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General Duke

Puntland state of Somalia 10 years old

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Boosaaso: Madaxweynaha Puntland oo hambalyo u diray shacabka Puntland iyo khudbad uu kaga hadlay arrimo badan

1. August 2008


Boosaaso(AllPuntland)-Guud ahaan Gobolada Puntland ayaan maanta si weyn looga xusin munaasabada sanad guurida ee Toban jirsiga maamul Goboleedka Puntland iyadoo magaalada Boosaaso oo kaliya xaflad lagu dhigay xarunta Dowladdaha Hoose ay ka dhacday, taasoo ay ka soo qeybgaleen mas'uuliyiinta ugu sareyso Puntland iyo marti sharaf kale.


Maxamuud Muuse Xersi (Gen. Cadde) Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta khud dhinacyo badan taabaneysay ka jeediyay munaasabad lagu xusayey Toban jirsiga maamul goboleedka Puntland oo la aasaasay 1-dii bishii Augusto 1998-kii, wuxuuna Madaxweynaha uu ugu horeyn u hambalyeeyay shacabka Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaalida in ay kula ciidaan bash bash iyo barwaaqo sanad guurada tobanaad ee Puntland.


Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa khudbadiisa ku sheegay mahad celin ballaaran oo uu u jeediyay dadkii lahaa fikraddii dhismaha Puntland iyo Isimada oo ka soo shaqeeyay sidii loo heli lahaa nidaam, wuxuuna Cadde Muuse uu tilmaamay in Puntland ay cagta saartay wadadii horumarka iyo dhismaha.


Gen. Cadde Muuse ayaa ka hadlay xaaladaha amaan ee Puntland iyo arrimaha sicir bararka isagoo sheegay in guulo la taaban karo ay ka gaareen wax ka qabashada amaanka isagoo carabka ku dhuftay in ay jiraan dad fara badan oo xabsiyada lagu haayo kuwaasi oo waday fidno iyo amaan daro, isagoo sidoo kale ka hadlay afduubyada ka dhaca Puntland.


Madaxweynaha ayaa ka hadlay Nin iyo Naagtiisa oo ajnabi ah kuwaasi oo lagu heysto buuraleyda Cal-Madow ee gobolka Sanaag, waxaana uu sheegay in kooxaha heysta ay sheegeen in ay lacag ka doonayaan hadii aan lacag la siina aysan sii deyn doonin taasoo uu sheegay in ay caqabad ku tahay amaanka iyo howlaha gargaar.


Cadde Muuse Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay muranka maalmahan u dhaxeeya Ganacsatada iyo xukuumadda isagoo sheegay in ay jiraan maraakiib iyo doomo la xayiray, wuxuuna tilmaamay in arintaasi ay sameynayaan dad uu sheegay in ay dhibaato ku hayaan Puntland, wuxuuna beeniyay in aysan jirin canshuur ay ku kordhisay Dowladda.


"Waxa la idiin sheegayo waa been, rag baa yiri waxaan aadeynaa dekaddo kale, waa been tood meel ay aadi karaan ma jiraan, waxa ay ka helaana Boosaaso wax ka badana ma helayaan, waxa fidnada wadana maka badno shan ilaa toban, oo doonaya iney qal qal geliyaan Puntland waana arin siyaasadeed" ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ka hadalka amaanka xoogga saaray.


Ugu danbeyntii Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa shacabka ugu baaqay in ay ka wada shaqeeyaan nabadda si loogu tallaabsado horumarka iyo dhismaha hada ay gaartay Puntland mid ka sareeya.




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Originally posted by General Duke:

A landmark moment, and insha Allah may I see it celebrate its 80 year.

And how old will you be then? :D


i hope Cadde leaves soon, so that place can get the development it deserves

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Epic Piracy in Puntland




Tuesday, July 15, 2008





We are approaching the Tenth Anniversary of the creation of the Puntland State of Somalia. For a full decade, compared to the rest of Somalia and particularly South-Central Somalia, Puntland has been a relative success story. This success was not due to a spectacular developmental achievement or scientific breakthrough, but rather a collective effort by the elders, politicians, religious leaders, business people and civil society of Puntland, who charted a peaceful course for the five regions that encompass Puntland.


But of late, another more precarious image is emerging out of Puntland: It’s becoming Somalia’s hub for piracy activities, which is becoming increasingly brazen. With responsibility comes accountability. Puntland can’t be a model of stability and a save haven for notorious pirates at the same time.


It’s time for Puntland to come clean.


Piracy is an epic problem, affecting not only Somalia's already tarnished global image, but the very humanitarian assistance destined for the destitute and the needy. WFP ships, for example, need protection to deliver aid. It's like biting the feeding hand--- a moral shame for our country.


Despite its limited resources, Puntland has, for whatever reason, fallen significantly short of cracking down on pirates. In fact, in some cases, Puntland officials admitted to the media (to the BBC recently) that senior security officials are aiding and abating pirates.


Puntland needs to end this culture of impunity for pirates, and the culture of complicity in among its ranks. It needs to destroy the foundations of piracy in places like Eyl. Failure to do so will reduce Puntland to another amateur start-up.


To tackle this problem effectively, Puntland needs the following:


Public and private citizens should join forces to make piracy a security priority that needs to be destroyed. Before Puntland jumps on the wagon of oil-drilling (which is controversial, given Puntland’s unilateralism on national resources), the administration needs to remake the compromised image of the region, before oil companies can flock there.


The international community needs to get serious about piracy. Although the issue is mostly affecting Somalia, its hampering global trade and humanitarian delivery. The international community needs to (1) devise a strategy to comprehensively address this issue, cognizant that Somalia is incapable of protecting its own territorial waters. (2) Create a task force whose primary job is to protect illegal fishing off the coast Somalia (an alibi used by pirates). (3) Assist local administrations, including Puntland and Somaliland (in the form of training and aid), in combating piracy. (4) Create a special tribunal to try pirates.


Puntland should use its upcoming 10th anniversary to shore up its collective creativity to solve the multifaceted problems hovering over its head, and particularly the epic piracy problem.

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Leadership

By: Safi Abdi


July 30 , 2008


Election Day for Puntland State of Somalia is right around the corner and it is believed at least ten candidates are jostling for just one post; unless, by some miracle, few heads choose to bow out, gracefully. From among the contestants the electorate in Garowe will decide who will become Puntland’s next president. Hopefully, sanity will prevail and Garowe will choose a man, not because of his family name but because he is in fact a person who can do the job.


Past the garbage ridden streets of Bosaso, it is hard to decide who is responsible for Puntland’s ills; the oblivious Somali or the ‘rulers’ who have gone missing. Disregard for human and territorial rights have led the way to disorder and bad blood---to name just one of the many horror stories that need undoing, few, if any, honorable men are nowadays left in Las Anod, and what’s left of normal population consists primarily of destitute women and children.


Choosing the right leader is of vital importance, not just for Puntlanders but for Somalis everywhere.


Following our prophet’s death, it became incumbent on the companions to appoint a leader that would steer the ummah in the right direction. Although some of the companions preferred Ali, ultimately, due to factors that favored Abu Bakr’s leadership, the responsibility of leading the Muslims, fell on Abu Bakr’s shoulders. If lineage was the only advantage, Ali would have been the obvious option. He was the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law. However, the majority of the companions selected Abu Bakr, as he was at that point in time the perfect choice.


Umar Bin Al Khattab’s address to the companions testifies to the importance of this selection and the care with which it was executed: "I expected that the Holy Prophet would out-live us all, but it was the will of God that after having fulfilled his mission he should return to God. Verily, the Prophet came from God, and to God he has returned. He has left with us the Holy Quran from which we can always receive guidance. And we have in our midst, Abu Bakr, Companion of the Prophet, and the "Second of the two in the Cave", who is undoubtedly the worthiest among us to conduct our affairs. To strengthen his hands and to maintain the integrity of the Muslim community, it is necessary that we should repose our confidence in him and offer him our allegiance. Now come and offer baia (allegiance) to him."


As is apparent from this example, the need for direction and a common goal is a must for every Muslim community. If we are looking for a political climate where justice and logical reasoning are the characteristics of our leaders then we need to have the courage to remove anything that is disruptive to that goal.


Expanding on the virtues of selecting the right person for the right post, Imam Alghazali, in his book, Muslim’s Character, quotes a hadith related from Abu Zar, who reported that he once asked the Prophet for a position of governorship whereby the Prophet replied:


‘O Abu Zar! You are weak, and this responsibility is a trust. On the Day of Judgment it will be a cause of loss of honor and ignominy. However, those people will be spared who will have accepted it with all its responsibilities and would have fulfilled whatever responsibilities they had in this connection.’


Islam is a code of conduct that places great importance on all aspects of a Muslim’s life, nothing of importance is left to chance, every aspect is safeguarded and put in its proper perspective. Man is an honorable creation, his life, honor and dignity are precious and sacred. A genuine leader is one who understands the weighty responsibility of running other people’s lives.


A sincere leader is not removed from the needs and aspirations of his people. He is a benevolent servant, not a feared tyrant. He is truthful to Allah and to the people, has zero tolerance for injustice or partisan politicking. And he himself is by no means beyond correction. He consults the people, listens to their voices, and is tolerant of differing opinions.


Moreover, contrary to the ‘until-death-do-us-part’ syndrome that glues the typical Somali leader to the seat of power, the honest leader is kind and considerate. He knows his limitations and abilities. He knows he is an earthly leader with an expiry date. He is accountable to his people, and should know the consequences of his actions; the earlier an incompetent ruler steps down, the easier it will be on his conscience.


Voters also have an obligation to themselves and their people for they too will be held responsible for the actions of the kind of person they put in power.


Obviously reviving Somalia will take more than the vision of a single man or the desires of any one single clan. To govern this broken land in its entirety, we will need the presence and trust of each and every citizen who calls Somalia his home. Moreover, there will be many mouths to feed, roads to built, wrongs to right. A leader who stands up to serve Somalia at this point in time will have his plate full. This is not the time for emotions or absentmindedness; we must appoint dedicated Somalis who understand what steps are needed to get the country back on its feet.

Safi Abdi

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Khayr ayaan urajaynayaa umada fiican ee reer Pland laakin Ilahay hakasoo qabto dadka xun ee meel xun u horseedaya sida AY iyo Cade Muse.

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Hambalyo shacabka Puntland, wax badan oo wanaagsan waaka dhasheen dhismihii maamulka Puntland, sida nabada, kaladanbeen, iyo nidaam




Originally posted by Red $ea:

Khayr ayaan urajaynayaa umada fiican ee reer Pland laakin Ilahay hakasoo qabto dadka xun ee meel xun u horseedaya sida AY iyo Cade Muse.

Reer Puntland qoorma ayeey noqdeen Ummad=nation??


Maanta yaa Sheikh red sea, u duceeyey, indhoweedba hadaladan laagama maqal :D



In maamul ku meel gaadh ah loo sameeyo Gobolada woqooyi bari ee Somalia - Puntland, inta soomaali oo dhan ka hishiinaso,talo hagaagsan waa aheed


Waxaa la rajeenayey inuu maamulka Puntland, ka shaqeeyo midnimada iyo sidii walaalaha soomaaliyeed u hishiin lahaayaan, iyo in danaha dadka wax laga qabtu, sida cafimaad ama waxbarasho,


10 sano kadib, wax badan oo horumar ah, lama qaban, maamul xumo iyo corruption baana sabab u ah


Allah waxaan ka baryaana hogaamiyaal/leaders khayr qaba, diinata garanaya, danta ka shaqeeya, midnimada, hishiisiinta, iyo wada noolaashanha walaalaha soomaaliyeed ka shaqeeya , oo dhaama kuwa hada sida A/Yusuf, Cadde, Riyaale, siilaanyo, waraabe, M/Dheera, etc

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Happy 10th Anniversary Puntland State of Somalia

By the grace of Allah, Puntland enjoyed 10 years of peace, progress, and development.


I agree with Peace Action,lets pray and ask Allah another 10 years of peace and development for Puntland & Somalia, Insha Allah


AllahGod Bless Puntland & Somalia, Long Live Puntland & Somalia







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sorry, I know it is a bit late....


Happy 10th anniversary. Congrats Puntland! happy0030.gifhappy0065.gifhappy0064.gifhappy0100.gifhappy0158.gif


You're not perfect but you're still #1 to me!



May Allah(S.W.T) bless Puntland.


I wish for a peaceful future relationship between Puntland and the rest of my Somali peoples. So lets get the party started in here...



Best wishes for the next 10 years!


Not much, but I think it'll do. happy0144.gif

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