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Puntland police fight against drugs and Alcohol, pics

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Ciidanka Booliska ee Puntland oo qabtay khamri aad u faro badan (Daawo Sawirada)

Posted to the Web Aug 30, 18:57


Garoowe:-Ciidanka booliska ee magaalada Garoowe ayaa maanta waxa uu gacanta ku dhigay khamri tiro badan iyo ninkii wata ka dib hawlgallo ay ka fuliyeen maanta magaalada Garoowe .


Hawlgal balaaran oo ciidamada booliska ee gobalka Nugaal gaar ahaan magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta Puntland waxay soo qabteen khamri macmal ah oo lagu sameynayey guri ku yaal Garoowe.


Eedeysanahan oo lagu magacaabo Ismaaciil Xasan ayaa waxaa ciidamadu sheegeen in ay la soo qabteen ilaa 125 quruuradaha khamriga ah, waxaana la xusay in 100 ka mid dhalooyinkani ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen ciidanka PIS ee Puntland.


Mursal C/Laahi Faarax oo ah sarkaal ka mid ah ciidanak booliska ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dhaqso maxkamad la soo taagi doono eedeysanahan iyo cidii howshan lugta ku lahayd.


Maryan C/laahi

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Thanks brother for the news and pics. So many bottles there must be a black market trade going on. They should go for the individuals behind it all. Well done to Bossaso Police Department for the work.

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