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Ethiopia must release mosque attack children - Amnesty Int

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Shaykh Muktar Robow denied that the Resistance had anything to do with his death. I choose to believe him over you and your TFG-supportin' cohorts who are tryna milk this for all of it's propaganda's worth. The Resistance are waging a honorable war of liberation oo ku salayasan the universal mabaa'di(principles) iyo qiyam(values)ka Islaam. A luxury that you seem to be unencumbered with.


Just to illustrate your emotional knee-jerk irrationality, read this page and watch your flimsy wall of accusations crumble.


Yeah, I thought so.


Two words(boog iyo qalin soo qaado): It's called principles and values. Principles and values.

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^I can never expect a follower to come to a sound judgement on his own without his master.


Facts are facts eedo, and your idol Shaykh Muktar Robow beenta UU meelaha kufaafinaayo shaki ma igaga jirto.



Hadda asaga iyo yey wey isla keysiman yihiin, and robow's believers are just as brainwashed as yey supporters.


Its official, you have lost whatever common sense you had left in you kasha.


I am sure your day will come when they will behead you too, and when that time comes qabrigaaga aa waxa oo dhan dib uga sii fahmee.


Until then, usii sacbi shabaabkaaga, oo kabaab bbq kusii sameyso on the expense of the innocent people they too ay gooracowyaan.

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I never knew you are a TFG/Xabash supporter

:confused: Cajiib.


Are you saying the Xabash and their Dabo-Dlfs are better then Al-Shabaab?

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^Just because I am exposing the so called kabaabs for who they are, that automatically makes me a xabashi supporter and a yay dabo kac person, c'mon.


My loyalty lies with neither side, except that of the innocent lives being taken by both parties.


This one sidedness has got to stop folks. You either labelled as something or you are with us talk no longer is tolerable by me.


I no longer show support to any man or group who take innocent lives in a cowardly fashion and waive the kitaab on the air as thought we are in a rap video, but kasha would have you people otherwise as he himself is brainwashed.


PS: I am saying shabaab kabaab group are a bunch of tuugo, made up of mostly the sons of the men who fought for the likes of ceydiid.

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Xidigo, Indeed, that is the extra-ordinary lengths that some our brothers and sisters would go to. All this, in order to sound like one of those, you know, rational-minded, intellectual, un-biased, everybody critiquing........xalimos and Farax graduates from the Havard, SOL academy of neutrality!



When the reality is that if wasn't for these young boys, then my friends the pics of Meles Zenawi would still be carried by young SOmali Children in Muqdisho and Ethiopian Flags would be flying over Muqdisho( as occured during the early stages of the occupation). Even more absurd is the fallacy that these young men( despite their many flaws and mistakes) are slaughtering SOmalis on the same scale as Xabashi Invaders and, therefore, this means there are two bad guys in Somalia: Tigrays and Alshabaab. Little do they know that Alshabaab is a small minority of the ordinary Shacab of Somalia whom are determinded to earn the freedom back! Or that it is these Shacab( many of them women) who are providing the grass roots support for the evil guys with red cimaamads to liberate Somalia from the other evil, the supposedly newly formed, Somali-Muslim clan, also known as Tigrays of Abysnia. Who are supposedly participating in a small scale Somali- Civil War! Cajiib, Walahi!

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^atlaest the flags being waved won't endanger me if I were to set foot in somali soil today.


Matter of fact, those ethio flags would probably make me more safer than the kabaab group would.

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LG, all we have are different versions of the same incident. The truth is out there.


Allah yarxamhum to the deceased.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

^atlaest the flags being waved won't endanger me if I were to set foot in somali soil today.


Matter of fact, those ethio flags would probably make me more safer than the kabaab group would.

I think there are a plethora of women in the Ocaden region and inside Somalia who would beg to differ, and thus see the Ethiopian flag( Abysnian) as one of rape, tryanny, oppression and symbolized by largesacle massacres. Just a few:






Safety under the Abysnian Flag?

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^Waligaa warar meesha yaalin aa keentaa.


Threadka waxa uu ku saabsan yahay ayaan ka hadleyne, Abuu geelka.


PS:North, there are no different versions, only one version.


There are however versions of indha iska xirida lawado, oo wax walbo ooo masterkaaga dhaho sida in la caabudaayo camal aa loo qaadana.

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:D @LG. And there was me thinking you'd come up with some substance. Did you even read the article I so graciously linked ? You apparently didn't, cuz it demolishes ur ineffectual 'demonise-the-Resistance' campaign. In case you didn't get the memo, the Resistance does not need validation from Tigray/TFG apologists.


You speak of facts. Where are your facts, I wonder ? Mase are you mistaking Waxa-la-Yiri(My family said so) conjecture with facts. You seriously expect us to take your word or the word of your family over the word of Shaykh Robow ? Why should we ? Please do tell, I'm all ears.


Finally, just to show you the depth of ur newly-found bias, it was amusing watching you try to deny the Ethiopian massacre in the Al-Hidaaya mosque, especially after the massive international condemnation ranging from Amnesty International to the GCC.


But no, Layzie-Gurl said it didn't happen because(check this one out):"There was no proof. There was no evidence, it was probably committed by the Shabab themselves. And even if they didn't commit it, they were responsible for it. How ? I don;t know. All I know is I suddenly hate the Shabaab so they gotta be guilty of all-things-criminal. I have no facts, but at least I have my hatred of them and the wadaado. That should suffice. Plus my Eedo came back from the DC gathering of Dhabodhilifs and said that Cabdullahi Yusuf is kinda hot, so I think I'mma start supporting him now"


Boiled down to the basics, your 'argument' is no different than that of Man Friday: "When a member of the Tol-ka gets killed, furka aa tooraa, I will lose whatever shreds of rationality I had, go online, and vent, vent, vent, until I feel better. Then, I will lay all the world's evil at the feet of those baddie bad guys who offed my poor Tol-ka member. I will use hyperbolic and emotional rhetoric to damn those subhumanoid animals. Facts, reality, principles, and values all be-damned. I got me a Tol-ka member to defend and an enemy to demonise. Everything else is expendable to that end."



Absurdity like that doesn't even deserve a response, I'm just quoting it to show you how off-the-rocker you've become lately. Emotions can not form the basis of a position. Hadee aa sidaan ku sii socotid, we'll hear you accusing the Resistance of cannibalism and bestiality tomorrow.


Oh I forgot, they already practice that. My Eedo told me.


Some folks, yo, some folks. Never fail to become easy pickings of a parody :D

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

^Waligaa warar meesha yaalin aa keentaa.


Threadka waxa uu ku saabsan yahay ayaan ka hadleyne, Abuu geelka.

I am just combating the biggest myth being perputuated, which suggests that the resistance groups are guilty of the same crimes of the Abysnians and their likes. There is no comparison to be made between these groups( despite the many flaws of the cimamad group). And this is related to the thread......... since you seem to be advancing the discourse that says the I.C.U,etc are on par with the ABysnian occupiers, if not even worser, something which you still have not provided any evidence for........ other than speculation related to this mosque says..........

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^ Even the prophets had flaws. There was never a son of Adam or a daughter of Eve that didn't have flaws.


Those who expect the Resistance to wage a 'perfectionist' campaign of liberation are either naive idealists who need to get off their computer and see the world OR people that are practically gagging for a GOTCHA moment.


Let me make it easy for them: Mistakes have been made. Mistakes are being made. Mistakes will continue to be made.


Not good enough for you, Brother/Sister Intellectual Nitpicker ? Go jump off a bridge.


P.S: Constructive criticism is more than welcome, but playing the politics of smearing and baiting won't get u nothing but mockery and ridicule.

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I will use hyperbolic and emotional rhetoric to damn those subhumanoid animals.

LOL. Projecting much?

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Lol@Cara. Hey, when I do it, I do it within the bounds of a coherent cogent argument I'm pushing, and it's mostly satire. Dadkaan dhab bay ka tahay.

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