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Ethiopia must release mosque attack children - Amnesty Int

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^LOL@Kasha, again, all that you summed up doesn't come close to sida aad u caabudo robow and the likes.



PS: I do not read articles from terrorist sites.

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^ Satire is not supposed to be 'dhab'(literal), it's an exaggerated form of comedy to illustrate the absurdities we see in life.


But where it becomes tragicomical is when people start to actually believe their own hyperbolic B.S. That's when it gets scary. Examples abound.

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Originally posted by

Even the prophets had flaws.

Mind to touch up on that and elaborate on your scale of [islamic] prophets to that of the Armed Youth's intensity of daily dose of death and destruction.

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^^My pleasure.


The prophets of Allah(SWT) are human beings. And as human beings they are capable of error and mistakes in their dunyawi(worldly) affairs. Adam(AS)was cast out of the Janna because he "Nasiya wa lam najid lahu cazmaa)(He forgot and we did not find in him resolve(to not eat the tree). Moses(AS) unintentionally killed a man in anger and asked for forgiveness from Allah. Propet Muxamed(PBUH) made an error in the issue of the prisoners captured at Badr. I could go on but that should be enough examples.


The one area where they are infallible(macsoomiin)is the area of the Risaaala, delivering the message of Allah.



Let me know if you need my sources.


About the whole death and destruction thing(ignoring the lil jibe, on the hope that u'll mature),


Khalid bin Waleed(after he became Muslim) murdered 400 Muslim of the Banu Jadhima. Tabari narrates that he killed them because of communication errors(they agreed to become muslim, he misunderstood, thought they were saying they would never become Muslim and were in rebellion). Whatever the case, Khalid and the Muslim army, holding the authority of the Prophet, executed 400 innocent Muslims(as opposed to your particular case, where they were guilty of treason and banditry).


The Prophet deeply regretted the incident, scolded Khalid and sent Ali to pay the tribe compensation for the deaths inflicted upon them.


That's all. He didn't call Khalid a 'Shaytaan'. He didn't call him a 'worser than Animals'. He scolded him firmly, showed him the error of his hasty judgement, and once rehabilitated, used him in subsequent battles.


That is called leadership, my friend. Mistakes happen. They will always happen. Big mistakes. Small mistakes. Grevious mistakes. Sincere and honest people will find a way to overcome and resolve them. Weak-knee'd hypocrites will find a way to 'boon-boonis' and use it for justification to sell-out. Or if they are already traitors, they'll beat the drum of propoganda.


I could go on all day, quoting historical precedent after historical precedent, way-back-in-the-past to the not-too-long-ago, in direct parallel with the situation in Somalia, but my lecture will only help you if you approach it with an open mind. Qalbi la qufulay(for whatever reason) wax ma maqlo.

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^Your ignorance is beyond description. You're putting Ulul-azm prophets and their noble companions in times of waxy and peak of kheyr-est century into that of Indhacade & Al-mansuur. Little knowledge can be just as much dangerous as the armed youth. You can't be serious with such argument and analogy. What's next? Al-Mansuur lied so did prophet Ibrahim? Suxbaana man la yamuut. Now that you're using this wrong line of reasoning and argument, I should stop before you go further and put Somalis in the context and column of 'kufaaru-quresh' and the Shabaab the 'sahaba-like' companions. Pathetic.

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Weak-knee'd hypocrites will find a way to 'boon-boonis' and use it for justification to sell-out. Or if they are already traitors, they'll beat the drum of propoganda.

It sounds like you lost the plot there mr kasha.



How dare you compare the prophet's mistakes to that of your mo*ryaan warriors with the cimaamo, who know jack shit about religion, much less know how to read and write..


You are going in circles and justifying the killings of the innocent, but no one is buying it.


Your warriors are killers, and they soon will be ousted out xamar and area, in body bags.

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He has none. And the only reason he condemns those that spearhead the honourable resistance is because they executed TFG militia men, his relatives. And therein lies the secret of his 180 degree backflip. That is the extent of his principles: The Tol. Mess with them, harm them, and nothing else matters. Not Occupation, not principles(whatever little he did have), not Ethiopia(or as he calls it 'our better choice'), not the innocents suffering under weight of Tigray/TFG alliance. You wonder can a human being be so short-sighted, so capricious as to actually say and believe all this with a straight face, and sadly, the answer is yes.


As Toure put it:

if every time a relative of mine died in this war I huffed puffed and changed sides I would be the new Ayan Hirsi by now

Luckily for Man Friday, he doesn't have the burden of scruples.


LG & Friday,


Read my post again without jumping up and down like a banshee on fire. Your mouth-frothing cannot hide your lack of an argument and/or failure to respond to my points. So you do the tired same ol' thing: Attack, Condemn, Yell, Shout. All to make up for a weak case and a weaker mind. Pity that.


Nowhere did I equate between the Prophets/Saxaaba and the situation in Somalia. What I did, my thick & dense students, is provide a historical parallel of two similar incidents. The Seerah of the Prophet and the Sahabas is and should be our guide, a measuring metric to make sure we're on the right path.


Khalid in this case was reprimanded and the tragedy was corrected(blood money) and the Muslim community moved on. That is the hadyi of the Prophet. Strong, wise leadership. Pick up a book of the Seerah and read, it is a treasure-trove of relevant applicable case scenarios.


The facts that you two hacks are purposely missing(for obvious reasons, they killed my cousin, boo-hoo) is: The Resistance is running a time-honoured, unrelenting, campaign of liberation. If they do make mistakes, and as I said, no man or women ever born did not make mistakes, this is how they resolve it. Because they adhere to this lil thing that eludes you(maybe because u were never taught) called principles & values. This weird thing, principles & values, dictates that you fight back against occupation and oppression, that you protect your deen, your dad, and your dal, without pathetic rationalization and Is-Qancis.


And that is a universal dictum


But then again, I wouldn't expect LG or Friday to understand. Muran for the sake of Muran to hide a repugnant position(Xabashi-loving, TFG-apologising, meel hani gaarseeso)

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^Do you have an answer of Ethiopian occupation other than condemning those resist them?

Everyone seems to have one but I think mine has nothing to do with maniac youth soldiers with suicide bomb vests.

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