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Che -Guevara

Col.C/risaaq Afguduud oo xilkii laga qaaday

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^^^So who will clear up Hiiraales nonsence and his sacking? Oh no need he is not that important, unlike Afgaduud.


Che, loved the Baidoa Hilton.

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^^^ loool it looks like that, however the local people out there had been framed by some greedy criminals :D


Che, Af-Gudduud needs some rest at Hilton Hotel or the one star Makaay Dhuxuleey Marfish in down town dhuqda Baidabo, the latter is good for him to recharge his bullet ridled batteries it is also a good rehab centre for cabdibilayaasha.


Duke, what is adeero next desperate & suicidal attempt to sacrifice anather boy from the hood?

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It would be very interesting to know what made the old man sacrifice his commander from Puntland. Admittedly this guy was one of old man's closest commanders and it must’ve taken Ethiopia to convince the old man to put him in the doghouse. Afguduud had all the qualities it takes, antiwadaado, and fond of balwad, as I was told, and his firing is not a minor issue as others here want us to believe!


In the meantime Kismayo’s core issues keep exacerbating as the militia that holds it makes things even worse. Unintentionally of course!

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^^^Nothing to do with Ethiopia saxib, Afgaduud tour was over we have many other commanders in line. He also had a role in the Kismayu debacle and Yusuf does not tolerate such nonsence.

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^^Ethiopia is the big elephant in the room adeer; even Italians are feeling it now; Americans are talking about it; Kenyans learnt to work with them; and most Somalis accepted to work for them! Granted Xiin has got a lot of learning to do…but denying Ethiopia's prominance in our little politics is just nonstarter!

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Nothing to do with Ethiopia saxib, Afgaduud tour was over we have many other commanders in line. He also had a role in the Kismayu debacle and Yusuf does not tolerate such nonsence.

Duke why spin-doctoring here, adeer this clearly shows Yeey's unquestioning obedience to his master, Zenawi! even Abdullahi yusuf wouldn't hesitate to kill his loyal "lieutenant" Afguduud if the order comes from top :D

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Folks, Afgadud got sacked for being part of the problem, however the Boys in cascas Hotel(Barre's boys) will be dealt with as well. Really, Kismayo is a MINOR issue so far yet to be considered a MAJOR nor THREAT. But let me assure you folks, the kismayo issue will be solved in timely matter.

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Janagale, threat to whom?


As for importance and the likes, I respectfully disagree. You have had a major firefight in the third largest city in the former Somalia which also happens to be the second biggest port. You have had a displacement of major military proportions and refusal of the named administration to go back to the city unless Ethiopia comes in and "disarms" the supposed "terrorists" who expelled them and now you see the firing of the president's most trusted officer in order to compromise with the people of Kismaayo (for whatever reason by the way).


I believe the president has been politically outplayed and the standoff is a result of that. Neither the president nor his group have the ability to embark in certain adventures around there and nor will Ethiopia and the U.S come to his aid and fight his tribal fight because of the political campaign undertaken by the people of Kismaayo.


Explaining the current impasse as some sort of "unimportance" is rather naive and certainly insults one's own intelligence. Try again adeer.

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Kismayu issue as we have said over and over again is unimportant. It will be dealt with in due time.


Its good the leadership have taken the sting out of the whole situation. Those inside the city are trying their best to seem cooperative, they are making all the right noises and want to be seen as not renegades but part of the TFG.


Sending delegations and so on. Adeer Hiiraale has been sacked and out of his Baidoa Hilton. The clan as a whole want to cut a deal. Because they do not have the means to put up a resistance


Its so different from the good old glory days when the JVA would run all the way to Dhoobley, now Khuda and Bulu Gaduud seem way to far for these remenants.


Anyhow so far so good.

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