn Soomaaliya waxba uma oggolid miyaa? Bal aniga iyo adiga kee baa qabiil googooyey waa su'aale oo boorka isku qarinaya? Atleast anigu meel kasta oo Soomaaliya ka mid ah oo horumar gaarta waan u riyaaqaa soona dhaweeyaa including midkaan aad iska dhaadhicineysid inaad dadka ka xigtid ee cajaladdu kuu gashan tahay!

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LOOL@ highly qowdhanized. The blueprint for the airport looks decent. Cowke wallows in pitiful diffidence. Why else would he characterise a small form architechtural beauty as "qowdhanized" (i.e. inspired by Somalilanders.) :D:D


Libaax-Sankataabte, General Duke, xiinfaniin and other punties may want to disown Cowke, this veritable lunatic of a lonewolf, but I think he's a genuine puntie. His remarkable passion (some would say his lamentable delusion) about the grandeurs of Puntland ought to be a measure of his sincerity. One could argue that Cowke says in public many things that other Puntlanders would only say in private. :D:D

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Rhazes I said Highly Qowdhanized not because of beauty but because of "fake dreams" that qowdhans have and it seems like it has infected the gedoites!!!

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