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Ethiopia determined to pull troops from Somalia

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Ethiopia determined to pull troops from Somalia - UN Envoy

Monday 11 June 2007 00:10. Printer-Friendly version Comments...


June 10, 2007 (CAIRO) — The United Nations envoy to Somalia said Sunday that Ethiopia is determined to withdraw all of its troops deployed in the neighboring country to help the Somali government oust a radical Islamist militia, Egypt’s state-run news agency reported.


Francois Lonseny Fall, U.N. Secretary General’s special representative to Somalia, held talks in Cairo with Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit on the security and humanitarian situation in Somalia.


During the meeting, he conveyed the determination of Ethiopia - a regional military powerhouse which was vital in helping Somalia’s government drive out Islamic radicals who overrun and ruled much of the country for six months last year - to withdraw its troops, the official MENA news agency said.


Many in the predominantly Muslim Somalia have resented the presence of troops from Ethiopia, which has a large Christian population.


In a statement after the talks, Aboul Gheit praised the U.N. efforts to help Somalia attain calm, saying Egypt also will "spare no effort that will lead to restoring stability and peace to Somalia."


Somalia has been mired in chaos since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned against each other. The government was set up in 2004, but has failed to assert any real control.


The latest surge in fighting this spring killed at least 1,670 people and sent at least 400,000 fleeing the capital as the government and its Ethiopian allies tried to quash an Islamic insurgency.


The government declared victory in mid May, and there has been relative calm since. But in a city teeming with guns after more than a decade of chaos, the government has declared victory before - only to have the insurgents reappear.


The U.S. has repeatedly accused Somalia’s Islamic Courts of harboring international terrorists linked to al-Qaida and allegedly responsible for the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.


Fall, the U.N. envoy, also said after Ethiopian troops pull out, a replacement force should take charge of Somalia’s security. He didn’t elaborate but praised the Ugandan vanguard peacekeepers who started arriving in Somalia in March, as part of the African Union force. So far, the AU has 1,400 troops on the ground.


Fall gave no deadline as to when Ethiopian troops would complete the pullout.



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Toloow sheekadaan maxaa la is dhihi karaa uu Meles shaxaadka ku raadinayo?


Ma lacagtii Maraykanka ayaa ka dhammaatay waana loo kordhin waayey waayo argagaxisadii ay sheegayeen awalba ma jirin haddana waxba lama hayo marka waa inuu dhaqaale kale secure-gareeyo si uu u sii wado inuu Soomaaliya sii haysto?


Tolow markii hore miyaa UN ku dhaheen Soomaaliya imaw? Uma malaynayo in taasi dhacday illaa uu Maraykanku UN-ka sanka ka geliyey in Itoobiya Soomaaliya qabsato oo joogto.


Shaki kuma jiro inuusan Meles dhaqaalahaan awoodin balse waa adag tahay inuu Soomaaliya ka baxaa.

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War dadkan wax ka been badan ma jiro. I was watching one of their ambassadors say he only had a hundred trainers in Somalia and this was when there was a fully blown war in December/January. Remember the show of force at the airport during the "withdrawl?

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I was in Addis and the TV was telling the people that some Ethiopian troops went to Mogadishu to help the new government there ,,,,,,,,, and that was after 2 months of the invension :D

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Ismaaweeligaan maka dhamaato miyaa Sanaawi. Soomaalida muxuu mooday xoolaa?


Geeljire, nice images. It truly speaks volumes. Midna Xeyla Salaase ayee equal iskula socdaan, kuwana Xabashi ayee calankooda u surayaan, oo gumeysi horkac u ah.


Have you ever seen any other statesman raising another flag at another nation's embassy -- let alone a one claiming, so-called 'ra'iisul wasaare' -- as this junior stooge Geedi is doing? Minii la yaaba yaasiinka ayaa maqli jiray, tan yaab dhaaftay.

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@M.M.I, people who are traitors to their own people are usually discarded by the people that use them. The Tartars used a Shia leader to capture Baghdad and decieve the Caliph. When they arrived at Baghdad they killed the Shia because they " couldn't trust a man who betrayed his own leader". Simlarly the Muslims in Spain turned into competing fiefdoms, thus the Christian forces turned them against one another.In the end eliminating them one by one. Ironically, the last Muslim ruler to remain was Boabdil, who worked with the Christians forces in fighting "rebellious" Muslims and paid tribute to them. When he was besieged and expelled, he started to weep for his lost Kingdom and his Hooyo uttered these famous words:


"You do well," , "to weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man."


So the moral of the story is "unity is strength" and " stooges will always get discarded".

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

@M.M.I, people who are traitors to their own people are usually discarded by the people that use them. The Tartars used a Shia leader to capture Baghdad and decieve the Caliph. When they arrived at Baghdad they killed the Shia because they " couldn't trust a man who betrayed his own leader". Simlarly the Muslims in Spain turned into competing fiefdoms, thus the Christian forces turned them against one another.In the end eliminating them one by one. Ironically, the last Muslim ruler to remain was Boabdil, who worked with the Christians forces in fighting "rebellious" Muslims and paid tribute to them. When he was besieged and expelled, he started to weep for his lost Kingdom and his Hooyo uttered these famous words:


"You do well," , "to weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man."


So the moral of the story is "unity is strength" and " stooges will always get discarded".

You made very points as usual Geel_Jire12. What I'm interested in is why this stench of weakness on the part of Muslims in history? Leader after leader is corrupted and owned by someone else. What is in the pscholcoy of the brain of the Muslim, that will traitor his own people.

I remember when I was in London, in my local library, i read a book, by a Iraqi man. He wrote he fled to London, and from there he went to the Israeli embassy where he asked the military attache if he could be of any help to Israel. He wrote about how he was recruited and what they made him do. It is a stench.

If you go to Palestine, the corpse of that still 'nation' is full to brimming by collaborators to Israel, who would sell their own mother, for a favour -here or there.

I'm trying to understand, what is in the mind of these people and why is it so frequent in our midst.


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