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VirtuL-Janazzah-Nur Say You What?

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Salaam Aleykum


I have Had this Q over in my mind for quite some time now, i was wondering ,s it possible to pray for the Dead VirtuallY?, I mean aint it that the more we pray for someone the more dambi is lifted off their shoulder?


My Q, Virtual Janazah, Jst as good as the real ONE?


Has it ever been tried? Tested? What do the ulama say abt this?


Is islam ready for internet?---i will be back for more ponderings

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just a number


are u thinkin what am thinkin....cuz....wait...hold up....come closer i don’t want everyone to hear..….not too close though… thinkin that there is lots of money to be made...yes...really...look at this way....we could open an e-janazzah services, provide e-graves, e-coffins,......u get my drift.....i must say u have a brilliant mind.......who would have ever thought of this waalaalo...we are sittin on a gold mine smile.gif ….lets get crackin…



cut..cut...back to reality...

though i dont know much but i do know that one of the requirements to praying janazaha is for u and the deceased to be physically present at the prayer place at the same time...whether this be a masjid or a grave yard...


u can make ducaa wherever u that can be a virtual prayer....

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My Dear Pearl...i dindt have that in mind but ur ideas will be recorded,jotted and noted. :D


What i had in mind is Streaming videos over the net, u know where ppl pray for the dead by the grave and Muslims All over the world can Pray for that dead person, to give him more ppl to pray for Him....that Kinda virtual Jannazah


When i was in Kenya, sometime back in the earLy 90.s We Used to Watch Sh Sudays in his Taraweh Prayers....The Haram and salaad Tarawex,It made me feel closer to the Xaram, Watchin the videos of that blessed mosque and the wonders of SATELITE TV....that kinda of Virtuality i had in mind.....Drifting my Side Now?


Sh Nuur I am waiting for Ur Input as well as teh rest of the Well versd bros/sisters....Is this something that could be debated or is naturally a NO NO in Islam?, If you nt there by the grave, no Janazah thing? even a Satelite Feed or Streaming video feeds?...


Curious Farax....

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Walaal Seven One Niner


Indeed it is possible to make an e- Janaazah, Making Salatul Janaazah on a fallen friend who is away is highly recommended in islam, this Prayer in the Fiqh is Knwn as Salaatul Janaazah calal Ghaa -ib, Absentee Funeral Prayer. Formalities are the same.



Luul sis, if we can fall in e-love, make e- marriage ceriimonies, raise latch key e-kids, who are busy e-learning, while we are e- commuting to work earning virtual e-dollars to pay for virtual services, isn't natural to depart the world with an e- Janaazah from our loved ones and friends, you can even shed your e-tears across boundries and send an e-mail to console the survived relatives.




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