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The Asmara Project: An Abysmal Failure- by Hosh Jibril

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^LOL you know what brother Duke, it get's me laughing out load whenever I hear the term "Baarlamaanka Xorta ah"

lool! Am not suprised considering the fact that only a charecter who is mentally twisted will laugh at the logics and reality facing him - having said that sxb - the phrase 'barlaamanka Xorta ah' are the individuals who are not under the control of Zenawi through Gabre. I hope that simplyfies your confussion.. :D .

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The Alliance For The Re-Liberation Of Somalia is headed by former Islamic Courts leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. It also includes other members of the movement chased out of Mogadishu by allied Ethiopian-Somali government troops at the end of 2006.


Washington supports the Somali government, and Ethiopia is its closest counter-terrorism ally in the Horn of Africa.


"What was most evident is the isolation of the people in Asmara and their inability to draw together a broad-based or inclusive group," Ranneberger said of the alliance.


Formed by about 400 delegates, the grouping also includes former government members, ex-parliamentarians and members of the Somali Diaspora, as well as Islamists. But Ranneberger and Yates said they understood support had quickly dropped off.


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Jabhadda Asmara,waxaa tageera Eriteriya oo cagta dagaal ku soo marisay dhamaan wadamada la deriska ahaa oo dhan, Sudaan,Yemen,Jibuuti ,Itoobiya & faragelinteeda Somaaliya oo looga baqayo in ay ku noqoto tii ugu dambeeysay . Eriteriya xad lama laha Somaaliya, kun jeerna waxaa dhan walba uga xoog badan Itoobiya,waxayna soo dhacsan kari waayeen degaankii Badme ee maxkamadda aduunka u xukuntay.Runtiiina , Afawarqe (Af-dahable) waa nin aan tabartiisa ogeyn,macangagnimadana u sii dheer tahay .Diktaatornimadana Afrika maanta waxay ka tahay gabaabsi .Labo sano ka hor, wuxuu lahaa ,
"Itoobiya maba rabo in aan ka hadlo,xukunka Melesna maalmo yar ayaa u haray"
. Mareeykankuna waxay af buuxa ku yiraahdeen in sida kaliya ee dalkaas uga badbaadi karo cunaqabateynta aynan xamili karin ay tahay oo qura ,iyadoo xukunka laga tuuro Isyaaska miyirka dhiman.

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Liberation via Besieged Asmara


The leaders of the opposition, in a frantic effort to respond to the successful National Reconciliation Conference, hastily arranged their own "Liberation" Conference in Asmara (September, 2007). It was attended by less than 300 members of the now rudderless opposition, including self-seeking sympathizers. They chose Asmara, the capital of the pariah state of Eritrea. Eritrea is a bankrupt little country that has been turned into a police state by its megalomaniacal dictator, Isaias Afowerki. Its claim to fame is to house all the rebel gangs from throughout Africa. (The country is also at war footing with all its neighbors).


The conference was by all accounts a total failure. It was dominated by religious warlords in religious garb. The gathering however did achieve one of its goals: to provide the Eritrean dictator Afowerki with an expanded forum for his ritualistic denunciations of his archenemy, Ethiopia. Beyond that it boiled down to the remnants of the Somali opposition stating in an increasingly muffled voice: "we exist". But their situation is akin to that proverbial conundrum: "if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make noise"?


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