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Somaliland Telecommunication: Understanding the Regional Undersea Cable Systems

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Somaliland is leading the way in the Telecommunication sector in the region but the lack of reliable and affordable connectivity with the rest of the world is impeding its potential growth.


This is also denying fast Internet connections for the thriving businesses, government departments and academic institutions which are at the heart of future developments of this

country and its people.


This brief report has been developed to demystify the undersea cable systems in operation in the region and how Somaliland can benefit by establishing affordable and long term connectivity with the international networks.


It also highlights the challenges ahead that the new Somaliland government will need to tackle head on and the opportunities that will need to be capitalised for the benefit of the country as a whole.


PDF: FULL REPORT – click here



Source: Small Globe Solutions

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In Somalia's main pirate lair of Haradheere, the sea gangs have set up a cooperative to fund their hijackings offshore, a sort of stock exchange meets criminal syndicate. Heavily armed pirates from the lawless Horn of Africa nation have terrorized shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean and strategic Gulf of Aden, which links Europe to Asia through the Red Sea.

The gangs have made tens of millions of dollars from ransoms and a deployment by foreign navies in the area has only appeared to drive the attackers to hunt further from shore. It is a lucrative business that has drawn financiers from the Somali diaspora and other nations -- and now the gangs in Haradheere have set up an exchange to manage their investments. One wealthy former pirate named Mohammed took Reuters around the small facility and said it had proved to be an important way for the pirates to win support from the local community for their operations, despite the dangers involved. "Four months ago, during the monsoon rains, we decided to set up this stock exchange. We started with 15 'maritime companies' and now we are hosting 72. Ten of them have so far been successful at hijacking," Mohammed said. "The shares are open to all and everybody can take part, whether personally at sea or on land by providing cash, weapons or useful materials ... we've made piracy a community activity."


Daniel Wallis,

Somali sea gangs lure investors at pirate lair, Reuters, Dec. 1, 2009.


web page



-- dee waa run ee baro !

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So basicly Somaliland opted for a connection through Djibouti which will be operated by a subsidary of Djibouti Telcom. And there was another option for direct connection to the Seacble through Berbera with Dalkom Somalia(a Koonfurian company)?


So why choose Djibouti, if you can have your own direct connection?

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Dalkom Somalia


Dalkom was first established for securing a landing station for Somalia. It is owned and

operated by a single person, with backup investments from business entrepreneurs from

Somalia. The founder has also the support of the support of the Somali Transitional Federal

Government. But due to the instability in Somalia, a landing station has not been possible in

Mogadishu so instead the owner has been forced to seek alternative options in Somaliland

but faced with stiff resistance from the Somaliland public. As things stand at the moment, the

company’s main interest is to use this regional development funding to promote the interests

of the TFG government.

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I smell bovine stool(bullshit).


Dalkom wants to set-up a landing station in Somaliland. Which would benefit the Somaliland and wider Somalia consumers, guarantee access and maintain operations within Somaliland. And not Djibouti. Now Djiboui can switch off our internet all other telcommunications. And this creates a monopoly for Djibouti Telcom.


But due to tribal affiliations the previous goverment has chosen for Djibouti Telecom subsidary. I read somewhere that many previous Goverment officials and advisors have advised the current govermen to re-evaluate the decision and to choose Dalkom.


ridiculous. Are we a nation of a tribe. Some people really have to make up their minds.

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Spare your Somaliweyn nacnac for a moment adeer ....


Somcable is Somaliland company owned by Somalilanders and no they are not based in Djibouti.

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It doesnt matter who owns a private company, its always private and they want to earn some $$. What matters is, where is the landing station going to be based? Cause that will decide which goverment controls the switch for internet, telephone, tv, etc.


Choice is between:


Dalkom --- Berbera


Somcable ---Djibouti


Logicly you would choose Berbera if you are from Somaliland. But they choose Djibouti, why?


P.S. What Somaliweyn nacnac? Do you want to control things in out own hand or let Djibouti decide?

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You're talking about Djibouti switching off the service, how about Alshabab taking over the system ?? :D



However it is worth noting that Somaliland is blessed with its geographical position with

numerous international cables going past its doorstep in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Coupled with its close proximity with landlocked Ethiopia this places the country in a key

strategic position to seek its own landing stations at the port of Berbera. Having sufficient

cable landings at Somaliland’s coastal towns will enable the local economy to increase

network coverage and lease out any surplus cable facilities to neighbouring countries.

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Thanks to the openness of the private telecom market Somaliland is already leading the

advanced telecommunication services in the region. Because of its geographical position it

can seek to become an economic tiger where business entrepreneurs thrive and foreign

investors are attracted. However there are enormous challenges ahead for the new

government and telecommunication will inevitably take the priority as it is deemed to be the

only sector that can create huge opportunities for the whole country.

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Al-Shabaab cant take over the system, unless they take over Berbera and the Indian Ocean.


1. Shirkadda DALKOM Somaliland waxay Cable-ka si toos ah uga soo jiidaysaa Cabla-ka EASSY ee mara Biyaha Caalamiga ah ee Badda Cas, taasoo si toos ah ugu xidhaysa Isgaadhsiinta Somaliland mida Caalmiga ah (International Submarine Cable Systems) iyadoon dal kale soo marineyn xadhiga Cable-ka, halka Shirkadda SOMCABLE ay qorsheyneyso inay keento isgaadhsiin ku xidhan xaga bariga ama badda Shirkadda Djibouti TELCOM ee waddanka Djibouti.

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What if those Djibouti ninnies and their French nannies close the switch on you, just like they close their borders all the time.


Even if Dalkom is influenced by TFG, you posses the landing station. So they cant do anything.


Try to look past your tribal reflexes.

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Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Digreeto Ugu Meel Mariyay Shirkada Somcable, Keenista Kaybalada Bada Hoos Mara


Hargeysa (HWN) Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Mud. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa caawa si rasmi ah shirkada Somcable ugu ogolaaday in ay dalka keento kaybalka bada hoos mara kaas oo uu madaxweynihii hore Daahir Rayaale Kaahin saxeexay.


Sidaasna waxa lagu sheegay warsaxaafadeed kooban oo uu saxeexnaa afhayeenka madaxtooyada Somaliland Mud. C/laahi Maxamed Daahir (Cukuse).


Warsaxaafadeedkaas oo uu nuqul ka mid ahi soo gaadhay xafiiska wararka ee Shabakada caalamiga ah ee Hadhwanaagnews ayaa waxa uu u dhignaa sidan:




Madaxweynaha JSL Mudane: Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa soo saaray Digreeto uu ku ogolaanayo Dhaqangelinta Qoraalka uu madaxwaynihii hore Ruqsada keenista Kaybalka Bada Mara ku siiyey Shirkada Somcable Ka dib:


Markuu Arkay Codsiga uu soo qoray M,aamulaha Shirkada Somcable ee ku taariikhaysan




Markuu arkay Warqada Ogolaanshiiyaha ee ka soo baxday xafiiska Madaxwaynha 15-08-2010 ee ku saabsanayd Ruqsada kaybalka bada mara ( Submarine Cable ) ee ay bixisay Wasaarada Boosaha iyo Isgaadhsiinta oo la bixiyey 07- November 2009.


Markuu arkay Jiwanka Cashuur qabashada (Voucher 066606) ee wasaarada boosaha iyo isgaadhsiinta.


Markuu arkay: Shahaadada (Certification ) ogolaansha dhigista iyo dhisida kaalinta laga isticmaalayo Submarine Cable.


Markuu arkay Muhiimada Dhaqaale iyo huru-marineed ee uu wadanka u leeyahay xadhiga badda mara ee Fiber Optic Cable-ku


Madaxwaynuhu waxa uu ogolaaday Dhaqangelinta qoraalka hore uga soo baxay xafiiska


madaxwaynaha JSL ee lagu siiyey ogolaanshaha shirkada Somcable Ruqsada keenista Kaybalka Badda mara (Submarine Cable) taas oo ku salaysan Xeerarka Dalka iyada oo loo raacayo Dastuurka iyo Xeerarka ka Farcama.

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Madaxwayne Siilaanyo oo laalay Ruqsadii Shirkadda DALKOM Somaliya



Hargeysa (Waaheen ) Qoraal ka soo baxay Madaxtooyada Somaliland 2282010 Nuqul ka mid ahana ay aragay Waaheen ayaa Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilanyo ku cadeeyay inaanay Shirkada DALKOM Somaliya haysan wax ruqsad ah inay kaga Baayac Mushtarayso Isgaadhsiinta Somaliland.


Waxa uu Madaxwaynuhu u Cuskaday Go’aankiisii Dhawr arrimood o ay ka mid tahay in Shirkadaas ay markii hore Ruqsad ka qaadatay Wasiir ku Xigeenkii hore ee Wasaarada Boosta iyo Isgaadhsiinta, hase yeeshee Ruqsadaas oo ku eekayd hal Sano ay dhacday iyo sidoo kale in Madaxwaynahii hore ee Jamhuuriyada Somaliland iyo Wasiirkii hore ee Isgaadhsiintuba ay iyaguna Ruqsadaa laa’leen.


DALKOM Somaliya oo ah Shirkad laga leeyahay Somaliya Ruqsadna ka haysata Dawlada Somaliya ee Sheekh Shariif inay keento Somaliya Xadhiga Isgaadhsiinta ee Bada hoos mara ayaa baryahanba tartan ugu jirtay sidii Berbera ay u soo dhigi lahaayeen Khadkaasi.


DALKOM Somaliya markii hore waxay go’aansatay inay khadkaa dhigaan Muqdisho hasayeeshee markii ay suuro gal noqon wayday ayay ula soo wareegtay Berbera iyada oo isticmaalaysa Ganacsadayaal Reer Somaliland ah oo ay isku xidhnaayeen.


Saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaarada Boosta iyo Isgaadhsiintu waxay u sheegeen Waaheen inay Hore DALKOM Somaliya iskaga hor taageen Jamhuuriyada Somaliland inay ka qayb qataan Shirarkii lagu curinayay Khadka EASSY ee ay imika rabaan inay soo dhigaan Berbera.


Waxa iyana Tartan ugu jirtay soo dhigista Xadhiga bada Shirkad kale oo laga leeyahay Jamhuuriyada Somaliland SOMCABLE oo hore Ruqsad uga haysatay Xukuumadii Rayaale imikana ku hawlan sidii loo hir galin lahaa Mashruucaa Muhiimkaa.


Inkasta oo Masuuliyiin Reer Somaliland ahi oo ay ka mid yihiin Gudoomiya Ku Xigeenka Xisbiga UCID iyo Xildhibaano ku doodeen inaan Shirkad kaliya loo xidhin Khadka Isgaadhsiinta (Minopoly), waxa Ganacsi ahaan iyo Siyaasad ahaanba aan suuro gal ahayn in khadka Isgaadhsiintu Qaybsami karo iyadoo aduunka oo dhan CABLE’lada Dalka meel kaliya laga wada maamuulo.


Dhinaca kalena waxa fikir ka duwan ka ay ku doodayaan Gudoomiye ku Xigeenka UCID iyo Xildhibaanada kale ka soo jeediyay arrintan Xildhibaan Cali Barre waxaanu isagoo faahfaahin ka bixinaya yidhi: “sida ay aniga iila muuqato horta Somaliland sharciga iyo Dastuurka u yaala wuxuu sheegayaa in Suuqa Ganacsigu xor yahay, laakiin xornimada Ganacsigu sida ay dadku u dhigayaan anigu fikir kale ayaan ka qabaa, Mabaadii’da ganacsigu way faro badan tahay ee maaha xornimadu haddii qof soo helo ganacsi dalka uu wax uga faa’idaynayo in lagu qabsado, oo ku qabso ku qadimayside ay inagu socoto.


anigu fikirkaasi ma qabo, ganacsiga xorta ahi waxa weeyi in qof kasta oo awoodi kara ganacsina dalka ka sammaysan kara inuu caalamka intuu tago ninba wixii uu soo kordhin karayo dalka keeno, oo ummada uga, balse inay dad halkan iska yuurura oo sida ay iskaga fadhiyaan maalinta uu nin adduunyada wax ka soo helo in ninkii lagu qabsado oo la yidhaahdo Kooto ayaa loo siinayaa anigu fikirkaa ma qabo.


Maxamed Aw Siciid-na isaga ayay ruqsada siisay Dowladii hore, Somaliland-na abaal wayn ayuu ku leeyahay Xaaji Maxamed Aw Siciid, Dowladan cusub ee dhalatayna abaal gaar ah ayuu ku leeyahay oo UDUB may dhacdeen haddii aanu Maxamed Aw Siciid KULMIYE taageerin.


Markaasi anigu waxaan ku talin lahaa in aan Dowladda cusub ee Xisbiga KULMIYE ee Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo haatan Madaxda ka yahay, oo ah nin wayn oo Siyaasiya ah oo doonaya inuu wax qabto markaasi anigu waxaan kula talin lahaa in aan ninkaas Odayga ah ee X. Maxamed Aw Siciid in aan laga abaal-ka-dhicin oo dadka ku qab-qabsanaya aan la bar-bar eryin oo Odayga loo daayo wixii loo saxeexay, ciddii wax kale keenaysaa nidaam kale oo ganacsi wuu badan yahee wax kale dalka ha keenaan.”.

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The Zack   

I guess it doesn't matter what channel they use as long they get the darn high speed internet access.


I don't see why this thread would be in the politics section.

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