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Burco Sheikh main suspect in Las Anod attack

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Ciidamadda Police-ka Somalidiidka oo ku raad joogaan Sh Siciid Axmed Jeer


Ciidamadda Police-ka Hargeysa ayaa waxa ay wali ku raad joogaan Sh Siciid Axmed Jeer oo ay ku Eedeeyeen in uu ka danbeeyey Qaraxii lagu Khaarajiyey Cismaan Afdhilo..


Ciidamadda Police-ka iyo Malayshiyaad beeleed taabacsan Shiikh Saciid Jeer ayaa waxa uu dagaal ku dhex maray todobaadkii aynu soo dhaafnay gudaha magaaladda Burco waxana la sheegay in labo qofi ka dhaawacamatay malayshiyaadka Shiikhan.


Galbeedka Magaaladda Burco ayaa waxa ay la ciir ciiraysaa Malayshiyo beeleedo daacad u ah shiikhan isla markasna ka difaaci doona weerar kasta oo ay police-ku ku soo qaadaan.


Laamaha C.I.D ayaa ku Eedeeyey in uu gacan weyn ka geystay Qaraxii Argagaxa laha ee ka dhacay Laascaanood waxa ay ay sheegeen in uu ka yimi dhinac Garoowe isla markaasna habeenkii ka horeeyey subaxii uu qaraxu dhacayey Laascaanood ka waday shirar gaar Hotel Xamdi.


Siyaasiyiinta Somaliland ayaa ku kala qaybsan xaaladda magaaladda Burco iyada Boqor Buurmadow uu todobaadkii hore Xukuumadda Somaliland ku cadaadiyey in ay weerarto Galbeedka Burco isla markaasna la soo qabto ninkan loo haystay Qaraxii Laascanood.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobalka Togdheer oo ay isku beel yihiin shiikhan la raadinayo isla markaasna sheegay in uu isagu soo qabanayo kolkii ay is rasasayntu socotay ayaa wali ku jira Saldhiga Bari ee magaaladda Burco.


Mas'uuliyiinta Kilinka Shanaad ee Itoobiya ayaa waxa ay shir ugu yeedheen magaaladda Shilaabo inta badan Odayaasha uu ka soo jeedo ninkan la raadinayo waxana la sheegay in ay Xukuumadda Itoobiya quud daraynaso sidii ninkan gacanta loogu soo galin lahaa.


Shiikh Siciid Axmed Jeer oo ah Ganacsadde si weyn looga yaqaan Magaaladda Burco ayaa waxa lagu xasuustaa in xiligii uu Marxuun Maxamed Ibraahin Cigaal uu u olalaynayey Dastuurka Somaliland uu ka horyimid isla markaasna sheegay in Dastuur yahay Kitaabka Ilaahay.


Tuhuno badana ayaa laga qabaa meesha uu ku sugan yahay Shiikhan iyada oo warar lagu kalsoon yahayna ay sheegaan in uu wali ku dhuumaalaysanayo Guri ku yaal Galbeedka Burco.





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O’ dear - the old one, Oodweyne, is still at it spinning the same old balderdash, and never getting bored spewing the same old diatribe of hyping up the "powerhouse" that is of the ‘iidheh’ administration of Hargeisa.


And there he goes again, speaking as if he were in charge of it all, and not even giving a margin of error for the inability of, or unwillingness to, of the local admin in Burco where, as clan influence would have it, the likes of the rogue Sheikh on the run rule with unfeigned command more than that of the Hargeisa admin, unless of course you wish to sing that famous chorus of the ‘iidheh’ land. And unless traditional forces step in, ‘iidheh’ admin stands no chance in the matter.


Sh. Ali Warsame sways far more influence and authority in Burco than Riyaale, but then again you knew that, did not you, old boy?


Tata …

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

war ma hubtaa

Haa, wa laguu hubaa! You can take it to the bank. They're already in custody as of now :D

Law and Order at work. Learn, sons, Learn....




Labadii wadaad ee Booliska Burco doonayeen oo Xabsiga Dhexe loo Gudbiyay Maanta.


Written by Qarannews Nov 12, 2009 at 11:09 AM


Burco(Qarannews)-Labadii Wadaad ee Ciidanka Boolisku raadinayay inay qabtaan ayaa duhurnimadii maanta si rasmi ah isu geeyay xarunta maamulka gobolka togdheer iyagoo aan wax boolis ah iyo odayaal ahi la socon. xafiiska gobolka ayaa ku sugnaa Wasiirka Hawlaha guud ee Somaliland Md.Siciid Sulub iyo Gudiga Nabadgelyada Gobolka,ka dibna waxa labada wadaad loo gudbiyay dhinaca Xabsiga Dhexe ee magaalada Burco,iyagoo uu sii kaxeeyay Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta Gobolku,oo aan wax askar ah wadan. talaabadan labada wadaad ee kala ah Siciid Axmed Jaar iyo Aadan Axmed Caare ku tageen xarunta gobolka ayaa ka dambaysay Kulamo iyo shirar gooni gooni ah oo shantii maalmood ee u dambeeyay uu ku hawlnaa wasiirka hawlaha guud,kaasoo uu ugu dambayntii ku guulaystay inuu wadaada ku qanciyo inay si kalsooni leh isku soo dhiibaan gacanta dawlada,taasna ay ka qableen. sida wasiirka hawlaha guud sheegay labadan wadaad ayaa sheegay inay la baadhidoono arimaha lagu tuhunsan yahay,oo hadii lagu waayo la sii doono hadii kalena sharciga la marin doono. mid ka mid ah labadan wdaad ayaa todobaadkii hore qabtay shir jaraa,id oo ku cadeeyay inaanu wax xidhiidh ah la lahayn kooxo argagixiso ama kooxo wadaado oo hubaysan. markii uu Boolisku ku guuldaraystay qabashada mid ka mid wadaadan ,islamrkaana uu socon waayay 48-saacadood ee uu qabtay Badhasaabka Gobolku ayaa waxa gobolka si kadis ah u soo gaadhay wasiirka hawlaha guud iyo guriyaynta somaliland kaasoo arintii ku dhameeyay hab dublaamisiyadeed,iyo odaytinimo,taasina ku qaadatay mudo shan maalmood ah,iyadoo xiisaduna taagnayd mudo 11-maalmood ah. TogdheerNews..Burco.



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Masha Allah, waa halkii Dhaxiire. Qoladayadii Police land hadda ayaanu helnay nin sidii Oodweyne noogu hadla, oo wax noogu qora :D Bal halkaa waxa ( Xarako, hakkad, iyo Nuqdatayn Fawqal Bacad lays daba dhigay eega ). Miles Militis, saaxiib Odaygani xarakkadaa ayuu meesha ku kala wadaaye ( Ookiyaalaha ka saar ) ;)

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More development:

And just to disprove Oodweyne’s ‘aka Ina fuusta madhan riix’ hypothesis, hear here:


Listen to the news bulletin ala locale from minute 4:30


Here, the 2 Sheikhs in question handed themselves over to the local police. Why? ‘cos the traditional elders (Shiekhs and clan elders) in Burco brokered a deal, yet the local admin failed its earlier attempts to nab the Sheikhs; Now, where is ‘iidheh’ when you need it most.


The ‘powerhouse’ police and security forces of ‘iidheh’ land in their earlier attempts only succeeded in injuring two civilians kith and kin of one of the Shiekhs.


Now, Mr. Oodweyne ‘aka Ina fuusta madhan riix’, speak to that, will you?


Tata ..

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Same whine.. I mean same wine different bottle. :D I wonder who else will re-invent themselves, odaygii "reconciliation dirin" la wareegi jiray perhaps? :D

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this wrong move by Riyaale goons will be a major downfall of this xabashi puppets. affects of this steps will unfold the sland puppets and sway them to civil war again.


Burco is sacred, u dont mess with it or u go down

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'Ina Fuusta madhan riix', there you go again dear boy, charging in as if your willy is being pierced with a pair of sharp pliers only too panicky you are about to prick a breathing chasm in the rear end, and there no one dares to be on the vicinity; but then again, ‘sal fudayd’ is a trademark in your neck of the woods, no?


For a while now, you have been spewing the same ‘mal’ in and out, and one would have thought by now at the scarcity of the usual ‘caraq’ that which irks you to have balls, otherwise in suspense up your trunk, to grimace at men of higher pillar, then again here you are, ticklish as if the golden goose had lain its final wallop for the picking.


The gist of your argument, if I were to bother myself for a moment, lies herein: Las Anod.

And as for that god-forsaken city, which currently is brimming with cockroaches about to erupt as if past due magma, albeit you shall be regurgitating to be politically aligned with the ‘iidheh land’ caricature ereptors to which I shall chuckle, for there shall be another day, when the likes of Xaabsade are no longer on the political scene, and you shall no longer be singing rhythmic cabala ala ‘ilma bucurbacayr’ cadence. Till then you might as well dance upon own faeces, for a noble company you make not.


Ayoub – my dear lad, when grown men are conversing, it is almost always in the best interest of the young calves to play with mum’s dressing toiletries, for addressing you is akin to one wanting to cleanse that infamous cathouse in Dumbuluq with which certain I am you are familiar, for wretchedly encapsulated in one you were. Breath now, breath ...


Tata …

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Thanks for confirming that the killing of Af-dhilo was organized from Burco. The case is closed.

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