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Another Xabashi servant bites the dust........booyaaaaah

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Salaams all,


In a serious time-crunch, will respond to all posts/discussions in the other threads(very promising and fruitful) on the weekend inshallah.


But I wanted to quickly share with you some grrrrreaaaat news(cchhhhhyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaah): the baqtification of a major Xabashi servant, namely: Colonel Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf of the Puntland Intelligence Service(acronym: PISS)


Kooxo dablay hubaysan ayaa xalay bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso ku dilay sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Sirdoonka Puntland xilli uu ku sugnaa Hotel Guuleed oo ahayd goobtii uu ka daganaa Magaalada Boosaaso

Read on...


Faroole and the rest of the Ethiopian Protectorate of Piss-Land are prolly shiverin' in their panties, wondering: Will I be next ? Will I be next ?


This is the fate that awaits every *****-made Xabashi servant what prostitutes himself for the Antarnashanal Kamoonity.


Thought you could just hand over innocent Somalis to the Ethiopia and everything would be straight chillin', nigga ?


Thought you could just torture wadaads for the heck of it and keep it crunk, nigga ?


Thought you could be all "Whaazzzzaaaaaaap" to Ethiopian military officers, host them, feed them, let them 'borrow' ur females, and pay no price for that infamy ?


Well, Mudane Colonel, I must inform you with a joyous and grateful heart, that you, good sir, have been officially baqtified. You're dead. Azz out. No more 'sharing bilateral intellegince resources' with the Tigray dictatorship. No more ridin' round Bosaaso in SUVs acting like a tough guy. No more fornication with Xabashi call girls in the hotels of Addis Abba. No, abti. Right about now, ur suckin' on dust. Sittin' there all gape-mouthed and terrified as the Angels of Death, Munkar and Nakiir, question you: Why hast thou murdered ? Whomsoever gave ye license to take innocent life, ye dastardly scoundrel ? Why hast thou helped the Tigray Kaafirs over thy Muslim brethren ? Dost thou not know that aiding and abetting a crime is equivalent to committing it ? Hast thou not recieved divine guidance of the Almighty Lord in the form of a Kitaab'un yutlaa ilaa qiyaam As'Saaca ? Dost it not state in that Holy Book: Do not make the Jews and the Crisitan your "Awliyaa"(protectors and guardians). Why then, ye knave soul, hast tho rejected the message of Islam and become a lowly vassal of a Kaafir dictatorship, whilst thy Lord hath created you a Free Man ?


May you get from Allah what you so richly, so dearly deserve: A seat in Hell-Fire.


Allahuma Ameen.


Where are the peaceniks ? Where are the Yusufite d.h.a.b.o.d.h.i.l.f.s ? Where are the ilbax civilised welfare-guzzling 'civil society' ?


Come on guys, don't disappoint me. Let it out. Say it loud, say it proud, chorus, one time now.: " Sacre Bleau, Ziis is Barbaric, Ziis is not Islam, Ziis is not za ruules of waar...Tolaay Ba'aay Ho'gaay


Hah! Choke on it. Ciil, caro, iyo cuqdad, la dhimo. smile.gif


Oh, and you might find this quite interesting. Shows you how 'civilised' people deal with scum of the earth like Maxamed Saciid Jaqanaf.

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The "Sirdoonka' in the Puntland and Somaliland are on Uncle Sam's payroll.These men are all over the place. Anyway, it is another Somali dead at the end of the day. It is actually kind of sad in overall scheme of things, but I guess everybody choose their faith.

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Waxaan maqli jiray habar fadhida lagdan la fududaa.


Here we have Kashafa, in an air-conditioned Western dwelling with good heating system. Nearby is a well stacked fridge, a warm bed at night, and good car to drive in the morning. Yet the same man advocates for war, misery, and destruction for people in a faraway hellhole. I don't get it and I don't see a single purpose you serve Kashafa. But always remember habar fadhida lagdan la fududaa mujaahidoow.

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:D ^^ We'll get to the 'misery, war, and destruction' part later. I'm just wondering what ur views are on Maxamad Saciid Jaqanaf reaping the bitter fruits he so happily and willingly sowed.


Was it wrong to baqtify him ? Was it right ? Was it 'neutral' ?

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Awoowe, I have a bigger reaction to you calling the land Pissland then the death of that individual. The maamul in that area was cultivated by its people who yearned for semi-governance in a anarchic and volatile situation. Since the inception of that maamul, that region has moved past Somalis in all facets of development. Calling a land borne about the hunger of a civilian population pissland is one of the most demeaning and disrespecting things you could possibly do. Can you have the opinion the maamul has been hijacked, yes that's an opinion you can have. But categorically insulting wide-ranging group of Somalia and calling it Ethiopian protectorate of pissland is downright disrespect and serves no purpose but labels you as victim of Somalia's civil war clan ills, with an Islamic garb of course.

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So besides being a warmongerin' anarchist, I'm also a clannist ? :D Anything else ?


The term Piss-land refers to the Ethiopian Protectorate that named itself Puntland. As a Somali-Muslim, I do not recognise any 'land' and will make fun of, insult, demean, and ridicule it, as I see fit.


But I like the clever way you're hijacking the topic, turning it into one of ur "you hate me" threads, lol. Smart tactic for somebody who can't reason his way out of Hiiraale's donkey.


Last chance: What are your views on the baqtification of the Piss-land intelligence officer ?

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^ Third strike, you're out. In the future, try borrowing a backbone so that you'll be able to answer a tough question when it's directed towards you.


Kinda hard to debate with someone who is constantly dodging and ducking, always wielding the "you hate me" card. Dadka adiga oo kale ha uu malaynin, abti. Some of us have been blessed to never feel xamiyatul jaahiliyah in our hearts. Some of us don't think in terms of "Anaka vs Ayaka".


I am sure you cannot say the same.

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Where did it say that Jaqanaf was killed? You should read the article you posted ya shabaab Kashafa. Read below:


Taliye ku Xigeenka Ciidanka Poliska DGPL Maxamed Siciid Jaqanaf oo aan ku booqday xafiiskiisa ayaa ka gaabsaday in faahfaahin uu ka bixiyo dilka xalay loo gaysay sarkaalkaasi. Marxuumka dhintay oo magaciisa ay kusoo gaabiyeen dad isaga ku dhaw dhaw Guuleed ayaa ahaa taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka Sirdoonka Puntland ee magaalada Garowe.

The diseased is not Jaqanaf, will that make you less excited?

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Ms DD   

i have almost called his brother inaan u tacsideeyo at 11pm tonight, then i read da article. For da record, da bloke doesnt have to do anything with PIS. Wax hubso kashafa. Dont be seeflabood.

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Smart tactic for somebody who can't reason his way out of Hiiraale's donkey.

Horn aaba iska dhintay, oo mar walbo uu afka qaado uu hadli maago, Barre Hiraale aa wajiga looga dharbaaxa sida pimpka uu gabdhahiisa u dharbaaxo.

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