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General Duke

Duke’s manifesto for Somalia a path to restoring the republic.

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hey you hype up puntland, its seems like its your full time job.


i believe in somaliland, i know i could dominate you all, i have in the past, i do now and i will in the future. That is faith.


although you hype up puntland, puntland this puntland that, it seems you don't even believe in it.

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down with the somali republic, up with the somaliland republic the future. With the islamist in full control of southern somalia as it teeters towards becoming the next afghanistan, and puntland remains a pirate haven in the middle of a god for saken region. Somaliland will without a doubt in the end prove to benefit.

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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

down with the somali republic, up with the somaliland republic the future. With the

You will never see a person from any other part of Somalia make that comment. Thats difference between you, secessionist [not a clan] and the rest of Somali's.

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boooo hoooo.....


Look under international relations term known as realism...thats what I am. I am a realist. I fully understand the state of somalia, its gone...saxib. It is not comin back. It will be gone for at least another decade.


Only a creator has the right to destroy his creation. Somalia was created in hargaisa. Its existance as a single unit was established in hargaisa. Its objectives were drawn in hargaisa and seeds of its own destruction were forged in the very city that gave it birth. Understand that and that should give you more information into why we are different then the rest of somalis.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote:Originally posted by GAAROODI:

down with the somali republic, up with the somaliland republic the future. With the

You will never see a person from any other part of Somalia make that comment. Thats difference between you, secessionist [not a clan] and the rest of Somali's.
I bet his one of the garowe boys alias. You probablyh know that as well, but yet you reply to him, so why is that?


Much success to Somalia, but I don't think Somaliland should be included in the picture. Both countries can have a future.

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How are they both a country if no one recognizes one it doesn't even speak at the UN? On is a country and one is not. Can I say I own property if it is not legally recongized? So how can NW Somalia be a country in your eyes? Thats' the only issue I have with you and the likes of Oodweyne and others, you actually think you are a country already.

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Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf

Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

quote:Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf:

waxam duke soo walaqay waxba soo kordhin maysso.

Muxu yidhi sagaal wasiir loooooool.

************* *****


Wabillahi Tawfiiq!

Mr somalia , if duke wants to install a government for somalia its his good right i have nothing against that maybe he will do better then, all the previous warlords dhigyo cab fighting wadaads etc. but its just not realistic , that was all. Mr Somalia. Somalia is a neighboring country of mine and I hope inshallah they will have a government that protects their interest in the near future

Xaaji, walaale, nin oday ah baan ku mooday ee waa maxay nacnacdaan aad ka hadlaysid oo aad tiri.." Somalia is a neighboring country of mine". Riyada noocaas oo kale ah xagee kala timid walaale. Soomaaliya waa dalkaagi, ummada soomaaliyeednah waa ummadaadi ee inta isku xishootid wax is kula har ina-adeer. Somalia has only three niegboring countries, which are; Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. Unless ofcourse you've changed your name to the indian ocean, then you're no neighbor of Somalia. ;)


[ October 10, 2009, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by ThankfulSPHow are they both a country if no one recognizes one it doesn't even speak at the UN? On is a country and one is not. Can I say I own property if it is not legally recongized? So how can NW Somalia be a country in your eyes? Thats' the only issue I have with you and the likes of Oodweyne and others, you actually think you are a country already.

Any man who does not know recognize the republic of la-la land is a man I don't appreciate!


Hmmmmm ...somehow that just doesn't sound right.


Anyway. Yeah! :D

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^^ sxb can you try be a little civilized, this name calling will not do you justice.


PS: As a chelski fan do this for the blues. :D:D

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There is no harm if you make it clean and effective. Thou, It would be much appreciated if you EDITTED some of the contents you posted above.


Again thanks for listening, much appreciated.

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Mr somalia sxb with all do respect , somaliya iyo calankiina iyo dalkiina iyo dadkiina uu tashada, anaga ha isku kaya mashquulina wakhtii baddan uun ba idinka lummayaa. maxaad iskugu mashquulin qof aanba rabbin inu wax kula wadaago.

waxba kama soo bixii karto markay dadku rabban inay wax wada qabsadaan oo ay wax wadaagii karran aya wax wadda qabsan karran. Somaliland wal goonii ah qarran goonii ah sharciyo barlamaan iyo madaxweyne gooni ah leh.

the last 18 years na siidaasay ahayd.

marka sxb naftada been ha uu sheegin wakkhtigina qaaliga na ha kulummin somaliland gaar bay isu taagtay shalay iyaka idinku soo biiray in 1960. maad weydiin waxay kugu la so biirin. maantana way iska tageen and they wish you all the best ilahay dhulkiina ha idin gargaaro iyo dadkiina.

Somalia waxa la dariis ah Somaliland Ethiopia iyo kenya taa meel ku qorro sxb

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:


Oz, I will heed your advice, bro. But bare in mind, that defending oneself is the only honorable thing to do.

You wouldn't dare to speak like the way you do type across SOL in person. My lil goons will run you down :D . Trust that.

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