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Al-Islax welcomes peace conference inside Somalia...

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MUQDISHO: Xarakada Islaax oo Muqdisho ka soo saartay bayaan ay kaga hadlayso dib u heshiisiinta Madaxda dowladdu ku baaqeen

Posted to the Web Feb 01, 17:21




Muqdisho (PP) - Dhaqdhaqaaqa Xarrakada Islaamiga ah ee Islaax ayaa ka so saartay Magaalada Muqdisho qoraal ku wahajan Howlaha ku wajahan dib u heshiisiintii uu ku dhawaaqay Madaxweyanha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yusuuf Axmed ayaa u qornaa sidan:


Xarakada Islaax oo ka dhigatay dibuh eshisiinta Soomaaliyeed qodobada ugu muhiimsan hawlaheeda, mar kastana ku hawlan wadahadalsiinta iyo dibuheshiisiinta shacbiga, waxay soo dhaweyneysaa baaqa madaxda dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee ku aaddan dibuheshiisiinta, waxayna ku baaqeysaa qodobada soo socda:


Islaax waxey taageeraysaa dibuheshiisiinta madaxda dawladu ugu baaqeen shacbiga Soomaaliyeed, waxayna Ilaah ka baryaysaa in dhaqangelinta baaqaas uu u horseedo ummadda Soomaaliyeed nabad, deganaasho iyo horumar waara.


Islaax waxay ku baraarujinaysaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed cawaaqib-xumidda ka dhalan karta dagaallada, isdilka, aargudashada iyo hurinta colaado cusub, waxayna ku baaqeysaa iscafis iyo isa saamaxid.


Islaax waxay soo dhawaynaysaa ka bixitaanka bilowga ah ee ciidamada Itoobiya ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxayna ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Federaalka K.M.G ah ee soomaliya iney sida ugu dhaqsida badan u hanato hawlaha adkaynta amniga qaranka.


Islaax waxay saluugsantahay kaalinta dowladaha carabtu ka qaadanayaan xalinta arimaha Soomaaliya, waxayna ugu baaqeysaa inay la garab istaagaan walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed hiil iyo hooba, si firfircoon uga qaybqaataan soo celinta amniga iyo dibudhiska Soomaaliya.


Allaahu Akbar WalillaahilXamd


Sh. C/laahi Cali Xayle


Afhayeen u hadlay Islaax

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Al-Islaax is one the few genuine Islamic movements in Somalia. They are level-headed unlike the the politically motivated, power-hungry Al-Ittihad movement. But they are history.

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Al-Islaax are bidci's and innovaters Pi, so much for them bein level-headed! They're mostly westen educated folks that want to establish an Islamic state through non violent means and they argue that Jihaad should not be undertaken at all!


I hope you know my stance on those matters and what I feel of all those groups Al-Itihaad included ofcourse! We need to follow the prophet's path and sunnah peace be upon him!

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MKA Yoonis, duqa, I'd be very interested in listening to the arguments that you have for them being innovators. Besides, the well-known Islaax personalities are not all western educated. Some of them were educated in the arab world (i.e. Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia etc).


Anyhow, regardless, they should be commended for this gesture, no?

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