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President Rayaale Meets with EU, USA and Norway Delegation

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If we are talking about that women, she is worse than a spade. She is devil in the shape of a human. Just becuase she visited Somaliland won't make her an angel. BTW, since when did Ngonge become a moralist? Is it not you who think sacrificing oromos for the cause of recognition is right and acceptable, as long as it advances what you as "SL's interst'.


Like that Heeryo (who used to teach quraan to my uncle's children by day, but spends his nights in night clubs) kolba dhinac ha igaga imane, xageen kuugu soo hagaagaa?

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Do not mix your arguments, saaxib. Agreeing with Somaliland's decision to extradite someone it considers a threat to its security is NOT the same as needlessly referring to someone's race when judging their political positions.

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I have always believed that if someone has to kill me, I prefer to be killed by the kings not servants. A bantu peddling a white man's agenda is just like that for me. The contempt comes along with the resentment.

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I know I am firmly in your trap. I walked into it wilfully. Wanted to please you. :D:D


Waryaa islaanta candhada weyn we madoow naga daa oo, xageed marinyaysaa child abuse'kii, I mean CL xageed kala maraysaan. I haven't heard from her these days, and was worrying she may be in trouble.

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What is with the derogatory use of the racial/linguistic designation Bantu?


A&T, perhaps adigaa Caucasian ahe bal dadka xushmee and see to it you act a wee bit more mature then grade school level.

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kiiska ha iska waalin. Dad la caayeey majiro. I called a bantu a bantu? When you call Obama a black, is it derogatory? The fact that the women I talked about is bad and bantu doesn't mean all bantu's are bad.


But, I have seen many like you oo rabba inay u muuqdaan "fair and wide" by presenting themselves as Martin L.K at this age.


Speaking of caucasian, I am not. But I am not bantu too.

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