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Taako Man

MP Finish gives his weapons to the TFG: PICS

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A drug lord doesn’t have to kill when those around him have no power, nor do they oppose the use of drug.


Manuel Noriega, was a CIA buddy and worked for them, but latter on in 1989 america and Noriega became enemies, the guy was removed from power and captured when america invaded Panama. Then was he brought to the States and convicted of concaine trafficking and some other redicules crimes. Amazing how americans treat their ex-friends.


Funny I was told that indhacadde was paid by the CIA as well.

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^ manuel Noreage had militia similar to Indhacadde. You come near his drugs you get shot. You mess with his monopoly he pays you a visit. Cia came later. He was a ruthless druglord killer.


Warlord by some defintions is a military commander seizing a chunk of land. Does that mean he killed anybody? NO.



Regardless Somalia has Fake Sheiks if you are arguing about a man which represents his consituency.

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Sxb, the man was more than just a drug dealer he was a leader and Career Soldier. And I won’t necessarily call him a druglord, just because he was imprisoned for drug trafficking. He was an ally of the US from 1950-1986, so how far back do we have to go. America was well aware of his drug dealing, taako, they just turned a blind-eye to it. He is not known for being a druglord, but rather a military leader of Panama.


You are telling me a Military Commander doesn’t kill??? LOL :D


We have more politicians who are warlords, than druglords who are sheikhs. And are more dangerous, since most Sheikhs today have no legislative power but these bloody-thirsty warlords are decorating themselves as our leaders today. Who could authorize laws, policies internal or external. They could change the future of our country, with any paper they sign which apporoves of their interest rather than the nation or the people.

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