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Statement by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the situation in Somal

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Statement by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the situation in Somalia


The European Union (EU) fully supports the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and his initiative, as stated in his letter of 13 September to the Mogadishu based Ministers, to start, after consultations, holding regular Council of Ministers meetings in Mogadishu. This is a fully Somali owned initiative and the EU urges the Ministers in Mogadishu to respond positively. The EU is pleased to note that the international donor community has agreed to provide funding towards this initiative.


The EU believes that this is a very important step towards resolving the outstanding issues confronting the Transitional Federal Institutions and promoting a truly and fully inclusive dialogue. The EU urges all Somalis to embrace the opportunity afforded by this initiative, and stresses the need for all sides to put aside any differences (notably eschewing any threat of violent conflict) to ensure that the Council of Ministers, Parliament and other key Somali stakeholders work together in an inclusive and transparent manner.


The European Union however remains concerned at recent reports of military activity and inflammatory statements (notably by extremist elements) and the resulting increase in tension in Somalia. In this context the EU fully supports the statement of 8 September by the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Somalia, Francois Lonseny Fall, that there can be no military solution to the problems facing the Somali Federal institutions.


The international community has invested heavily in the Somalia reconciliation process and remains ready to support the Transitional Federal Institutions in their efforts to re-establish a functioning state in Somalia. However, any return to violence will inevitably set back the reconciliation process and undo the progress that has been made.


The EU therefore calls on all parties to refrain from making military preparations, to refrain from making inflammatory statements and to commit themselves to the peaceful resolution of their differences through inclusive dialogue. In particular, the creation of any national Somali military force should take place in the framework of a National Security and Stabilisation Plan to be developed by the National Security Council, in line with the UNSC Presidential Statement of 14 July 2005.


In conclusion, the EU reiterates that the Transitional Federal Charter and the Institutions created by the Somali National Reconciliation Conference constitute the only framework within which the international community can support the emerging governance in Somalia.


The Acceding Countries Bulgaria and Romania, the Candidate Countries Turkey and Croatia*, the Countries of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidates Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova align themselves with this declaration.


* Croatia continues to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.



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I have read the US position as well as UN one. Now EU takes the same line. In essence, no recognition unless the two factions agree to resolve their difference and move on. An unlikely prospect! So what to do? We all know how critical the support of these international bodies are in conflict resolution, diplomatic recognition (and awesome perks that comes with it), and nation-building.


Here is my hunch. Jowhar and Mogadishu are their way on a collision course. I don't think the strong man in Jowhar know how to blink and frankly it is not even in his vocabulary. Likewise, the confusing herd that makes up the ministers-turned-warlords are in a container and don't know how to back off from the political bottle-neck they put themselves in. If the alliances and coalitions from Juba and Bay materialize we are going to see a repeat of 90s civil war. Not what the Kenya conference organizers had in mind. Militarily and logistically speaking, this kind of war in this kind of geographical location, Jowhar is likely to lose the battle unless Ethiopia clears the Beledweyne corridor and channels the necessery logistics through that channel.


Oil and amunition will be the critical commodities and Mogadishu got plenty of it plus Marka and Kismayo ports. Ceel Macaan makeshift port can ease Jowhar's problems but so far they didn't make their minds up and they will most likely fall in line as the hype of D domination and Ethiopians are coming are perfected into the art of nomadic propoganda.


On the other hand, the herds don't have anything in common except they all despise Abdullahi and secretly want to undermine his nominal presidency. Caydiid, Bashir, and other sub-sub clans that are politicall ally, not triball, with Jowhar (there is big difference here) can in return undermine the other factions unity by divide et impera card. The hype of civil war can evaporate if and when Geedi a Mogadishu native arrives with backing of his clan. Abdiqasim and Caato lot will be hard pressed to attack Geeddi and his enterouge. So is Yallaxow. All this for the good of clan unity. Mogadishu is too complicated a city and we would be surprised if there is a repeat of civil war within the natives and dominant Centeral Somalia clan confederacy.


Which leads mme to revisit why Geeddi is coming to Mogadishu next week and not CabdiCasiis xaafad but Ceydiids turf and the symbol of the government institutions - Villa Somalia? Is it to secure the money that to be had from the donors and fulfill that annoying condition or is it to make a statetement that Mogadishu is not under the excvlusive control of defected ministers.


The few next weeks will be very interesting weeks.


Will see how it turns out.


Disclaimer: this is an opinion from a nomad thousand miles away from ground ZERO.

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^^^ Good analysis of what the donors might want. Howver the illusion of two equal faction vying for power is already on the way out. The situation is fluid, many of te MP's and ministers in Mogadishu are already working with Hussain Aydeed and Cade Gabow.



Shirkii Xubnaha Baarlamaanka ee ka socday Hotel Saxafi oo lagu kala dareeray.

Posted to the Web Sep 22, 20:48



Muqdisho:-Xubnaha Baarlamaanka ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta kulan aan caadi aheyn uga furmay Hotel Saxafi,qodobada kulankaan looga hadlayey,ayaa waxaa soo diyaariyey Gudi farsamo oo loo xilsaaray inay soo saxaan qaar ka mid ah Qodobadii 9-ka koobnaa oo loo arkay in ay ka abuuri karaan Magaalada Muqdisho xasarad iyo fawdo,hadaba dood dheer iyo muran ka dib waxay Gudigii farsamada soo jeediyeen in ay ka saareen Qodobada mid ka mid ah.


Qodobka laga saaray oo aan helnay Nuqul ka mid ah ayaa wuxuu u qornaa sidatan:


1- Maxaa laga yeelayaa arrinta Jowhar oo si sharci daro ah loo degay? Ciidamado Itoobiyan ahna ay ku sugan yihiin?.


Wararka naga soo gaaraya goobta shirku ka socday ayaa xaqiijinaya in sawahan iyo buuq fara badan laga maqlayey Hoolka shirarka ka socday, saacad ka dibna waxaa soo baxay Xubnihii Xildhibaanada iyadoo ay diideen in ay saxaafada u waraamaan.


Hadaba baaritaan dheer oo aan sameynay ayaan ku ogaanay in shirkii uu ku dhamaaday iyadoo aan laysla meel dhigin Qodobadii 9-ka ahaa oo asbuucii hore ay bilaabmeen sidii looga doodi lahaa.Maadaama aan gacanta ku heyno sidii aan u heli laheyn xog rasmi ah oo ku saabsan sababta keentay in loogu kala

dareero shirka,ayaan isku dayi doonaa in aan idiin soo diyaarino warbixin faah-faahsan oo ku saabsan waxa kalifay in uu fashil ku dhamaado kulankii maanta ee looga hadlayey Qodobadii 9-ka ahaa ee ay soo diyaariyeen Gudigii farsamo ee loo xilsaaray.


Wixii ku soo kordho dhacdadan kala soco Warsidaha


Xuseen Yaasiin Gode-Gode


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